Recent content by flutterby


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  1. F

    _x_The iPod Shuffle Game_x_

    I Love You To Death (Family Force Five.) Who thinks this is a stupid game (I do and i created it! xD)
  2. F

    _x_The iPod Shuffle Game_x_

    Guilty Pleasure. ????`O__O `XD What song makes you feel... tingly?
  3. F

    _x_The iPod Shuffle Game_x_

    Up Against The Wall (O____O) What is a sentence you enjoy yelling at hoboes?
  4. F

    Rate the Siggy above you!

  5. F

    Rate the Siggy above you!

    It looks nice. 6/10
  6. F

    What are you listening to now?

    Dance Hall Drug Boys like Girls
  7. F

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    10/10 xDD
  8. F

    Rate the Siggy above you!

    hmmn.. sorry.. 2/10. i love your avvie though!! xD
  9. F

    _x_The iPod Shuffle Game_x_

    River People ((????????)) what's the song that reminds you of that special someone? -leaves tt ((for good..))-
  10. F

    Warm, Bubbly Suicide. Our story will live on!

    *chit chat (=SPAM) removed - use the PM system please *
  11. F

    Rate the Siggy above you!

    1/10 siggypets are useless. sorry.
  12. F

    Rate the Siggy above you!

    7/10. i like what it says but not so much the colours. is that a song or did you write it?
  13. F

    _x_The iPod Shuffle Game_x_

    Disenchanted ((o.o)) what's your favorite food