Recent content by TamaLove754


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  1. TamaLove754


    Hey, welcome to the community, and back to the world of Tamagotchi's haha! :D
  2. TamaLove754

    Hi friends!! Super excited to be here!!

    Hi, welcome to the TamaTalk! :kurbotchi: And haha, I think a lot of us are coming back after having (or wanting!) Tamagotchi's when we were younger. You've already got a really nice collection!
  3. TamaLove754

    Hello! I'm ~New~ to Tamatalk!

    Hey, welcome to the community! :giggle:
  4. TamaLove754

    Getting back into Tamagotchi & Vpets

    Hi, welcome back! :giggle:
  5. TamaLove754

    Tamagotchi Connection Re-Release!

    Woohoo, it's finally happening! 😄🎉 Over the past few days, there have been leaks of an upcoming Tamagotchi Connection release, and as of yesterday, the pre-order pages over on Amazon are available! It seems like they're combining features and characters from a few different versions to make...
  6. TamaLove754

    Bella Luna - A Tamagotchi Blog (Comments OK)

    Hiya, Happy Near Year! 🎉 Well...about a month ago haha! 😅 So, my initial plan to start logging again over December didn't quite pan out, but the itch to start running some tamas again didn't go away. Over the past couple weeks, I've started running my (silent) Angelgotchi, Keitai, and Uratama...
  7. TamaLove754

    Bella Luna - A Tamagotchi Blog (Comments OK)

    Hey, long time no see! :kasatchi: It's that cozy time of year again, that always get's me yearning to run a tama or three again! Currently booting up my original v3 as I usually do, but I'm currently still deciding on a friend or two to run along with them. Currently debating between an...
  8. TamaLove754

    received my holy Grail today

    Congrats! :kurbotchi:
  9. TamaLove754

    Tamatalk Intro + Young Mametchi's Teacher Pick

    Huh, I had no idea. That's really interesting! I can see why it won haha! :kurbotchi: (Also just realized that I think you actually have a Young Mimitchi instead of Young Mametchi :unsure2:) I've seen people use the terms blog/log/diary over the years. On here they're usually called logs...
  10. TamaLove754

    Tamatalk Intro + Young Mametchi's Teacher Pick

    Hey, welcome to TamaTalk! :mimitci: I love the v4 shell! I haven't seen this one before, it looks very cozy. A TikTok series could be really fun, I haven't seen anyone doing a Tama blog on there before.
  11. TamaLove754

    Old timers/seniors

    Yep, all characters on the V1-V4.5, Music Star, and some of the color tamas will become a senior at around age 10. If you take good care of them, they can live pretty much forever (I've raised two that lived over 50 years!), but you'd need to connect with another tama if you ever want to breed...
  12. TamaLove754

    How do I get the Tamagotchi Uratama dating card to get the bikkuri characters?

    Hello! It's been quite I while since I've gotten them, but if I recall, most passwords from the Enwarehouse actually work for the Uratama, including the three dating cards!
  13. TamaLove754

    Where to find Uratamas Cheap

    Are you still looking out for an Uratama? If so, I'd recommend checking out some sites like Buyee, Mercari, and JapanYouWant, if you haven't already. You can sometimes find some good deals on there. Besides that, you could try making a looking for post in a couple of the Facebook groups. If...
  14. TamaLove754

    Number of Tamagotchis played simultaneously

    Back during the summer of middle/high school, I'd sometimes run up to 8 at a time, although that usually wouldn't last too long before getting a bit overwhelmed and cutting back to 3-4. It was pretty fun always having something happening, with that many tamas going there was something exciting...
  15. TamaLove754

    Tamagotchi Inspired Mobile Game Brainstorming

    Hey, long time no see! Its been a while, but over that time, I've still been making progress on the project. A lot more characters have been designed since the initial post, with plenty more planned. The current plan is to expand the gameplay to not only include pet raising, but also a...