Recent content by !tamagotchv3!


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  1. T

    The New Souvenir List!

    - Royal Costume. after you donate 30,000 gotchi points. automatically goes into your items
  2. T

    shop wont let me buy!

    do u know the name? cody
  3. T

    Somthing strange

    I've tried it and some of my mates belive its the tamagotchis heartbeat. have u had eny problems with on the 9/5/06? e-mail me if u have by: [email protected] ppl plz get in touch plz :) :unsure: :ph34r: :wacko:
  4. T

    how long does it take for the adult to dissapear?

    how long does it usually take for the adult to dissapear? (+_+) very confused.
  5. T

    What do you do with tamas at school?

    errrr. take it to school and put it in your pencil case. just put it on pause b4 you put it in ya pencil case. you dont want it to bleep and have it took off ya. ma mates had theirs bleep in maths and she had it took off her! better look after it!
  6. T

    Got a V3 can it interact with a V2?

    yh of course. go to the usual connextion place and on your v3 go on others and on your v2 go on v1. there u have it. # if eny1 have problems contact me. :P [email protected]
  7. T

    bye bwye

    Tamagotchi's Name: dbaba Tamagotchi's Age: 3 Date of Birth: 23/6/06 Date of Passing: 27/6/06 What Generation? 1 Your Comments: bye bye baby! :P :( :rolleyes: :( sniff sniff
  8. T


    there is no fishing pole in the shop. is it on v3 or v2? is there a code i can use? can u go onto tamatown and get it? :P
  9. T


    it neva works! it onli works for 1 tamagotch! derrr :P