How to change or influence which family group a child evolves into on the V4?


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Oct 30, 2019
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So, now that I've finally solved my problem on the V4.5...I'm having the exact same problem on the V4 :p  For thirteen generations now on my pink stripe V4, I've gotten almost nothing but Meme family teens and I'm just about sick of it (I got lucky once and got Young Kuchipatchi and another time got Obotchi). And I'm wondering if anyone has any tips on how to influence which teen the child evolves into?

Specifically, MizuTamatchi. I know it's able to evolve into a Kuchi family teen, but I've gotten it eleven times now and only ever had it evolve into Meme family teens (excluding Universals; even then it was only once). What influences whether it evolves into a Meme family teen or a Kuchi family teen? I've tried average care, that doesn't work. I've tried high kind/social skill points, that doesn't work. I've tried marrying a Meme family adult to a Kuchi family adult, AND vice-versa, and that doesn't work either.

I'm also wondering how MohiTamatchi evolves into Oniontchi and Nikatchi. I haven't tried average or poor care yet, because I'm too worried I'll just end up with HinoTamatchi or :ichigotchi: the hundredth time in a row. For me, it always evolves into Young Kuchipatchi or Young Dorotchi with absolutely PERFECT care, and HinoTamatchi or Ichigotchi if the happy meter drops to one heart even ONCE, or if it empties from getting a nasty letter, using an item that lowers happy hearts, or giving it a time-out  :rolleyes:

If anyone who has more knowledge about the V4's evolution than I do would be willing to share any tips to help with my situation and answer my questions, that would be great :)

You're doing everything that's normally recommended when it comes to V4 families (proper marriage partner, kindness points, different levels of care, etc.), so I'm having a hard time figuring out why you're cursed with Meme genes... You said at one point you had a universal teen, what did they become? Did they evolve into a Universal or Meme adult? Did you raise their kindness points much? I've heard that with excellent care, Universal teens can fall into any of the adult categories (although, I have no real proof of this). 

If you want to try the Universal route, you have a couple of different options. 1) Raise your next generation into a Universal teen and try to get a Kuchi adult through excellent care and high kindness points. 2) Raise you current generation into most likely a Meme adult and marry a Universal character (to try and scramble the genes a bit). 3) Raise your next generation as a Universal character and marry them to a Universal character (just throw a whole Mario Kart mystery box into your gene pool  :p ).

The Kuchi genes are actually pretty difficult to obtain on the V4, so don't get discouraged! If none of the above methods end up working (or you're worried about Universal genes taking over your gene pool), you could always try to get some Mame family genes. It would be good for some variety and possibly getting Kuchi genes in the long run. Mame genes aren't as prevalent as Meme genes, so maybe marrying a Kuchi family character to your Mame character would work better?

As for the evolution patterns of Mohitamatchi, I'm pretty sure it evolves into Oniontchi and Nikatchi with average to bad care. Similar to you, I've never tried going for these teens because I'm worried about ruining my chances for a Kuchi family adult. :(  The only reason I assume you raise them with average or poor care is because that's how you get them on other versions. :D

The universal teen, who was an Obotchi, evolved into Debatchi. Which I was quite baffled about, because the skill points were not low at all and I took perfect care of him; as for the amount of skill points, he had 34 intellectual, 65 style, and 64 kindness. I married him to a Pyonchitchi on my purple true friends V2, but I just ended up with another Meme family teen :p

Also, as for Universal teens, I'm pretty much certain they can evolve into any adult; in one instance, I had an Obotchi whom I raised his kindness skill substantially and he evolved into Kuchipatchi. But I think that, even with good care and high overall skill points, they still have a chance of evolving into a Universal adult, because that's happened to me more than once.

I'd say, for the most part, I've been pretty lucky at avoiding the Meme family on my black spark V4, but I've pretty much been cursed on my pink stripe V4. I currently have an Ichigotchi who should evolve into Violetchi tomorrow, so maybe I'll try having her marry a Mame family adult instead of a Kuchi family adult. If the child evolves into MohiTamatchi (I've gotten it from just about any combination of parents), I'll try poor care to see if I end up with Oniontchi or Nikatchi. If it evolves into Puchitchi, I'll try perfect care to get a Mame family teen. If I get MizuTamatchi, I'm not sure how I'll raise it. It's said that MizuTamatchi evolves into the Kuchi family, and Harutchi evolves into the Meme family, depending on its family history, but I'm not sure that's true 😕 Even if it is, it's definitely not true of Puchitchi or MohiTamatchi.

Anyway... Thanks for your suggestions, I'll try them out as soon as I can :)

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I married him to a Pyonchitchi on my purple true friends V2, but I just ended up with another Meme family teen :p
Marriage through connection was also something I was considering, so I'm surprised to see it had no effect! Those Meme genes are very prevalent to say the least...

If the child evolves into MohiTamatchi (I've gotten it from just about any combination of parents), I'll try poor care to see if I end up with Oniontchi or Nikatchi.
Definitely try this next time you get a Mohitamatchi! Different types of care is usually the key to different characters on other versions, so I'd be interested to see if it will affect the V4. I never thought that care played a role on the V4, accept for when it came to the Universal characters. So I always thought as long as I don't let their hearts drop completely, then I wouldn't have to worry about what they would evolve into. :rolleyes:

It's said that MizuTamatchi evolves into the Kuchi family, and Harutchi evolves into the Meme family, depending on its family history, but I'm not sure that's true 😕 Even if it is, it's definitely not true of Puchitchi or MohiTamatchi.
People have always seemed to say that Mizutamatchi can evolve into the Kuchi family, but I have yet to see that in action. From my experience, Mizutamatchi is almost exclusively Meme family, maybe Mame family if you're really lucky. As far as I can tell with these toddlers, the Meme family is a potential for all four, but is supposedly lower for Harutchi and Mohitamatchi. That's why I'm interested to see if poor care works for Mohitamatchi. Also, I wonder if taking poor care of Harutchi is what changes him into the Meme family because Mame families are always the result of perfect care on other versions...🤔 

Anyway, I'm excited to see what you find out! (And maybe a little inspired to start using my V4 again... :D )

People have always seemed to say that Mizutamatchi can evolve into the Kuchi family, but I have yet to see that in action. From my experience, Mizutamatchi is almost exclusively Meme family, maybe Mame family if you're really lucky.
It's actually been proven by several people that MizuTamatchi has a very small chance of evolving into the Kuchi family and no chance of evolving into the Mame family. I have no idea what the requirements are, though, as like I said before, I've never seen it for myself, either.

What I'm going to try next to see if it works is this: I currently have a Mametchi on my black spark V4 and an Ura Violetchi on my chocolate argyle V4.5 and I'm planning on mating them with each other very soon. The Mametchi's parent was a Marotchi, the grandparent was a Kuchipatchi, and the great-grandparent was a ShimaShimatchi. Every one of the Ura Violetchi's descendants in the family history book are from the Ura Kuchi family; specifically her parent was a Shitekitchi, her grandparent was an Ura Yattatchi, and her great-grandparent was a Tougyutchi. I wonder if that increases MizuTamatchi's likeliness to evolve into the Kuchi family? Probably not, but you never know...

Anyway...just something I've been thinking about and felt like posting :D  I'll post again as soon as I have any updates to report :lol:

Well that didn't work. The resulting MizuTamatchi evolved into Gourmetchi. I pressed the reset button before the animation could finish... but I instantly regretted it, because he evolved an hour after he was supposed to, and just my luck... this time he evolved into HinoTamatchi 😠 And nothing happened when I pressed the reset button that time... To anyone who has ever obtained a Kuchi family teen from MizuTamatchi, do you remember exactly how you cared for it and what its ancestors were, and maybe its skill points as well? Even if you don't, that's fine. It's still somewhat reassuring to know it's possible.

All I can hope for now is to get a MohiTamatchi next generation and either take perfect or below average care of it. I had the Violetchi I previously mentioned mate with a Butterflytchi on my pink TF V2, which hopefully will result in getting a MohiTamatchi. It's astonishing how many times I've obtained Puchitchi, and how many times I've had a MohiTamatchi evolve into HinoTamatchi or Ichigotchi based on ONE TINY MISTAKE that wasn't even my fault :rolleyes:

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The resulting MizuTamatchi evolved into Gourmetchi. I pressed the reset button before the animation could finish... but I instantly regretted it, because he evolved an hour after he was supposed to, and just my luck... this time he evolved into HinoTamatchi 😠
That's interesting that he evolved into a different teen once the reset happened, but that teen was from the same family. Did you make any care mistakes in that hour before he evolved again? If not, toddler to teen evolution may be a bit more random than I was expecting, but unfortunately not random enough to change families.

On another note, I also decided to start running my V4 so I could help with the testing. ^_^  His mother was a Makiko and he's evolved into a Puchitchi, so it looks like I'm already on track for another Meme adult. I'm thinking of raising him with high intelligence points and marrying him to a Mame adult. That way I can try to break the Meme family chain before trying for Kuchi genes.

I also just want to correct my mistake here:

People have always seemed to say that Mizutamatchi can evolve into the Kuchi family, but I have yet to see that in action. From my experience, Mizutamatchi is almost exclusively Meme family, maybe Mame family if you're really lucky.
I got Mizutamatchi and Puchitchi's evolution patterns mixed up. :p  Mizutamatchi has no chance of evolving into the Mame family, so I can see why this statement was confusing.

Anyway, good luck on getting a Mohitamatchi! :D

That's interesting that he evolved into a different teen once the reset happened, but that teen was from the same family. Did you make any care mistakes in that hour before he evolved again? If not, toddler to teen evolution may be a bit more random than I was expecting, but unfortunately not random enough to change families.
Nope, no care mistakes between that; he only had one care mistake from the day before. I was pretty upset about that.

On another note, I also decided to start running my V4 so I could help with the testing. ^_^  His mother was a Makiko and he's evolved into a Puchitchi, so it looks like I'm already on track for another Meme adult. I'm thinking of raising him with high intelligence points and marrying him to a Mame adult. That way I can try to break the Meme family chain before trying for Kuchi genes
For me, Puchitchi always evolves into the Mame family with perfect care (but, for some reason, never into Young Mametchi or Young Mimitchi) and always evolves into the Meme family with anything else. Likewise with MohiTamatchi, but the Kuchi family instead of Mame.

I've gotten every child except Harutchi from marrying a Meme family adult to a Mame family adult, so you may get lucky and get Young Kuchipatchi or Young Dorotchi :)  I don't think skill points influence which family group the child evolves into, contrary to common belief.

I also just want to correct my mistake here:

I got Mizutamatchi and Puchitchi's evolution patterns mixed up. :p  Mizutamatchi has no chance of evolving into the Mame family, so I can see why this statement was confusing.
Ah, okay then.

Anyway, I have an update...

Welp, the HinoTamatchi already died... I was at my grandparents' house and my cousins were making quite a racket, so I didn't hear the beep. Oh well, I was only really upset because I had woken up really early the day before to start raising him (and now it feels like that hour spent half-asleep was wasted :angry: ). I hatched a new egg and he evolved into MizuTamatchi. I've already decided to raise him into a Togetchi; I already know I'm not going to get a Kuchi family teen  :p  I wonder, though, if MizuTamatchi's chances of evolving into the Kuchi family are higher on the first generation?  :huh:

For me, Puchitchi always evolves into the Mame family with perfect care (but, for some reason, never into Young Mametchi or Young Mimitchi) and always evolves into the Meme family with anything else.
I've very rarely had my Puchitchis evolve into Mame family teens, but like you, I don't believe I've ever had them evolve into Young Mametchi/Mimitchi (at least not within my memory). However, I do find that Harutchi easily evolves into them. It seems that each toddler's most likely family is how you get the best care teen from that family.



This is kind of the best way for me to illustrate my point. In my theory, Harutchi will evolve into the Mame family with Perfect or great care, but he can evolve into the Meme family with lesser care. Puchitchi will evolve into the Meme family with great or lesser care, but perfect care may result in the Mame family. Mizutamatchi will evolve into the Meme family with perfect to average care, but may evolve into the Kuchi family with lesser care. Finally, Mohitamatchi will evolve into the Kuchi family with great or lesser care, but perfect care may result in the Meme family. So, Harutchi can evolve into the perfect care Mame teens, Puchitchi and Mizutamatchi can evolve into the perfect care Meme teens, and Mohitamatchi can evolve into the perfect care Kuchi teens. (This is what I mean when I say, "each toddler's most likely family".) However, this isn't taking parent genetics into account, so I might be a bit off target. Again, this is all one big theory and I have no clue if this is actually how it works.

I wonder, though, if MizuTamatchi's chances of evolving into the Kuchi family are higher on the first generation?  :huh:
Maybe because it wouldn't have all that genetic baggage weighing it down which is what I believe prevents different levels of care from being as effective on this version. Definitely something to keep an eye out for. ;)

Finally, Mohitamatchi will evolve into the Kuchi family with great or lesser care, but perfect care may result in the Meme family.
That's actually the reverse of my experience; I've only obtained Kuchi family teens from MohiTamatchi with perfect care, and only obtained HinoTamatchi or Ichigotchi,  the "bad care" Meme family teens, with barely less than perfect care (I just realised I've already said that two or three times now... whoops  :eek: ). Of course, I haven't tried anything worse than very good, but not perfect, care. Happy hearts (not sure about hungry hearts) dropping too low or emptying seems to count as a partial care mistake, which may explain why I always get the "bad care" teens from any child (except Puchitchi) when this happens :p

Anyway, it's an interesting theory that Harutchi and MizuTamatchi may change family groups with poor care. I'll have to try it next time to see if it works.

Maybe because it wouldn't have all that genetic baggage weighing it down which is what I believe prevents different levels of care from being as effective on this version. Definitely something to keep an eye out for. ;)
Hopefully. But when a Tama dies, the Parent section of the Family History book is left unaltered, so I'm not sure. I'm not even sure if the family group the ancestors are from affects anything, to be honest, because level of care seems to be all that influences Puchitchi and MohiTamatchi's growth. Like you said, though, it's definitely something to keep an eye out for.

Thanks for your suggestions, I'll definitely keep them in mind :)

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That's actually the reverse of my experience; I've only obtained Kuchi family teens from MohiTamatchi with perfect care, and never the Meme family teens from it (I just realised I've already said that two or three times now... whoops  :eek: ). Of course, I haven't tried anything worse than very good, but not perfect, care. Happy hearts (not sure about hungry hearts) dropping too low or emptying seems to count as a partial care mistake, which may explain why I always get the "bad care" teens from any child (except Puchitchi) when this happens :p
It's actually been a very long time since I've raised any Kuchi family characters or even a Mohitamatchi on my V4 (we're talking years here), but I remember Mohitamatchi growing into a Kuchi teen fairly consistently. I would often get Universal teens from him as well though, but that's because I was younger back then and wasn't the best when it came to Tama care. :p Perhaps it would be better to say he evolves into the Kuchi family with Perfect to great/good care, but anything less will result in the Meme family? Honestly they made it fairly difficult to raise anything but the Meme family (you can see on the growth chart that all of the toddlers have ties to the Meme family).

From my experience with Tama care, the dropping of hearts definitely count towards "poor" care. Like on the P1/P2, you would lose your chance to get Mametchi/Mimitchi if the hearts dropped by more than one. Not even fully emptying the stats, just losing two hearts. The connection era is much less strict with these kinds of rules, but it definitely still applies. Training may also play a role in which character you get, so try not to miss too many of them.

But when a Tama dies, the Parent section of the Family History book is left unaltered, so I'm not sure. I'm not even sure if the family group the ancestors are from affects anything, to be honest, because level of care seems to be all that influences Puchitchi and MohiTamatchi's growth. Like you said, though, it's definitely something to keep an eye out for.
Genetics has always been one of the more popular theories when it comes to V4 families, but it is still just a theory. I don't think I've seen any definitive evidence that parent genetics actually play a role in what the Tama evolves into. I think the theory arises from the fact that the V4 was the first Tama to introduce different paths of evolution based off of different family classes. So, I don't think it's too much of a stretch for genetics to be a mechanic, but I think it might have less of an affect than everyone says it does. :p  Nonetheless, it's good to continue trying the genetics method because it's the closest we've gotten to understanding V4 growth patterns.

We've got a Mame teen everyone! Ame evolved into a young Androidtchi. :wacko:  Interestingly enough, he did not evolve into young Mametchi, which seems to fit the current theory about the "most likely family" evolution patterns. I'm going to aim for Mametchi so I can have the most Mame character possible before I marry him to a Kuchi family wife. :wub:  Even if I don't get a Kuchi child next generation, I will hopefully eliminate any trace of Meme genes in my V4's bloodline. 

I'll update when he marries!

That's great news! And I know from experience that Puchitchi definitely never evolves into Young Mametchi or Young Mimitchi, even with perfect care. Good luck on getting a Kuchi family teen! Hopefully both of us can obtain one soon. Like you've said before, Mame family genes are not as strong as Meme family genes, so the offspring of Mame + Kuchi is more likely to evolve into the Kuchi family; marrying a Meme adult to a Kuchi adult usually just ends up with MizuTamatchi, and having a Kuchi adult as a parent does not increase its chances of evolving into the Kuchi family.

Also, a mini-update; the MizuTamatchi I aforementioned has evolved into Gourmetchi. And a bigger update, I'm going to start up a log of my own very soon :)  (I've actually been keeping a Tama log on my computer since September, maybe I'll post some interesting bits from that one sometime)

And a bigger update, I'm going to start up a log of my own very soon :)  (I've actually been keeping a Tama log on my computer since September, maybe I'll post some interesting bits from that one sometime)
I can't wait to see it! Tama logs are always really fun to read and write, so I'm glad to see that you're joining in. :D


So, I just wanted to make an edit to this post because I've found some more info. I had remembered seeing a graph years and years ago showing the toddler to teen evolution chances. It took some digging, but I found it:

The original post: 

Now obviously it's not perfect (for example, we know that Harutchi has a small chance of becoming a Meme teen), but it seems pretty on par with our experiences. It also makes me wonder if toddler evolutions are more random than care-based? And the percentages change depending on which toddler you have. So Puchitchi has nearly a 50% chance of become either Mame or Meme, while Harutchi has more of a ~80% chance to become Mame and a ~20% chance to become Meme? It's definitely another working theory.

Also, I remembered that I've been keeping record of my Tamagotchi's evolutions in a small art book since December 2017. I've apparently only raised 7 generations on my V4 (including Ame) since then, but I thought I'd document my findings. So out of those 7 generations, three have been Puchitchis. Two of those Puchitchis became Mame adults (or at least I'm hoping Ame does  :p ) and one became a Meme adult. The remaining four where all Mizutamatchis and all of them became Meme adults. (I haven't had any Harutchis or Mohitamatchis since before December 2017...) Now I remember marrying most of them to Kuchi family spouses (or at lest the last few that I've raised) and that all resulted in Meme family members. However, I remember being lazy with who I married Ame's mom with and now the data is a bit messed up. He's the first non-Meme kid in five generations in a row and I can even remember how I got here smh. :(  Now I'm considering marrying him to someone from the Mame family to see if that effects my chances of getting a Harutchi, but I also don't want to waste the opportunity to go for a Kuchi family kid... I'm open for suggestions on which direction I should go. (Sorry for the wall of text, but I had a lot to say about this. :p )

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Harutchi is SUPER rare (outside of Universals, it can only be obtained by marrying two Mame adults), so if you want to marry your future Mametchi to another Mame family adult, you should go for it! But if you'd rather go for a Kuchi family adult, then marrying him to a Kuchi family adult is what I would recommend. I've gotten MohiTamatchi from both combinations, actually, but I think that only happens in the former case if it's not given great care as a baby.


Here's a more complete statistic chart (I don't know where it's originally from, sorry. It may even just be an updated version of the one you linked to :p  (EDIT: Apparently it's from Tama-Zone)) showing more data of the childrens' growth. If only it actually said HOW the different family groups were obtained from which child  :p  I'm wondering, after reading the update to your post, is evolution care-based AND random? It's so hard to say, because evolution on the V4 is very different from other versions, even the V4.5 (Example: on the V4, MohiTamatchi most likely evolves into the Kuchi family while MizuTamatchi has a minuscule chance of it; on the V4.5, Kuribotchi and KuchiTamatchi both evolve into the Kuchi family under the exact same circumstances; three or five care mistakes and high Spiritual points. Tamatchi also seems more likely to evolve into the Meme family than Harutchi)

I've kept a growth log on my computer since Summer of 2017. There was a two-year period in which I wasn't running the Tamas, so I don't have as much data to report as I ought to. Anyway, using information from  that log, here's the data I've collected regarding child-to-teen evolution on the V4:


Mame: 4/5

Meme: 0/5

Kuchi: 0/5

Universal: 1/5 (Universal evolution works differently, but I'm including it anyway)


Mame: 8/15

Meme: 5/15

Kuchi: 0/15

Universal: 2/15


Mame: 0/13

Meme: 12/13

Kuchi: 0/13

Universal: 1/13


Mame: 0/15

Meme: 8/15

Kuchi: 7/15

Universal: 0/15

You can see that some of the data I've collected is a bit different from the graphs, but that's most likely because no two people have the exact same experience. Life is more interesting that way  ^_^

While I was writing this, Jaiden the Violetchi's son evolved into MohiTamatchi! I'm not sure whether to go for perfect care to guarantee getting Young Kuchipatchi, or try average or worse care to try for Oniontchi but risk getting HinoTamatchi or Hawainotchi...  <_<

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Harutchi is SUPER rare (outside of Universals, it can only be obtained by marrying two Mame adults), so if you want to marry your future Mametchi to another Mame family adult, you should go for it!
If we already know how to obtain Harutchi, then I won't marry Ame to a Mame adult. That was the main reason I was going to do it. :p

Also, the graph you found is definitely a more accurate one! The lovely people on Tama-zone are always making great graphs and charts for these kinds of things. ^_^

I'm wondering, after reading the update to your post, is evolution care-based AND random?
It's getting difficult to say at this point. Right now it seems like care, randomness, AND genetics are all playing a role (or they theoretically are). Your data is actually pretty accurate to the graph, so it's given me some new ideas. Maybe which toddler your baby evolves into is based off of genetics, but which family they fall into is the random part? "Random" being based on the percent idea; so you're almost always guaranteed a Mame evolution from Harutchi and a Meme evolution from Mizutamatchi, but Puchitch and Mohitamatchi are the more unpredictable ones? Then good/bad care only determines if you get the good/bad care teen from their "most likely" families? (I do still think that the "most likely" family plays a role in which teens you get...)

As for the genetics part of this, I think equations are the best way to see what I mean. So, in my most recent experiences, Meme+Kuchi= Mizutamatchi (more likely) or Puchitchi (less likely).

I've gotten MohiTamatchi from both combinations, actually, but I think that only happens in the former case if it's not given great care as a baby.
Does this mean that Mame+Mame= Harutchi (I'm assuming more likely?) or Mohitamatchi (I'm assuming less likely?) and Mame+Kuchi= Mohitamatchi? Hopefully these equations aren't looking too confusing, but I would definitely like to see what your experience is with this. Now I'm invested in marrying Ame to a Kuchi family member just to see if this version of the genetics theory has any truth to it. ^_^

If we already know how to obtain Harutchi, then I won't marry Ame to a Mame adult. That was the main reason I was going to do it. :p
I see  :mellow:

Maybe which toddler your baby evolves into is based off of genetics, but which family they fall into is the random part? "Random" being based on the percent idea; so you're almost always guaranteed a Mame evolution from Harutchi and a Meme evolution from Mizutamatchi, but Puchitch and Mohitamatchi are the more unpredictable ones?
Genetics almost always determine which child the baby evolves into, but not always. MohiTamatchi can appear with almost any combination of parents, and mating with Universal adults doesn't seem to have any kind of pattern; it seems to be random in that case.

I still don't know if it's random or care-based which family the child evolves into. I've been too worried to try it, but from now on I think I'll try different levels of care to see if that works.

As for the genetics part of this, I think equations are the best way to see what I mean. So, in my most recent experiences, Meme+Kuchi= Mizutamatchi (more likely) or Puchitchi (less likely).

Does this mean that Mame+Mame= Harutchi (I'm assuming more likely?) or Mohitamatchi (I'm assuming less likely?) and Mame+Kuchi= Mohitamatchi?
I've had MohiTamatchi appear several times when mating a Meme adult to a Kuchi adult, but never I've said before, though, it's more interesting when two people have different experiences even when testing the same thing  :)

I re-checked my growth log, and actually the only time Mame + Mame resulted in MohiTamatchi was back in Spring of 2017, when I married a Mimitchi to a Hyottokotchi... I would say that maybe it's because Hyottokotchi is from the V4.5 and not the V4, but in general, mating a character from the V4 to a character on the V4.5 works the same as mating with their equivalent on the V4 (All Universals except Violetchi are an exception to this), so it should have acted as though she married a Tensaitchi. So maybe I just had bad luck that time...or GOOD luck, as the case may be, as he evolved into Young Kuchipatchi :lol:  Mame + Kuchi always results in MohiTamatchi from my experience.

It takes so long to collect data that it very well could take years to figure this all out... I would be slightly more efficient at gathering data if I could only find my origami crane V4  :(

I still don't know if it's random or care-based which family the child evolves into.
That's one of the things that's tripping me up the most. I'm interested to find out if it's fully dependent on one or the other, or if it's a mix of both. 

I re-checked my growth log, and actually the only time Mame + Mame resulted in MohiTamatchi was back in Spring of 2017, when I married a Mimitchi to a Hyottokotchi... I would say that maybe it's because Hyottokotchi is from the V4.5 and not the V4, but in general, mating a character from the V4 to a character on the V4.5 works the same as mating with their equivalent on the V4 (All Universals except Violetchi are an exception to this), so it should have acted as though she married a Tensaitchi. So maybe I just had bad luck that time...or GOOD luck, as the case may be, as he evolved into Young Kuchipatchi :lol:
I've had my Tama's babies switch genders when obtained through connection marriages, so connecting can get a little unpredictable at times. (The gender switch happened when I married a Music Star and a Tamago.) 

Mame + Kuchi always results in MohiTamatchi from my experience.
I'll be putting that to the test in a couple of days. ^_^  Honestly, I'm super excited to get Mohitamatchi because I legit don't think I've had one since I was a kid (which idk how that's possible because I was terrible at Tama care back then  :p ). Only time and experimenting will tell us what we want to know!

I got a Young Kuchipatchi! Though if you've read the most recent update on my log, you'll already know that :)  I was going to try poor care, but I decided not to risk it and went with the same level of care required to obtain Mametchi/Mimitchi on the original Tamagotchi. And it worked!

We still have a lot to figure out, but I'm just really glad I got a Kuchi family teen ^_^

I found an old V4 Growth Chart Project over on Tama-Zone (I thought the site was down, but I guess it just has a different URL now :p ). In fact, this is where the data collected for the graph I linked to is from. There are quite a lot of pages and information to wade through, but it's very interesting and informative, so I thought I'd leave a link here. The only issue with the thread is that most people didn't provide any specifics for how they got certain characters.

To summarize, it looks like around eighty percent of the data collected is completely on par with our experiences. But there are also a few interesting ones, too. By the end of the thread, four MizuTamatchis were recorded of evolving into Kuchi teens and around six or seven Harutchis were recorded of evolving into Meme teens (however, there weren't any specifics shown, so it's still a mystery how they happen). And in one instance Puchitchi was recorded of evolving into Young Kuchipatchi...? I kind of thought, "must be a mistake", but I'm wondering if it really can evolve into Kuchi family teens? Mostly because on the V4.5, Hitodetchi (Puchitchi's equivalent) has been recorded of evolving into Kometchi (Young Kuchipatchi's equivalent) and Yakantchi (Nikatchi's equivalent). But since evolution on the V4.5 is so different...  :huh:  Anyway, I'm confusing myself :p

Also, it seems I was wrong on one thing... it appears MohiTamatchi CAN evolve into Young Memetchi.


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