Who am I, you ask? I'm me, you're you, Chuck Norris is Chuck Norris. Now that we have that settled, lets celebrate with a bag of cookies, shall we?<br>No. Cupcakes are better.<br><br>I'm Kristin. Twelve years old, from Canada. I'm in grade seven, which is year eight to some of you. To some people, I'm a hostile violent girl. To oblivious adults, I'm an angel. To regular people, I'm just me. To me, I'm a violent girl who occasionally cusses people out to prove a point, but at the same time, gets a 94.5% average.<br><br>Don't worry though, I'm not that violent. Just the occasional with my equally violent friends. And sometimes if the playground gets physical, I break a few wrists... You shouldn't have to worry around me, though. I'm nice.

<br><br>I like writing stories, though they sometimes turn out like crap? It's not that they're terrible, but it's too much speech and not enough adjectives or adverbs. I like role playing, though I can't really keep the mood of a role play. I was fairly good at Open Book, though.<br><br>I don't PM people.. I rely on people PMing me. So PM me, PM ME NOW!