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hm.. if you wanted to know a little bit about me (i dunno why on the computer i dont seem like a very interesting person) then heres where to go&#33;<br><br>see my siggy for a full list of internet stuffs i do ^^<br><br>i play maple and i am an ADDICT&#33;&#33; WHEEEEEE&#33;<br>uh find me if you play maple&#33; i love friends&#33;<br><br>i love cats and i have two crazeee cats. as crazy as they are i love them to death and yeah.<br><br>i have soo much fun here on TT but im just not a tama addict ( i still know a lot&#33; you can PM me for questions&#33;)<br><br>uh. i like lotsa stuff. ya. lotsa stuff.
Oct 19, 1994 (Age: 30)
california-surfs up&#33;



maplestory: pyonchi, 41 fighter, windia

Nutrino pets: user ID pyonchitchi

GaiaOnline: user ID pyonchitchi

deviantart: pyonchitchi &lt;---- FIND ME im new :3

youtube: pyonchitchi


meh log.. its nt in use but IF u wanted to read it.

last update: november 23, 2006
