Recent content by taesanfairy


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  1. taesanfairy

    what are some tips for keeping tamas alive longer?

    personally since i'm busy very often i have them sleep most of the day. also keep up the happiness, and also interactions with other characters
  2. taesanfairy

    What to do with tama at school/work?

    depending on the type (i have a tama on) you can 'reset it' and leave it at that screen
  3. taesanfairy

    Off brand tamagotchi?

    at least it's cute?
  4. taesanfairy

    Baby Stage

    Is it just me or is waiting for them to age so boring. especially when you're restarting T-T
  5. taesanfairy

    Can I pause or pause my 'fake' tama?

    you could reset it