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Ello there&#33; I ish Shayna and obviously you clicked on my profile to find out about me. Lucky for you, I will tell you&#33;<br><br>Update&#33;<br><br>I love anime and manga. (Fruits Basket, Pandora Hearts, Lucky star, and Ouran high school Host club) I love my guinea pig Muffin. She pwns all the piggys. I love Owl City and Gregory and the Hawk. And Japanese show tunes. I like watch Spongebob (the older episodes) and Back at the Barnyard. I like to eat food.<br><br>My YouTube account is Theechocolatepecan - Look for me&#33;&#33;&#33;<br><br>~Other account(s)~<br><br>kupatchithelover<br><br>.......That&#39;s it........<br><br>~my TT buds~<br><br>Huntr<br>Wei-Wei<br>Ksenia<br>Esther<br>FeeBee<br>Katie<br>Jamie<br>And more......<br><br>Poem about me by Ksenia~<br><br>Shayna, my friendling,<br>I love you alot,<br>I love you so much,<br>Much more than my pot&#33;<br><br>We&#39;re both very random,<br>And thats really great,<br>Cuz that brings us together,<br>As we now are, thanks to fate.<br><br>We met on TamaTalk,<br>That amazing site,<br>It brought us to eachother,<br>And now we see eachother&#39;s light.<br><br>I love you so much,<br>Oh words can&#39;t explain,<br>I gotta meet you in person,<br>LET ME GET ON THAT TRAIN&#33;<br><br>ILY.<br><br>Poem about me by Huntr~<br><br>Shayna,<br>Your randomness inspires me<br>To goals not even set<br>You sure are super cool<br>More than me I bet<br>Sitting here typing this I think of you<br>I love ya to bit though we&#39;ve never met<br>That last line barely ryhmed<br>I&#39;ve ran out of time<br>Shayna, read this thing and do whatever with it<br>Boy I just hope you got a kick out of it<br><br>NOTE: HUNTR IS MY TOAST AND I AM HER PICKLE&#33;<br><br>If you want to know how many total posts I have made add 493 (The posts on my old account) to the amount of posts below.<br><br>
Aug 2, 1995 (Age: 29)
United States, stalking you. Turn around.


The silence isn't so bad

Till I look at my hands and feel sad

'Cause the spaces between my fingers

Are right where yours fit perfectly

AMENNNNNNNN! Pass the chicken!
