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Halla&#33; I&#39;m monkeez_cutiez although my friends and family call me MC&#33;<br><br>I&#39;m 14 years old. I have an amzaing online family. I have my mum, Krystal Kenobi. She&#39;s the nicest mum ever. My dad is Obi-Wan Kenobi. He&#39;s soo cool. For some reason I have a fairy godmother. My godmother&#39;s name is Bunny and she can fly. I have Auntie Sophie. She&#39;s lots of fun. I have Aunty Claire, who is moody and murderous. I have Teehee, who is the best little sister ever. I have Cousin Emy, who as teehee says, is just randomly there. My best friend is SimTama. Although I consider her a part of the family. I love my family and hope I can stay with them forever. Teehee is a funny sister. Very stubborn but very fun at the same time. I have promised myself to be the best big sister ever.<br><br><br><br>Got these from my &#39;mother&#39; (`Krystal. Still gettin used to the idea)<br><br>If you ever fell off a chair backwards, copy this into your profile.<br><br>If you&#39;ve ever threatened your computer, copy and paste this into your profile<br><br>If you&#39;ve ever pushed on a door marked pull or vice versa, copy and paste this into your profile<br><br>If you are a Ganondork, copy and paste this into your profile and add your name to the list: Crystallize, Krystal. MC, monkeez_cutiez<br><br>If you&#39;re THE The Legend of Zelda fan, copy and paste this into your profile.<br><br>If you drink tea, copy this in your profile.<br><br>If you ran up a &quot;Down&quot; escalator, copy this into your profile.<br><br>If you haven&#39;t died yet, copy and paste this into your profile.<br><br>If you have ever fallen up the stairs, copy this into your profile.<br><br>If you&#39;re against animal cruelty (horse slaughter, bear bating, dolphin hunting, chimp slavery, etc.) copy this into your profile.<br><br>If you want the memory of Steve Irwin (the Crocodile Hunter) to live on, copy and paste this onto your profile.<br><br>If you&#39;re the kind of person who laughs at something that happened the day before, copy and paste this into your profile.<br><br>If you dream in color, copy this into your profile.<br><br>If you like chocolate, copy and paste this into your profile.<br><br>If you have at least one pet cat, copy this into your profile.<br><br>.eliforp ruoy otni etsap dna ypoc ,sdrawkcab siht daer ot hguone trams era uoy fI
Sep 8, 1996 (Age: 28)
At Krystal&#39;s house (duh&#33; I&#39;m her famil


'I admire someone who has been through a lot and still keeps their head up'

