Recent content by sandragotchi


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  1. S

    First letter of your name quiz

    1. What is your name: Sandra 2. A four Letter Word: scam 3. A boy's Name: Skylar 4. A girl's Name: Shelby 5. An occupation: Surgeon 6. A colour: Saphire 7. Something you wear: Socks 8. A food: Stir Fry 9. Something found in the bathroom: Soap 10. A place: San Fransisco 11. A reason for...
  2. S


    1 is fabulous =D
  3. S

    Do you like Criss Angel-Mindfreak

    David Blaine's tricks are actually real unlike Chris Angel's. Chris Angel's trick are mearly just camera illusions and cleaver editing. Anyone with money for technical equipment could be just as good as Chris Angel.
  4. S


    Oh my gosh, Britt. You are so talented. <3 Hmm, title suggestions... I would name it "Fading Memories"
  5. S

    my little brother

    I think it's normal. There's nothing wrong with being clean. I would just let him do what he wants, but keep your deoderant in a safe place.
  6. S


    Everyone does their hair differently and uses different products. This topic is meant for discussing everything about your hair, from the products you use, to how much time you take to make it the way you like it. My hair routine goes something like this: * In the night time * - wash my...
  7. S


    Rythem Heaven, Super Princess Peach, Yoshi's Island DS, Mario Kart DS, Professor Layton and the Curious Village, The New Super Mario Bros. WarioWare: TOUCHED! (Highly addictive) and Cooking Mama: Dinner with friends (if you want a fun time waster)
  8. S

    True or False?

    True? I have no pets.
  9. S

    Agree, Disagree.

    How could I not agree? =P Our polar bears should have more epical powers.
  10. S

    True or False?

    You know I'm terrible at geography! (yes the planets count as geography in my mind) Truee...? I'm craving oreos.
  11. S

    Agree, Disagree.

    Oh fer sure. 8D Our polar bears shoot rainbow laser beams from their eyes.
  12. S

    Agree, Disagree.

    Very much agree. Polar bears and oreos have become the latest trend.
  13. S

    True or False?

    Umm, false? But I'm terrible with geography. Canada gets really cold in the winter time.
  14. S

    Agree, Disagree.

    Totally agree. We should share some oreas while riding on a polar bear right now.