Recent content by damidams


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  1. damidams

    IrDA File Transfer for P's

    help please! I have a IrDA USB dongle for my Windows 11 computer. Infrared is enabled and everything, but I can't figure out how to send files to my P's. Does anyone have any advice or experience with this?
  2. damidams

    tamagotchi connection rerelease

    Glup got a little older (Pirorirotchi). He is becoming a little gangster. He's quite chompy!
  3. damidams

    tamagotchi connection rerelease

    hello everyone! I started running my tamagotchi connection since it seems to be a pretty big fan favorite and I wanted to check it out! I really like the shell design and the cute design with the lil antenna thing. This is my tamagotchi: His name is Glup. I'm excited to see what he evolves into!
  4. damidams

    Tips for caring for more than one tama at once?

    Thanks so much!! This is all super helpful! I'll start running my Connection!! :lol:
  5. damidams

    Hello! New here and new to forums!

  6. damidams

    hello !! o(`∋´)*+•

    Thank you! :hitodetchi:
  7. damidams

    hello !! o(`∋´)*+•

    Ahh that makes sense! I'm lucky mine has stayed pretty clean and hasn't broke since I've had it for about a decade or more. :puroperatchi:
  8. damidams

    Tips for caring for more than one tama at once?

    I have a connection (rerelease) ! I also have a Pix Party and P's. I'm thinking of getting an On/Meets eventually and swapping the Pix for that as like a main one to care for. I have a few others that I'm not actively running.
  9. damidams

    hello !! o(`∋´)*+•

    WOWWW ITS SO PRETTY! Thats the same color I have!!! ^ u ^
  10. damidams

    Tips for caring for more than one tama at once?

    I've seen so many people running multiple tamas at once. Is there a trick to being able to manage them? I have a job + school and many different hobbies, so there isn't lots of time to be attentive, but I want to keep multiple alive! :-(
  11. damidams

    Do you remember your first tama?

    Yes! I got the P's and Tamatown Tamago for xmas one year ! I had no clue what to do with the little figurine on the Tama-go though :hanatchi:
  12. damidams

    how long do you keep a tama?

    I prefer to keep mine a long time :lol:
  13. damidams

    What is the best Tamagotchi for a starter?

    it depends! if u aren't able to attend to it all day, a connection is good cause it has pause. I'd recommend Connection RV3 (20th anniversary, 2024) because it's pretty cheap, cute, and not glitchy! For more advanced/modern tech tamas, the Pix/Pix Party is also good! You can leave it with a...
  14. damidams

    hello !! o(`∋´)*+•

    hiii!! *^_^* I'm new to this forum but have been a big fan of tamas ever since I was a kid. insanely biased towards the p's, it's been my favorite forever :angry: I like to learn!