Most disliked would be the Tamagotchi Friends, Tamago, the v5, and the music star.
The TF and Tamago: I have no problem with greyscale tamagotchi. Some of my favorites are just that. It didn't work well with these two Tamagotchi though. The rooms were just to busy and blended the tama on screen...
It can happen. I have had my best luck at one thrift store I go to. It used to be easier there when they used to have rack for keychains. Now they put them in bags of mixed toys. They are usually connection era tamas but I have found originals. My best find was a sealed V3. A few weeks ago I got...
Not much to update on other than on my 20th anniversary m!x I have a Mametchi.
Sadly my friends cat has end stage cancer. Moki was one of the most unique kitties ever. If she was bored she would bring you her toy and plop it at your feet. All the while looking up expectantly at you. She also...
Debirudori left me tonight. I had my Devilgotchi muted at my friends request. I neglected most of my Tamagotchi tonight. My friends kitty is very sick and it isn't looking good Wanted to support her through this rough time.
I was waiting on the white 20th anniversary M!x in the mail. Yesterday they finally came. It's so pretty. I decided to start it up. I currently have my blue melody M!x running though not sure for how long. Four Tamagotchi at once may be to much for me. I don't want my fire to fizzle out before I...
When I first learned about tamagotchi as a child I thought it was a toy that actually hatched from an egg. I was very intrested and wanted one and thus my love for Tamagotchi began.
⁸Today Mimitchi and Bakedebirutchi came to work with me. While Mimitchi behaved her self Bakedebirutchi threw food and slacked off in the middle of a game.
After work we ran to get some groceries. Mimitchi pointed out some redused Bella Mushrooms which seemed good for dinner. Ended up with...
It's been awhile again. So after not sleeping well for five days I bought something, at three in the morning...
Note to self: Not the best time to make expensive purchases while being sleep deprived.
So now I own a purple and white Devilgotchi. He has been with me seven days so far. Possibly...
Well this didn't turn out the way I planned. I've been keeping his weight down, giving time outs, and filling his hearts as soon as one is empty. Tongaritchi evolved today... into Zuccitchi. I really wasn't trying for this guy. (Little guy is cute enough though)
Marutchi turned into Tamatchi a...
Yesterday the Tamagotchi and I went to Fright fest. It was crowded and just got worse as the night went on. The tamas got to ride Houdini's Great Escape. Lines were just to long for more. Marutchi and Tonmarutchi didn't want to go to sleep and miss out on the fun. I was finally able to get them...
I'd love to post pictures but right now but my laptop's charge cord is broken.
I learned the hard way that you can't overfeed the new tamagotchi. Poor Tonmarutchi beeped to death for no reason I could think of other then being overweight. It happened while stuck in a car with a flat waiting on...
I decided to pick up a few replica tamagotchi. The first was a p1 with the rainbow shell design. My second was a p2 that had the purple galaxy. When I started it up though something was off about the sound. It would be overly loud during the opening of the game. Returned it for a glitter green...
Haven't posted in a long time on this log. Depression, scary thoughts, and anxiety got in the way of basic living. Still not doing great but have gotten a little better. I have a more positive outlook on my body thanks to body positivity. Also disowning a narcissist father helped. I want to get...
My life at the moment. Trying to do things to pull me out of this feeling I've been feeling lately. Cleaning out my room helped a little bit. Now I just have to care about the rest of me.