Well-known member
I just started a Music Star, my first one (I know, took me forever, right?
). What can I say? I'm old-school.
I finally got my Tama-Go in the mail last week and have been itching to try it out ever since, but I've been too busy so far (I'll get around to it soon, I'd really love to log my experiences). Getting another Tama-Go is an option because I've never had 2 Tamagotchis that are compatible to connect via IR. However, I know that Tama-Gos are also compatible with Music Stars. So what do you guys think? Is it worth it to get a second Tama-Go even though I have a Music Star? This may be a silly question (especially since we've been in the Connection world for 6 years now and I seem to be the only one out of the loop
) but I'm genuinely curious to know if there is a big difference between connecting two Tama-Gos vs. a Tama-Go with a Music Star. Are there game-play/character differences? Advantages? Disadvantages? Personal experiences? Thoughts? References? Any information would be much appreciated.

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