its a game that just released in early access last week, its pretty cool. i can really only get into first person shooter games if they have a cool aesthetic and good movement which this does!
do you prefer to keep your tamas for a longer time, like a month plus, or only keep them for about a week like many of the devices seem to encourage? i started with the gen 1, so i was surprised when i found out the life cycle has been kinda shortened for other devices. ive had my kikitchi on my...
just got back from the crafts store and gave my uni a chain for my belt loop. its a little long but thats better for times when i dont want to take it off. im super excited to play on it more!!
i think it might not get here until friday, but either way, i wont be able to start it until then so it doesnt matter. im so excited! i really want to clip it to my belt loop like the original rerelease, but ill have to go to a craft store and find a chain for it or something. how big is the...
I got a gen 1 rerelease at Target on a whim a couple years ago, and kept perfect care of my beloved Sprinkleton, and was devastated that he died of old age haha. I wanted a newer Tama with more 'replayability' or longevity than the gen 1, but didn't like the Pix being sold at the time, and the...