Recent content by jesashika


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  1. J

    What do you do with tamas at school?

    lucky me...i keep my tama in my purse...n cuz im in highschool, da teachers have 2 let me bring it in class...they think its 4 girl reasons lol...
  2. J

    Free tama holder.

    canada doesnt have v4...we only just got v3
  3. J

    Cleaning your tamagotchi

    u can use play-doh instead rite? or even that tacky stuff 2 stick glow-in-the-dark stars on ur wall... :furawatchi: (make sure 2 use white play-doh so u dont dirty ur tamagotchi) ;)
  4. J

    Lots of tips! Make your Tama Sing,

    it didnt work 4 me either...sum1 whos really good @ findin da cheats plz fix it? :D