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  1. B

    My tama is broken?

    my v4.5 did the same thing. no matter how different i'd raise it, it'd still get the same character, and after a year it stopped working even with new batteries. hopefully thats not the case for you
  2. B

    when yor tama goes to the next gen,

    The only thing you don't keep is your rythem, orginality, and tone points. But on your 2nd generation you do inheiriet some of those points. For instance: I maxed those points out to 999 and my baby was born with 249.
  3. B

    I need a new instrument

    i'm on my 3rd generation music star and all my previous tamas have gotten instruments when they reach a certain age, but this time it didnt. why? i've mastered all my intruments/genres and i have 4 awards for #1 but now my new generation is doing well but in a genre i've already mastered. i cant...
  4. B


    take a picture, i wanna see