I hate animal cruelity too!
*pokes avvie and siggy* Hehe, so yeah..
I love my pets!
Here we go!
My dog Abby, she is a black Toy Poodle.
My other dog Buster, is a white Bichon Frise'.
One of my rabbits is a gray Lion Haired, her name is Fuzzy Face. (my sixteen year old brother named that one.. :furawatchi: )
The other rabbit, Thumper, is black and white but very friendly.
My red Beta Fish, his name is Bob.
I have a dwarf hamster, she is gray and white, we named her Marble. (Thank you CuteDancerRachel for helping me name her!

h34r: )
My cat, Squeaky, she is gray and white, and she is a Manx cat, she has no tail, because the type of cat she is does not have a tail..
My cat Sylvester, he is black and white. I don't not know what type of cat that is though.
Thats all of my pets.
My cousin was here Thrusday and she left this morning because she stayed like three days. But we were on a walk with my dogs when we walked up to this house.
This little sweetheart of a kitten ran up to us, and we picked her up. She looked hungry and homeless so we took her back to my house. We gave her food and water, and she layed in bed with my mom after she ate a little and drank a little. We made flyers to see if she hade a home, and if she didn't she would go live with my cousin in Georgia. We made her a bed out of a box, my blankie, and the pillow my cousin made for me. She loved that bed. We named her Sunny. She looked like she was going blind in one eye, and one pupil would spaz out and dialate then undialate while the other pupil stayed normal. We were taking core of her and playing with her when we got a phone call from her owner.
We went outside with her and waited on her owner.
It was a man, he said the kitten was his daughters, and that they get calls from neighboors about the kitten getting out all the time.
Turned out the kittens name was Saugqa. (Saw.Gu.Wha)
She was so cute though. It felt so good to rescue her from the middle of the road though. And then return her to her owner!