Recent content by ice mountain


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  1. ice mountain

    Would you rather?

    Love a stranger. How romantic! Would you rather drink your own urine or wear dirty underpants for 3 days?
  2. ice mountain

    If you could have 1 super power, what would it be?

    The ability to read other's minds.
  3. ice mountain

    I feel like an outsider?

    Give it time to get to know the 'regulars' in the threads. Once you see how they respond and act, then slowly ease yourself in. People generally won't care as long as you don't cause a scene and/or drama. Pretty sure this is a fairly open crowd, no one's gonna kick you out. ;) Don't be so...
  4. ice mountain

    Help please? ;>v<;

    Listen to your heart.
  5. ice mountain

    Legalization of Marijauna

    *removed - as per earlier post: *. It should be legal for any uses. "i was in love with mary jane" -half baked. watch it, it's a good film
  6. ice mountain

    Junk food XD

    I love junk food. :) Chips, candy, soda, little debbies, I'll pretty much eat anything. If paired with something healthy, I don't really consider anything junk food. For example: a sandwich and chips isn't junk food... nor candy and an and milk, etc.
  7. ice mountain

    .: What Makes You Sleepy? :.

    I find that doing Tae Bo or some other form of exercise relaxes my muscles and helps me sleep, or at least makes me feel tired. I also find that laying on a couch with a warm blanket and cat makes me tired too ;)
  8. ice mountain

    Taylor Swift?

    Most female singers sing about love on some level or another... I dislike country, and I dislike many female singers. Nay.
  9. ice mountain

    Height, Weight, Body Image.

    I'm almost 16. Height: 5'4 Weight: 114 BMI: 19.6 Sounds good to me.
  10. ice mountain

    Things you do during the day

    In the summer months, I don't do much. I'll work around the house, jeez there's always a million things that need to be done! -Laundry, dishes, vacuuming, and general tidying. D: When I feel lazy I'll watch movies in my room, shop at thrift stores, read, play with my tamas, and god knows I eat...
  11. ice mountain

    Baby names

    I met a wonderful guy name Quentin once. Unfortunately my teacher scared him off. :\ Personally, I dislike names that are gender-neutral. Taylor, Jordan, etc. It's just embarrassing when you read a list and can't tell whether the person is male or female. Anyway, I like the names Alice and...
  12. ice mountain

    Where do you buy your books from?

    I find bookstores to be way too expensive and Wal-Mart to provide a insufficient selection. Goodwill is also too expensive for used books. I buy almost all of my books at thrift stores and garage sales.. I find some rare books at garage sales-- most recently, The Shining by Stephen King...
  13. ice mountain

    What's The Worst Book You've Ever Read?

    The Twilight Saga I don't care much for Alcott and Nicholas Sparks. I dislike many of those books on the bestseller list, mainly because some of them are so shallow. ie: Confessions of a Shopaholic, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, etc. And most definitely, romance books in general make...
  14. ice mountain


    A better question would be "Does anyone not have scars?" I have more than I can count.
  15. ice mountain

    Social Networking Sites

    Facebook. I deleted my MySpace years ago. Such a waste of time.