Recent content by kusatchi_lover_forever:D


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  1. kusatchi_lover_forever:D

    New Year’s hatch anyone?

    Update! My marutchi evolved into Kutchitamatchi, and Tustutchi evolved into Mimitchi. Hopefully I get Kutchipatchi or Tarakotchi on my P1, I always get Nyorotchi
  2. kusatchi_lover_forever:D

    New Year’s hatch anyone?

    Update! So a while ago, I started up my p1, and married off Gozarutchi (I got Niinitchi) and she just evolved into Tustutchi from me playing 15 games. By the way, my p1 is still a a marutchi, he should evolve on day 4 ( Tomorrow )
  3. kusatchi_lover_forever:D

    New Year’s hatch anyone?

    Hi everyone, sorry I’ve been gone so long :kasatchi: Here’s what happened while I wasn’t updating Pepper, my P2, ran out of battery, and I only found new ones today Mint.Jr, my Uni, evolved into curltchi because I accidentally lost him, and later evolved into gozarutchi. I need to take better...
  4. kusatchi_lover_forever:D

    New Year’s hatch anyone?

    ( I accidentally didn’t send it the first time)
  5. kusatchi_lover_forever:D

    New Year’s hatch anyone?

    Glad you guys stayed for the hatch! This is Pepper (the P2) and Mint.Jr (My Uni)
  6. kusatchi_lover_forever:D

    Tamagotchi Gen2 Log! (Comments OK)

    Same, I think everyone does, haha. I got lucky, because my Tamagotchi is finally fine :ichigotchi:
  7. kusatchi_lover_forever:D


    Thank you! :ichigotchi:
  8. kusatchi_lover_forever:D

    Tamagotchi Gen2 Log! (Comments OK)

    Fr :kasatchi: Btw I’m discontinuing my log because my tama glitched really bad and I had to reset on day 3
  9. kusatchi_lover_forever:D

    New Year’s hatch anyone?

    Thanks :puroperatchi:
  10. kusatchi_lover_forever:D

    Tamagotchi Gen2 Log! (Comments OK)

    Dec 21st That was day 2, and me and Choco were chilling all day. I was trying not to tend to him too much, as that can possibly result in a me not getting Kusatchi. I’m a bit down about having to neglect my Tama to get Kusatchi. Why didn’t they make him one of the the good care characters?
  11. kusatchi_lover_forever:D

    Tamagotchi Gen2 Log! (Comments OK)

    I aplologize for abandoning this log, I just didn’t have time to uplift with my rather busy schedule. Here’s what happened on every day I didn’t log Dec 20th Nothing much really happened on that day for Choco , and I decided I wanted to go for Kusatchi, my favourite p2 character. This would...
  12. kusatchi_lover_forever:D

    Tamagotchi Gen2 Log! (Comments OK)

    I started up my starry sky p2 on December 20th, at around 7pm. It hatched into an adorable shirobabytchi, that I named Choco. :babytchi2: It turned into a tonmarutchi, and immediately fell asleep. Tune in tomorrow to see what Choco does next! :angry:
  13. kusatchi_lover_forever:D

    Tamagotchi P2 / Gen. 2 Re-release Hardware

    Thank you! You might have tho change the title tho, haha :puroperatchi: