Recent content by Lucario1829


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  1. Lucario1829

    been playing peripeteia

    its a game that just released in early access last week, its pretty cool. i can really only get into first person shooter games if they have a cool aesthetic and good movement which this does!
  2. Lucario1829

    tamagotchi connection rerelease

    i love gulp
  3. Lucario1829

    Donut (Ginjirotchi) is the first tama I’ve raised in YEARS. I’m keeping him alive in my Tamagotchi Pix Party for as long as I can! *Comments Welcome*

    on the modern ones, usually theyll ask to leave for the home planet every once in a while, but you can say no and keep them as long as you want!
  4. Lucario1829

    mad science :)

    i love my room setup and my tama! i think the default room looks pretty nice honestly, especially with the science tools and gaming desk
  5. Lucario1829

    Hey! Hi!! Hello!!!:3

    thats such a cute arcade-carpet-y shell! i dont think ive seen anyone post about it before
  6. Lucario1829

    hello !! o(`∋´)*+•

  7. Lucario1829

    how long do you keep a tama?

    do you prefer to keep your tamas for a longer time, like a month plus, or only keep them for about a week like many of the devices seem to encourage? i started with the gen 1, so i was surprised when i found out the life cycle has been kinda shortened for other devices. ive had my kikitchi on my...
  8. Lucario1829

    Hi! I'm new to tamatalk... kinda!

    hello and welcome!
  9. Lucario1829

    started my uni and chain-ified it!

    update on him btw! i dont know how long im going to keep him before marrying him off but hes still with me right now.
  10. Lucario1829

    started my uni and chain-ified it!

    just got back from the crafts store and gave my uni a chain for my belt loop. its a little long but thats better for times when i dont want to take it off. im super excited to play on it more!!
  11. Lucario1829

    my uni is supposed to be here tomorrow!

    i think it might not get here until friday, but either way, i wont be able to start it until then so it doesnt matter. im so excited! i really want to clip it to my belt loop like the original rerelease, but ill have to go to a craft store and find a chain for it or something. how big is the...
  12. Lucario1829

    Hello! Getting back into Tamas a couple years after my first playthrough.

    I got a gen 1 rerelease at Target on a whim a couple years ago, and kept perfect care of my beloved Sprinkleton, and was devastated that he died of old age haha. I wanted a newer Tama with more 'replayability' or longevity than the gen 1, but didn't like the Pix being sold at the time, and the...