No offence but this topic is kinda a lil pointless due to the fact you could have PMed a guide or a friend.
But since I'm replying I might as well help.. You can get a V4 from any good toy shop such as Toys 'R' Us' etc etc.. The price depends on a few things but on average its usaully around...
I was learning Japanese but my Japanese teacher quit?? or she just doesn't teach at my school anyways I was the only one in the whole class out of 30 students that actually liked Japanese, I found it was very intersting.. I could speak it pretty well and still can now..
Now days I'm learning...
Welcome to Tamatalk I hope you enjoy your stay.
If you would like any help with your new tamagotchis toys I would gladly help out, simply PM me.
Have fun!
Welcome to TT (short for Tamatalk)
I hope you enjoy your stay here, tis a wonderful site with friendly peeps.
Have fun and remember if you need any help or would simply just like a nice friendly chat feel free to PM anytime.