Recent content by _tama_cream_soda_


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  1. T

    What do hearts mean?

    children can only reach four smiley faces. when they are adults they should automatically have 4 hearts and the heart in particular doesnt rly mean anything. the difference between a good present and a bad present does if you are trying to build from two adults, that is probably the only...
  2. T

    Shooting for a young mimitchi

    personally, i dont think that tams have 'karma' :unsure: the generations dont build on each other so, if you start over, with only the intention of getting one and being determind, then your chances should be greater? unless you mean the waiting time. i wouldnt think that was very relevant.
  3. T

    Evoloution problems!

    dont forget, changing the clock can mess with your tamas life schedule B)
  4. T

    Shooting for a young mimitchi

    mmmmmmmm i dont believe that if you reset you have a better chance. unless you are getting rid of a neglected tam however, they are different gens so you arent going to get a pair if you start them both on gen1 you can get 2 young mamets or two mimits but not the same if they are the same...
  5. T

    Help My Tama Is...

    it depends, i think on the birthday or possibly if you pause it B)
  6. T

    What Tamas are RARE?!

    bill is not a rarer char becuase he has no 'gotchi' hes a secret char from G1/G2 (i forget which one) *g1/2 are the original tams i think its nice that for once bandai left the char intact (neva had bill so i dont noe if they killed the animation) so, yes it is unusual, but its not because...
  7. T

    is this right?

    lol, it may be boring ( i certantly dint think so, there are secret tams and u can challenge urself to a 100 year old tam, get to gen 99, stuffs like that) but useless? neway, all u need to do to undebugg is erase the debug marks. if u accidentaly do the wrong one, however, im not sure what u...
  8. T

    a little help...

    wellllllll ^_^ whi i said some people call it cheating.... the cure to un- debug it is to undo the 'surgery' i dont myself as an owner of 2 debugged tamas think it is lame. its much easier to take care of (ex: if ur busy with school) and secret tams too :( however, i HAVE broken a...
  9. T


    well, all will be worthwhile i dont have to deal with it because mine are v2s ^_^ lol its not really that weird once u get used to it ^^
  10. T

    i dont have the debuggin button!

    in case u dont have a connexion, and a connection: it should be somewhere below the battery circle also, its quite small, bout the size of this o: O i think thats about right.. this is smaller then u think ^_^ good luck with your debugging!
  11. T

    a little help...

    there are quite a few posts about debugging already i suggest u check out some tama help sites for the full information debugging is a process in which u preform surgury (well, u noe what i mean) on the tama and u can pick any characters for the first generation and there is also hypermode...
  12. T

    HELP ME!

    OMG ITS HOUSE!!!!! :( ON TOPIC: your tamagotchi will turn three when u named it (around that time) if u did not pause it. (a day, basically :( ) so, give or take the time u paused it for, u should find its basic birthday time (when it should change into an adult) i like to watch for the...
  13. T


    its not a lie. u need to keep connecting the time that they mate is 24 hours or more after the love potion is used. so, to make them mate u need to keep connecting simple :kusatchi:
  14. T


    you cant trade presents that you have bought in the store with your friends. however your tamas can still exchange 'presents' that they have chosen themselves [aka, a flower, a cake, a snake, nothing..] your tamas can still make friends with others ^0^ it was bugging me too, since i only have...
  15. T

    What is wrong with the sound?

    mmmm. every tama has a slightly different beep. i dint think this will not affect your tama in any way growth-wise. it probably got bumped a bit too hard one day i would suggest cleaning the battery or seeing if its all the way in correctly.. could help a bit, u noe? but overall, it wont...