when you said with the cheast you can turn into an old person or something like that, do you mean for ever? or just for a while??
:wub: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: B) :mellow: :lol:
you cant get some of them yet because tama town is still under construction. But i guess it will be done soon then you can get them all. You cant get the golden tamagotchi, medal or computer yet.
i love the baby blue one with the bubbles ( not sure if there bubbles) one!! i think its the cutest!! i also like the jungle one!! lol i have both!!!!!!!! my characters:
:kuribotchi: :ichigotchi:
Get the baby blue one with the bubbles-yay i have it and its cute! another cute one is the baby pink one with the ribbons!! the green jungle one is ok too.
i had sea monkeys before, i think 3 times. First time was christmas. Well they lived for a long time and they where really interesting to look at!! :wacko: pretty weird looking though.... :D
hi, i have gotten a mimitchi before! all you have to do is take good care of it. When those too little faces light up dont praise it. Give it a time out and you will gain more training.Also when the happy hearts go down play a game to get them filled up again. Don't neglect your tama either and...
oohhh, forgot to say, lol...you can bring it to class, keep the sound off and don't make it so ovious your playing with it!! believe me thats a bad idea!! play with it at lunch or during recess!! keep it in your pocket on in your desk some where!!
i take mine to class everyday. My teacher allows them, but you just can't play with them during shes teaching a lesson. When were lining up and stuff you can play with them and out side and during class sometimes. Last year the principal banned them but everyone brought them back and the...
mine fell into a glass of water..and it was pretty much full. The tamagotchi never worked again. I found out it fell in when it made some weird beeping noise. An egg appeared on the screen then it went all fuzzy and that was the end of my v1!! i bought a new one to replace it lol. but that...