Recent content by Star Tama


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  1. S

    Are you an evolutionist?

    Yes I think evolution is real. I'm not really bothered how we got here considering it has no relevence to our lives today. We are now here so who cares about the something that happened so long ago that no one was smart enough to write it down because their brains weren't capable of it (or...
  2. S

    What is your web browser?

    I used to use Internet Explorer but then I changed to Firefox to see what all the fuss was about. Apparently it was this amazing browser that was so much better than IE. I've actually had more problems with firefox freezing and shutting down on me than I ever had with IE :o . But it's easier to...
  3. S


    I've found that apple earphones are the only ones that last me long enough. Each pair lasts around 6 months. Otherwise I have to get a new pair every month or 2. They all break so easily :lol: ! I also hate the in ear ones (with stupid bits of rubber you have to wedge in). The extra rubber acts...
  4. S

    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    Melody was worried about how she would make friends again. She sat on the bench looking more than a little sorry for herself thinking about how she might introduce herself.
  5. S

    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    Melody was sat on a park bench. She was supposed to be helping her family move into their neww house. After all they had moved again because people had found out she had abilities beyond that of a normal human. Her little grey toy rabbit called Sniffles was with her.
  6. S

    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    I have returned :( ! Name: Melody Age: 15 Gender: Female Personality: Out spoken, kind and mysterious Looks: Deep purple eyes, dark brown hair, pale skin, short, slender, very curly, glossy hair Outfit: White head band, white t-shirt, black jacket with a silver star pattern in areas and a...
  7. S


    I technically left TT back in December of 2008 and I popped back in April last year for something. It's nice to be back :D . It's fun to look through all the topics and look back on the time I spent here. Most of the people I was friends with have left so I'm looking for new ones. Anyway hi again!
  8. S

    It's completely ridiclous!

    Hmm.. that's really helpful! :( The only thing I can't do is talk to other guys. (I've built some major social issies for myself -_- ) Also when I think about why I like him...I honestly don't know why. He's annoying, loud and thinks to much of himself. (though he is smart and I think it's...
  9. S

    It's completely ridiclous!

    I have looked at topic after topic about girls who have some crush on some guy and it always annoys me and now here I am. ARGH! There is this one boy who no matter what always has my attention. In the lessons I have with him I can't concentrate and find myself focusing on him instead. I spend...
  10. S


    If me and my sister weren't around my parents would have gotten a divorce a long time ago. I know the moment me and my sister move out the divource papers are coming and I don't care. I'm sick of them always having a go at each other. I'm also really sick of them making snide remarks behind each...
  11. S

    xD Artpad

    Here's mine! Night Scene
  12. S


    Just use something to absorb moisture anything form of powder I would have thought. I may not even own eye liner but I would think that would stop it. Here's another thing though. Don't just layer loads of it on because you'll end up looking like a girl at my school who looks like she just...
  13. S

    Dog attack?

    I'm really scared of dogs, even little ones. I've never been "attacked" as such but a friend of mines dog did run down the stairs and coner me in the hall. I was only six and wasn't far off being as tall as me!
  14. S


    I didn't think Jasc made photoshop. They make paintshop pro... Which is it? Adobe photoshop or Jasc panitshop pro?
  15. S

    Can I throw the compy out the window now?

    Vista's a pain. It asks to confirm all kinds of silly things and there are loads of bugs according to other users, as for me I'm not happy with it either. The computer I use is old but it's still good. It can be a bit slow but not nearly as bad as the laptop. The laptop only has 318mb RAM...