Recent content by Crystalized


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  1. C

    Guess what guys?

    She is one of those unique people who's age anyways changes. :D
  2. C

    Nightly Beauty Routine

    Am I not pretty enough? o.o I just brush my teeth...
  3. C


    No, she didn't. It's just more stupid rumors to make you look her up on the internet. :furawatchi:
  4. C

    Obama vs. Mccain

    I'm with Obama. The thought that McCain can win scares me. Why? I'm so anti-war. And besides, what if McCain died on the job? That would mean Sarah Palin would become president - and man - that would hurt our country. I don't think this country should elect a man that copy and pastes things...
  5. C

    I'm fed up!

    OMG, I have a sore throat too. o.o but i can talk...uh...drink fluids? xD
  6. C

    What Are You Wearing Right Now?

    i have a black shirt with some halloweeny print, black skinny jeans, and patched converse. and socks. 8D
  7. C

    Funny Moments at School

    Oh my gawd. 41 pagies? o.o
  8. C

    poem i wrote

    awesomeness. n.n
  9. C

    Is popcorn a vegetable? Dx

    Haha, yeah! Or is it a starch? n.n
  10. C


    OMG! OMG! OMG! Look what I found!! I'm pretty sure it's for real, but I dunno. It seems to be...and if it is...well, that's awesome. Awesome and pretty dumb at the same time! But mostly awesome!! I'm not a Pokemon Geek and more...but it is still pretty...
  11. C

    is it safe?

    If you already knew what we were going to say, wouldn't you have enough common sense in this situation in the first place? D=?
  12. C


    I used to be totally obsessed with them, and now they're just o.k. =3
  13. C

    Is popcorn a vegetable? Dx

    Is it? Hehe, I know this is such a silly question! But I'm just curious. x] I mean...I know corn is. Q.Q
  14. C

    Doctor Examinations

    I'm fine with everything but shots. x.x
  15. C

    Favorite Fruit!

    I voted for other ~ Starfruitt. x3