Recent content by ~*Sweet Gurl*~


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  1. S


    No offence but this topic is kinda a lil pointless due to the fact you could have PMed a guide or a friend. But since I'm replying I might as well help.. You can get a V4 from any good toy shop such as Toys 'R' Us' etc etc.. The price depends on a few things but on average its usaully around...
  2. S

    do you have an ipod?

    I have an iPod nano 1GB which holds I think around 240-250 songs.
  3. S

    Something very special happened on my birthday

    Aww wow thats really sad..*sniff*.. what's happening with the eggs?
  4. S

    Hi!My B-Day is coming in May!

    Don't you think its a bit early?? I think this should be closed, it's attention seeking..
  5. S

    Hello,Im new

    Hello and welcome to Tamatalk (TT) I hope you enjoy it here, if you need any help feel free to PM my anytime. ~*SG*~ :D
  6. S

    Busking: Good or Bad?

    I think you need a permit, well where I live we have to, but Good Luck anyway..
  7. S

    Im Back :)

    Welcome back!
  8. S

    Are you learning a language if so what language?

    I was learning Japanese but my Japanese teacher quit?? or she just doesn't teach at my school anyways I was the only one in the whole class out of 30 students that actually liked Japanese, I found it was very intersting.. I could speak it pretty well and still can now.. Now days I'm learning...
  9. S

    New Tamagotchi Owner

    Welcome to Tamatalk I hope you enjoy your stay. If you would like any help with your new tamagotchis toys I would gladly help out, simply PM me. Have fun!
  10. S

    i am new....

    Welcome to TT (short for Tamatalk) I hope you enjoy your stay here, tis a wonderful site with friendly peeps. Have fun and remember if you need any help or would simply just like a nice friendly chat feel free to PM anytime.
  11. S

    Remember me?

    Hi welcome back. I'm looking forward to seeing you around the boards lol. Anyways have fun!
  12. S

    Newness :;

    Agreed.. Back on topic.. Welcome to TT. If you need any help feel free to PM me anytime and I'll gladly help out.
  13. S


    Hey wats up!?! Welcome to TT. Hope you enjoy it here as much as I do. If you would like any help feel free to PM me anytime.
  14. S

    Just wanted to say hi :)

    Hi, welcome to Tamatalk. I hope you enjoy your stay. If you would like any help with your new tamas feel free to PM me anytime.
  15. S

    hi!im tacos for tamas!

    Hi and welcome to Tamatalk. I hope you will enjoy it here. Remember if you would like any help feel free to PM anytime.