My two boys! Tama V1, V3 (And another soon!)


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Apr 23, 2006
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Zanarkand! Hahaha >_>
Yeah, well I figure I'd start a log of my own after getting a new battery for my old V1! And I should also be getting a Entama here -- in a few days, ordered it from Yes Asia last Friday! :furawatchi:

V1-- Name:: Sora

Type:: Babytchi

Gender:: Boy

Dicipline:: 0/10?

Wieght:: 7lbs

Age:: 0

V3 -- Name:: Roxas

Type: Tsunotchi (adult)

Gender:: Boy

Dicipline:: 8/10?

Wieght:: 22lbs

Age:: 5

So yeah. I gave them the names of my two favorite Kingdom Hearts 1 and Two characters. ;) Roxas and Sora! Hah! Weelll...Sora is taking a nap right now. His happy and hunger hearts were not that great but he constantly kept beeping at me. &_& and I ignored him once or twice to type his stats up. XD I caught Roxas going to the bathroom so I put him on the toilet! V1s and V3 are different~!

Roxas has a Nyatchi costume on. I really wish you could re-use the costume it's so cute!

Anyways Roxas has a bow and wings in his inventory and the secret code cake, and he did have a treasure chest and it was so cute, he turned into a ojitchi and started going nuts and spinning around in circles. Then when he turned back he had HUGE eyes and fell back with a sigh of relief! I don't go on Tamatown that much this Tama around but I did go and get a passport, and the new theater poster. Poor Roxas he has nothing! ...I have 185 Gotchi Points. XD I spent it all on the Nyatchi costume. >________<'' By accident of course! This afternoon while I was in school he got majorly happy and the screen zoomed in. I have no idea what was going on since I wasn't paying attention, until I looked down at him. He was doing that.

Sora just woke up! I fed him and now going to play hurdles with him. The highest I got was 27. ^^' And he just got one dicipline bar.

Roxas and Sora are so excited to get thier new brother...I think I'm going to name him Hayner, if that is all possible, seeing as the japanese kanji is way different then american letters!

So that's basicly all for tonight! They should be going to sleep soon!

Yesterday [May 4th, 2006] So yesterday I couldn't write in the log, but basically my Tamas did nothing too exicting except for going to the park with me and having a picknick! ....But the two did connect. They played a eating game and Roxas, the pig that he won. But not by much.

This morning Sora turned into a Ichigothi! Iever gotten that kind of Tama before! Today my Tamas went to school with me again. Roxas brushed his teeth in 3rd period. I'm not sure why, but meh it's such a cute animation~! Then as I was typing I had to play the Get and got 300 gotchi points. I bought Roxas two shovels and a plant, the shovles had a tart and 100 Gotchi points and the other plant has another 100 gotchi points!

And something stragne happend! My tamas were both singing together! At the exact same time. It was wierd becasue they weren't even connected. So, it must've been the time of day or something.

So that's about all the happened today. They poop regulary and ate regulary. Which is good I gave them constant care. Also Roxas turned 7 Today! Sora is also 1 year old!

Nothing to exciting I guess. I can't wait until my Ichigotchi changes into it's adult form! I want a Masktchi, though. ^_^

And i'm so mad! It's takinga week for my En-Tama to come!~!!! ARGH!! I'm getting impateint!

So Mrs. Busybody came this morning while I was taking a shower! I checked on them when I got out and Tadaa there she was. Roxas fell in love with a Bunbuntchi at 7 Years old. I will miss him when he leaves, but I will take care of his son, very well! Yes, he and the BunBuntchi had a little baby boy. I have to think of a Name. Kayin most likely! I luff that name. My Ichigochi got mad at me so I praised it and everythings all better!

So that's about it, I just had to record what happened, now I have to give Roxas alot of parting gifts! I will miss you Roxas the Tsunotchi!

Ah! When I fed Roxas he gave some to his baby! How cute! This is the first time I witnessed it so it's really cool to me. :huh:

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So my version 1 tamagotchi died, he went back to Tamagotch! B) I lost him for about 2 hours and yeah he freaking died! He had just turned into a Kutchipatchi too. >_______< :( oh well. So Roxas left this morning. He and Bun are now living it large at Tama Town while I watch the baby! B) And Kayin is on pause! Becasue I'm at shcool and I can't check every 5-10 minutes! I re-started my V1 tamagotchi and got a girl, her name is Aoi which means blue in japanese! :mimitchi: She is also on pause. I couldn't have 1 tamagotchi baby much less two! Ahhh well...and I still haven't got my entama yet~ :D


Soo, as of now it's alot better then the american version. The screen is larger. Not by much but still, it's abit strange to handle it for the first time. Instead of catching the falling numbers, you catch falling clothes to try and create a mannaquin to get more points. :) Not sure what's the difference.

Well, I hatched my egg from my entama and I got a girl! Her name is Hikaru (which takes up 3 letter spaces.) Hi-Ka-Ru becasue of the kanji. And I added a spiffy little heart to her name. So that's 4 of the 5. Peronally on the english version I think there should be allowed more then 5 characters for the name. Because in the japanese one, if you think 2 letters per kanji symbol (2x5=10) you can only use 5 different kanji but it can mean a 10 letter name in romanji (japanese in english letters). Therefore you create a larger name. Not sure if that made any sense. She's a memezoku tama and is uber cute!

I played the catch the clothes came and got 200 gotchi points! :D I love the beeps in the japanese version! It somehow sounds more realistic then the american version.

The downside is that I cannot understand most kanji and sometimes I randomly push a button. XD Trial and Error.

So let's see....

Kayin turned into a Mizutamachi.

And Aoi turned into aaaa..Marutchi.

They are both around 22lbs. XD

They have been pooping and crying and sleeping at the same times. Maybe it's not so random. :wub:

So today I had to put my V1 (Aoi) and V3 (Kayin) on pause for the last half of the day. I forgot to check them and there hunger & happy hearts were at none. >_<; I'm such a bad mother~ I also hate it when I put them on pause! You can't put a real baby on pause! So anyways nothing much really happend. Kayin had a taco for lunch! (Yuck...atleast he likes them. XD) and Aoi had bread. XD

And I went on E-TamaGo! (it froze up a couple times) and got a hot dog and a mircophone! ^______^ and the preschool teacher came and sang with Hikaru, she didn't do to well. ^^;

She has 0 intellegence points.

21 Fashion points.

and 0 kindness points. ;_______;

She has to get better scores!!

Well sorry, I was sick, and still am. I've missed 2 days of school and sunday is my b-day. :D The only reason I'm on is becasue...I'm bored out of my gourd. But I guess this isn't my log it's my tamas...

Okkk...So I went to Target and Walmart and all the Tamagotchis were sold out!! All I want is oooone more. So I'll have four. But when they all need something it's very chaotic. :rolleyes: Anyways...

Hikaru turned into a young memetchi! And she's in the school of Fashion. I wanted her to be intellegent buuut...yeah. 6_6

Intellegence = 23

Fashion = 38

Kindness = 20

So she got a flute and top hat. I think. ._____.

She got sad over a mail thing but I'm not sure what it was all about because I can't read kanji. :unsure:

Here is the sunflower/fashion teahcer!! Ha-ha-ha!

GARH!! I still can't get the music note. XD I've tried 3 times already!

Poor Hikaru...anyways Hikaru has a mic, a kindness mask...or something like that, a stuffed panda, a intellegence block and that's it right now.

Hikaru is 4 years and 11lbs. Memetchis remind he of ducks. XD

Kayin turned into a hinotamatchi and he is 22lbs and 2 years. ._.;

whooo he's big. :( He has a cake, corndog, 2 popcorns, pineapple, cupcake, and all the items from Roxas, his dad.

I went on Tamatown and went to visit Roxas and he gave Kayin a cellphone. :wacko: although we can't use it. ^^;; What's the use...? o.o;

I played the Get game with Kayin and got 225 gotchi points for him. Lalalalala...nothing really exciting with him. He has 6 of 9 training points. :unsure:

Aoi turned into another Ichigochi and is the same age and wieght as Kayin. :(

Maybe she'll change into a kuchipatchi again?? They should be chaning soon...I hope. &_&; She has 7 of 9 training points!

I played the hurdles game with her again. Yadda Yadda. :) I think I wrote enough!

Hikaru got 300 gotchi points for something in the mail. o_O; I guess thats good. She finally

got the right box for the music note (when the teacher came)! Hmm...nothing much else to say. *_*;; I did get her a kindness sleeping box, though. ._.; Although I didn't know that at the time, I thought it was a floppy disk. XD

Kayin and Aoi have 8/9 training points! ^-^ Kayin lost some weight, he's now only 17lbs!

Aoi is still 22lbs.

I bought Kayin a fishing pole and a ticket to some place. XD Don't know where. :furawatchi:

And Aoi is Aoi. :wacko:

Well I got Kutchipatchi again on my V1 (Aoi turned into a kutchipatchi)! So that's good. It's not the cutest chracter but, it's my kid. (that's how I look at it) XD. Not much else to say about Aoi. Except she was doing that wierd lip thing and she woke me up at 9am with that transformation sound. :hitodetchi:

And Kayin turned into a Robotchi! I don't know how, becasue I thought he was a bad character but I took good care of Kayin. ._.;; Anyhow, he's one of the more cuter tamas (much more then kutchipatchi :rolleyes: ) when I tried to go on the plane the password came up and my my interent was being stupid and when I went to write it down it wasn't there anymore, so I checked my inventory and the ticket wasn't there. :eek:

Hikaru's doing well!

She has 24 intellegence points

59 fashion points and...

26 kindness points!

The teacher came again, and Hikaru got the music note, once more! She also went on E-tamaGo! And got a rice cake. :D (Or ball whicher you prefer to call it)

So I haven't updated in awhile! T^T;;

So my Tamagotchis have been well! Although I have put them on pause for quite awhile! ;_; Well all except Hikaru! (becasue she can't be paused)

Aoi had a baby girl, with a Mametchi! What shall I name her? Yume? I don't know!

I constantly have to keep playing games with my tamagotchis! It's getting annoying!

Anyhow, otokitchi (or Mrs. Busybody) came to ALL of my tamamgotchis at the same time! XD ....

I didn't know how you got a boy or a girl open book or not, so I experimented, I had the open book for Aoi and the closed book for Hikaru but they wanted Hikaru to marry a kutchipatchi and I said no. XD So Aoi got a girl and I was to late for Kayin! I was kinda starting at all the otokitchis. XD

Hikaru applied for a job but didn't get it. I have no idea what was happening so I just went with the flow. XD I think it had something to do with the kindness jobs though! Now she's going to become a loser! T3T;; :rolleyes:

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Hahah! During school I'm allowed to play with them in fourth period. All the people who I expected not to play with them as to play withthem constatly in 4th period. (It's like a free period) and people want to play with them so much they have to take turns. XD

So my friend Sean is now the father of my V1 (XD ) And Jermal is the father of my V3 and my Cho Jinsei is just mine. Because none of the guys want to experiment with the thing becasue it's in japanese! :ph34r: So yeah letting them take care of them is great, cause i'm just sitting there laughing my butt off. ;) They're so serious about it, well they act like it. :)

Anyways now all my Tamagotchis have babies! ^______^ Hikaru has alittle Boy and Kayin has alittle boy!

Aoi left this morning~ Aoi's child who I named Rikku, is now a kinakomotchi! She changed while this boy named Ira was playing with her, and Sean got mad becasue he didn't see his child grow! XD (not really)

I wasn't paying attention to Rikku and she had no hearts left in hunger and happiness during 5th and 6th period. And then since me and Sean both have 7th period together I gave it to him to take care of so he fed it and played with it XD Then he started to talk to it saying that I was a bad mom. It was so funny. XD He put it in his pocket and sat there with it for all of 7th period. XD

So now, I need to think up names, The V3 will be Reno and the Entama will be...Sasuke or something. (No I'm NOT a Naruto fan, just like the name!) ;)

So Kayin left this morning, and Reno (V3, Kayin's child) is now a tamatchi! So he's been calling me every now and then to feed and play with him.

And Rikku (v1, Aoi's child) who was just a kinokamotchi yesterday turned into a Young Mimitchi at only 1 year old. o____________o;


Anyways, I'm taking very good care of all my tamagtochis this saturday afternoon. I'm so bored. XD


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