What a great find! I started poking around and there's even more goodies from Yoko. Here is her old site from ~2006: https://web.archive.org/web/20060202175958/http://nanoray.and.or.jp/
And then the qnep site around the same time: https://web.archive.org/web/20060206161443/http://qnep.com/...
Confirmed it is every 4 hours since it's been awake. The volume is kind of low on these and I usually keep it in my pocket so I have to make sure I set a timer on the phone a minute or two before.
The times of day the predator attacks Morino is known and is probably lost to a tamatalk forum post from a long time ago. Does anyone know the attack pattern?
The Morino is one of my all time-favourites. Mesu and Osu pair is fun too and even the original Gen1/Gen2 stuff. I haven't gotten around to grabbing an english ID L but looks like fun, same with Devilgotchi and Santaclautchi.
Was quite an undertaking, but I was able to recover the gargoyles, vancouver, and postpets pages as well. And even recovered a few more images. Just a few things missing before I would label it 100% complete, but it's very close.
It's no longer down. It was a few days ago, try to access her message board and she has a message stating why it was down. Basically, a server crash. In any case, it's been archived now since the robots.txt doesn't allow archive.org and other sites to scrape it.
The other day mimitchi.com was down for the first time in years. And her set is setup so robots.txt will not allow to scrape it. This means if her site ever went down archive.org can't even help us see it again.
For those who don't know, mimitchi.com was one of the largest tamagotchi related...
Since I archived Mimitchi.com the other day, I thought it would be worthwhile to archive another rather large tamagotchi site from the late 90s.
The site was run by Amy Sasaki from about 97-03'ish and went under a lot of various handle's. All the one's I can call recall are as follows:
Also, don't use WD40 with it. It might leak into the screen and ruin the background. It will also make it easier for the screwdriver to slip out and strip the screw even more.
Taking it to a jeweler or getting a high quality mini screwdriver will do the trick.
Oh, and forgot to mention, once they're adults you can get them to 99mg with no ill effects. This applies to P1/P2 tamas as well. You can just keep feeding them their personal snack to raise 1 heart/1 happy.
Someone on tama-zone translated the list for me
The guy also said the last two are...