Recent content by emilee.Disco


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  1. E

    Customized Liscence Plates

    EMILYROX to bad my name isnt spelled like that
  2. E

    Meeting People From TT

    : ) I want to meet weiwei && ksenia a loottt. but they live reallyreally far away, and my parentals aren't planning a trip to Canada or Australia to see just one person each time .. Dx I live in California. stalk away, stalkers.
  3. E

    Customized Liscence Plates

    oh, I love asians so much. so I could do I<3Asians. but i'd probably be shunned as a nerd from the asian community. ;_; thats what my friend said, at least. lawl
  4. E

    Customized Liscence Plates

    I saw this white windowless van and the liscence plate shoulda been: PEDO123 hhahaha. we saw one while driving that read: EZ TRUCKN drivin by a large beefy man. he was in an Dorritos truck.
  5. E

    Customized Liscence Plates

    on my trip around California, I saw a whole bunch of customized liscence plates. if it was from 3-8 characters, what would yours be? Some of my ideas: EMILEE12 NERDHERD FISHIE RANDOM ILOVEYOU MAGICAL MERMAIDS haha. what would yours be?
  6. E

    Do you name your stuff after your TT friends?

    ahm an ipod, FOSHO 8]]] andif anyones tired of headbands; my hand mirror is up for grabs. and my; belt bag pillow 8D <33 pictures of them later
  7. E

    Do you name your stuff after your TT friends?

    okayy.. =D Lightblue - Weiwei Green - Katie Yellow - Esther white - FEEBEE (lol@random capitals) darkblue - ______ orange - ______ && pink as well i just found - jamie && purple - ____ and my amazing bow - _____ weiwei xD
  8. E

    Lets make some babys

    i did one with the guy i like.. our baby was actually adorable xD
  9. E

    Do you name your stuff after your TT friends?

    Lightblue - Weiwei Green - Katie Yellow - Esther white - _____ darkblue - ______ orange - ______ && pink as well i just found - ____ && purple - ____ and my amazing bow - _____ video showing them =3
  10. E

    Do you name your stuff after your TT friends?

    Wearing Katie lulz. =3 and Krystal you should totally name something after me >;D
  11. E

    Do you name your stuff after your TT friends?

    OH NOOEEZ i lost my weiwei wooden figurine D: so i'll name her afterrr my blue headband! =D i have other headbands. Green, Yellow white, darkblue, orange anyone?
  12. E

    Do You Tell Your Friends That You Like Someone?

    sometimes. but molly will just tell that person. plus why should i be honest with her if she wont be with me D:< annie, maya, and amanda...i dont trust them that much.. .___. idk. I keep it in
  13. E

    Do you name your stuff after your TT friends?

    =D I have these little wooden people and I named them Ksenia & Weiwei. ..Krystal, I shall name you after .. mah whale 8D Krystal The Whale <33 && feebee, may i be yellow? 8D
  14. E

    Meeting People From TT

    8D weiwei only lives like 4 hours away from oregon... and I go to oregon like twice a month on weekends. we should meet there >;D I have lost hope of meeting Ksenia D; we live so far awayy I suppose I could go to texas and meet feebee aswell. and i would love to meet Krystal. but i...
  15. E

    What are you doing right now?

    talking to weiiiiiiiiiwei