***Tamagotchi~Dutchess' LOG!***


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Well-known member
Jul 30, 2009
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Hello! This is my new log to follow the growth of my v4.5, and to illlustrate her life... but also, I didn't name this log to a specific version, so if I decide to change versions, I can keep this log running. :furawatchi: I hope this is as popular as my previous one, and I hope to keep it running longer than ever before.

I named my new little girl Marie, because that was the first thing to come to mind. Doon is the name of my brother's baby v4 boy.

9:03: Marie is born

9:04: Marie eats 4 meals and 4 snacks

9:09: Marie eats two meals

9:12: Marie connects with Doon.

9:14: Marie goes to the bathroom.

9:15: Marie gets sick for the first time

9:19: Marie eats sushi and an orange.

9:21: Marie plays Climb.

9:27: Marie eats a scone and bread, and poos.

Hewwo? giggle! goo tamagoti! Tamagoti~Dutiss

Awww. She's learning. Anyway, here is a link to my brother's log, he could use a few views to get himself started :) Thanks!


Name: Marie

Age: 0

Weight: 18

Training: {}

Funny: 0

Beauty: 0

Caring: 9


I'll be posting more when I can!!!

I am a child everybody!


You're a tamatchi sweetie!


Really? Is that good?


It's good. You're growing.




Did you have fun with Doon?


Yeahhh. We went to the playground :)


Do you think you guys are going to be friends?


Oh I KNOW we're going to be magical BFFs forever!!


Alrighty then... :furawatchi:


Can we play climb now?


Sure. But don't you want to read Doon's log?


DOON HAS A LOG??? <3 <3 <3 YES!!!


Training {I}

Funny: 4

Beauty: 4

Caring: 12

Age: 0

Weight: 17

Generation: 1


T~D! I wanna see Doon's log! NOW!

T~D! I got mail!


Really? OH! Open it!


It's from someone named Miss Frill... she wants me to come somewhere...


Hello dearie!




Don't worry. I'm Miss Frill, I teach tama Kindergarten. Do you want to come see the school with me?


Should I, T~D?


Go ahead! :)


Okay. *blasts off


This is the TamaTown Kindergarten center, where children attend their first school! See the playground in the back? And this is the playroom, where the children play.


:eek: Oh. Wow. There are a lot of children here.


That's because they all love playing, learning and making new friends. They come every day!


Hm. Okay. I want to come.


I'm glad. Here's your schoolbag, you'll need it to come to class.


Thank you. *goes back home* T~D! I'm going to go to Kingergarten!


Good! I thought you'd be interested. Kindgergarten is a great way to jumpstart your growth and education.


Huh?? :furawatchi:


Nevermind. Let's go to class!

Ok, so Marie is asleep, but I thought I'd update her stats, before she becomes a teen tomrrow:

Training {IIII}

Age: 0

Weight: 22

Funny: 19

Beauty: 17


Hours left alone: 2 :(

Emptiest hearts: 2empty/3 empty

She sends her love and will talk tomorrow!

I guess I'm babysitting Doon today...


Ahem, you don haf to babysit me! I'm a gwon up!


Yeah! We're big kids! I'm already one!


I see then... well nevermind.


Hey Mawie, what awe you doing?


*hiding in the corner* I'm pretending to be a rubber ball. I'm very good at that you know.


Oh. Lemme twy. *curls up into a ball on his screen*. Like this?






Be careful you guys...


Ow! What was that?


Marie! You hit the antique clothes dresser!


Sorry... :(


*I* didn't hit anything...


*sniffle* so?


I'm an expert floor wollah! (roller)!


You wouldn't know HOW without me!!!


Doon, I think you should say sorry to Marie.


No. You're not my guardian, why should I listen to you?


Because I know your guardian WOULD want you to be nice. And you, me and Marie are going to be together all day, so we might as well get along.


Okayyyy. I'm sawie for teasing you Mawie.


*deep breath* It's ok.


**PEACE** :)

Training: {IIII}

Age: 1

Weight: 22

Funny: 19

Beauty: 17

Caring: 25

Hours Left Alone: 0 so far

Lowest <3s: None so far



Like, chill out T~D!




She's freaking. Badly.


No kidding, Doon. :)




Nice observation (DUH)


Oh come on Marie. I'm just excited for you.... and you too Doon. I'll let K.K. Know as soon as possible.


Awesome. He's gonna be so surprised to see me like this!


Oh and BTW, shouldn't we tell them what KIND of teenagers we are? I mean, isn't this supposed to be a log? Isnt that why we write down all the stats and stuff?


That's right. Marie had the same stats as the last entry, when she became a -


Zouritchi! I read the character chart :(


Good job! That's a really pretty character!


Yeah.. I mean, I kinda think so too... :p


ANYWAY, Doon is a.. a...


Wait for KK to record it!.


Right. Well, that's all for now!

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I just got back from school. Marie was


:D :kuribotchi: :wub: :huh:


Sweetie, it's okay now, I'm right here, and I don't have to pause you for another hour... and then it won't be for too long.


But why!?!?! Why do you like, have to shut down my life!!?


So that I have plenty of time to take care of you well, and so I get to watch you grow up!


Ugh. Well. Can I at least go to school now? I met this really awesome ufotchi named Geoffrey...


Who is this boy??


Nevermind. It's okay. Can i just go to school now?



Bye T~D!!!


Be good in school! Listen to Mr. Turtlepedia!


I will... *blasts off, with school uniform - hat*


Teenagers, and some already adults, clustered around the school building, clutching her hat, and a big grin on her face, Marie enters


So Kaysee, what answer did you get for lesson 8?


Giggle. Uh, the third box? (teehee hee)


Yeah... totally...


Hmph. Kaysee is all giggly around Geoffrey, but I can be giggly too!


Oh, hi Marie.


HI! *giggle* What's up? *giggle*


Um... just going over yesterday's work...


*giggles* That's totally awesome! Really smart of you!


Thanks...? :blink:


*ahem* So what about lesson five? **I** thought the entertainment skill book was in the middle box... GEOFFERY... *leans in towards him, blocking out Marie*


*sniff* Well, I actually said that it was the left box. *sits down in chair next to Kaysee, opposite Gefforey*.


Actually, yeah, I got that answer too.


*giggle* It's because when Mr. Turtlepedia switches the left and right boxes, then he does the right and middle, and you might think it's the left one, but it's not! Right Gefforey?


*glares at Gefforey*


Uhhh yeahhh


Will Marie, Year Two please come here?


Coming! *scrambles to pick up books, trips on her way out of her chair, and then discovers her hair clip has slipped out* :)


Watch carefully.


(in background)So, do you want to go to TamaTown after class?


Are you watching Marie?


huh?? :blink:


Sure Kaysee. I hear they have a new movie at the cinima.


Ohhh that would be AH-MAZ-ING!


*starts to cry*


Ok, pick which box has your new skill reward.


WHAT??! :huh: :blink: :blink:




Middle? *poo falls on head - starts to run home*


Marie, are you okay?





What happened sweetie?


Geoffrey is going out with Kaysee!!! :blink: :blink: :huh:


Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you liked him that much!


Well I do, but it doesn't even matter anymore! I'll never be his girlfriend!


You might one day! And if not, you can still be good friends right?


I guess so... *happy beeps*


Lets go apple picking... :huh:

Marie became an adult today. YAY!!! She's a Horoyotchi. Looks kind of like a potato, with a lipstick top. Here are her stats when she evolved:

Age: 2

Weight: 21


Hearts: full/full


Beauty: 31

Caring: 34




Age: 3

Weight: 32


Hearts: full/full

Funny: 215

Beauty: 37

Caring: 37

Marie also went to TamaTown today, and played in the Arcade, and did some work at the food court. She helped make burgers and pizzas. :( Anyway, I'll have her talk ASAP in the morning when she wakes up.

I think I've gotten over Gefforey.


Have you???


Yes. I'm an adult now, after all.


Well, with that in mind, I guess you should take a few more classes at school now, before graduation.


Yep. *gulp and blasts off*


Hey! Marie! I haven't seen you since you changed!


You... either...


I'm a Tougyutchi!


I see...


You okay? You look kind of scared... It's just the classroom Maire. Like when we were teens.


I'm fine. Just surprise! You look great! Um, are you still together with Kaysee?


Kaysee? *scoffs* Nope. Turns out she was already dating that Mametchi... in Mr. Canvas' class...


:blink: Oh. I didn't know that. But I'll ask Doon about who he is. Doon is in Mr. Canvas' class.


Oh... :( Who's Doon?


He's my friend. His guardian is my guardian's brother.


cool..... *sigh*


But he's just my friend. Not even good friend. See? *pulls out address book* Just three faces.


I understand... B)


So, you excited for graduation?


Kind of. Do you have any plans for post-grad life?


Well, I'm not sure about careers. But I know I want to get married soon.


But not to Doon?


I don't think so ;)



YAY This is so great!


And, they ARE coming to read about MY life, so, I think I deserve some creds too...


Of course you do. Good job Marie, and thank you TamaTalk!!!


( :mametchi: )








Job: Pilot!!!!!



OH yeah! Didn't you tell them T~D? Last night I graduated from High School, I got a job as a pilot, which I LOVE. It all woroked out pretty well. T~D recorded the graduation, so we'll type up what happened later. :furawatchi:



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Good morning people. *yawn* Boy it's been a while.


Yes, I'm sorry about that Marie. Now that my new routine is down, I'll be having you unpause a lot more.


well, it doesn't matter a whole lot anyway, because DOON, my love, has his battery out. :(




Marie, I think you have a visitor...


Oh no!!! It's Geoffrey! I haven't talked to him since Graduation...

Marie, Geoffrey, Kaysee and their other classmates, are clustered in their navy blue caps and gowns outside their room.


Geoffrey! I'm so nervous!


It's just graduation.


I know! But like, this is it! And afterwards, we'll get our job interviews and everything! Life begins NOW.


Acutally, NOW, we have to go have our meeting with Mr. Turtlepedia. Come on!


They proceed into the classroom.


Graduating class. This is the last time we will gather as students. Once you take your diplomas, I am declaring you all knowledgeable tamagotchi adults, ready to take on life, and careers.




*whispering* Hey. Dude. You know Marie and I are getting married after graduation?


Random student: Seriously?? She told you?


Might as well have. ;)




*Doon, a Shimashimatchi, is seen waving his diploma in the window of the classroom door*


Marie, please step forward. By delivering this certificate, I entitle you a graduate of Tamagotchi High Elementry.


EEEK! :D :D :D Thank you! *runs out the door and kisses Doon*


Um, doesn't look too good for you man...

Oh no! He's here!

I think I've gotten over Gefforey. 

Have you???


Yes. I'm an adult now, after all.


Well, with that in mind, I guess you should take a few more classes at school now, before graduation.


Yep. *gulp and blasts off*


Hey! Marie! I haven't seen you since you changed!


You... either...


I'm a Ura Mametchi!


I see...


You okay? You look kind of scared... It's just the classroom Maire. Like when we were teens.


I'm fine. Just surprise! You look great! Um, are you still together with Kaysee?


Kaysee? *scoffs* Nope. Turns out she was already dating that Mametchi... in Mr. Canvas' class...


:blink: Oh. I didn't know that. But I'll ask Doon about who he is. Doon is in Mr. Canvas' class.


Oh...  :( Who's Doon?


He's my friend. His guardian is my guardian's brother.


cool..... *sigh*


But he's just my friend. Not even good friend. See? *pulls out address book* Just three faces.


I understand...  B)


So, you excited for graduation?


Kind of. Do you have any plans for post-grad life?


Well, I'm not sure about careers. But I know I want to get married soon.


But not to Doon?


I don't think so ;)
Sorry. I got mixed up. This is to clarify that Geoffrey is a Ura Mametchi.

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Gefforey? Hi, um, come in!


*steps in* Hi Marie, I was just wondering if we could talk...


Sure. Sure! We could talk... um... *trips, spills glass of water that she usually carries around*


You okay? Here, I'll help clean that up.


It's fine... oh, well, thank you.


So how are you and Doon? I mean, I'm just going to get straight to the point.


Well Gefforey, it's a story. Doon and I aren't together anymore.


What? But- graduation- you kissed-


And then he married a Memetchi or something, while I was paused. I don't even know... it's really upsetting...


So he just ditched you?


Yep. He has a baby girl now. Renn.




Geoffrey, I love you. I have since we were teens. I just wanted to apologize for messing you up so much with the Doon thing...


It's okay. It really doesn't matter to me now, because I love you too. So, do you want to get married?


( :blink: )

Geoffrey a Ura Mametchi, and Marie a Horoyotchi, were married on September 19, 2009.

Yesterday was Marie's last day with her baby, which she and Geoffrey had after getting married. Doon attended with no hard feelings, with his wife, and daughter Renn, who was a Mitzutamatchi. Geoffrey had been in TamaTown yesterday, looking for a house for them. Last night Marie went to join him. This morning, Marie's son woke up. This is what happened:

WAH!!!!!! Ware ith my Mama??!?!?!

Sweetie, your Mama has gone to Tamagotchi Planet.

I wan my Mama!!!!!!! :angry: :angry:

Well listen. I am Tamagotchi~Dutchess, and I'm going to take care of you when your Mama isn't here. I took care of her when she was a babitchi.

Weely? *sniffles*

Yep. And I'm going to take very good care of you, because I love you both. :angry:

Oh. You... Tamagootchess?

Close enough. I'm glad you feel better. I think I'll name you Geo.


T~D! I have mail and it's weird...


Oh! I'll bet it's your preschool registration!


PRESCHOOL? :huh: What are you-


Relax Geo. Preschool is a good thing. It's great! It's where you sing, and learn, and might even meet some other tamagotchis.


I don wanna meet new people! I just wanna stay wiff you!


But preschool will be so much more exciting than hanging around with me all day!


We can play tug-of-war! I can climb clouds!


Go ahead Geo. Open the mail.


*quivering opens mailbox*


Hey-lo! I'll bet you're Geo! What a cute little tamatchi!




I'm Ms. Frill. The preschool teacher. Since you opened your letter, I was notified, and have come to personally invite you to come to class.


T~D told me preschool would be where I learn, sing, and meet new tamagotchis.


She's right! Come with me!


Doesn't this look like a nice place?

Geo sees kids running around with a ball, a few coloring in a book, and others waiting around an organ.


This is what I'll be doing?


That's right! Doesn't it look fun?


Yeah! Except for them... they... *points to a huddle of teenagers*


That's our senior class. I know they look like big scary teenagers, but they're nice and will be graduating soon.


Oh. :)


Here's your backpack! See you soon!

Me. I'm Me. I'm a super cool Ura Young Mametchi.. Me. I'm Me. I'm a...


I've been listening to that chant for the past 20 earth minutes. Geo became a teenager at 11 this morning. He'd been going to school non stop...


Cuz I love Ms. Frill! She's AWESOME, and so are the kids at school. We all sing together, and it's fun...


I'm glad you enjoy it.


Oh yeah. My stats too! I was born with 37, 7, 7. Then by the time I changed I had 66, 60, 41. Which is pretty cool. I'm thinking it's those high humor points that made me a young mametchi :)


I'm sure it had something to do with it.


T~D also took very good care of me. I was a little hungry this morning, but then I had some cereal. I was a bit unhappy, so T~D fed me french fries, but as a kid I HATED french fries. Blech!


I'm sorry about that Geo.


It's okay. We played Climb together and won a whole TOURNAMENT of Tug-o-War. That made me all happy.


So when you go to the Elementry School, are you planning on studying with Mr. Turtlepedia?


Is he the dude that helps you with a humor career? Doing things like working at the circus, or being a rock star?


Yes, Mr. Turtlepedia helps in those careers, but if he's going to be your teacher soon, you shouldn't get used to calling him 'dude'.


Ok. Fine. I said that I'd meet Victor at the preschool in tamatown. Can we go now?


Victor? You made a friend? How adorable. Sure, we can go. Let me post your full stats.

Hearts: Full/full

Training: 3/9

Funny/Performance: 66

Beauty/Art: 60


Age: 1

Weight: 21

Stage: Teen

Education: Senior Class Preschool

Character: Ura Young Mametchi

Dream Job: Either Circus or Rock Star

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Hi. See, T~D thinks this is a big deal, so she got al excited and dragged me here to record this.


It's your preschool graduation! It's important to your growth! You're already on such a great track you little Ura Young Mametchi. I want this log to witness every step forward.


Okay, okay. I'll open it.


This is it little buddy. You, Victor, and the others, are ready to go to Elementry School now!


Yeah... I guess so. I can't believe it.


Remember when you were a tiny tamatchi, afraid of the teenagers? Ah... how they grow up so fast...


*chokes up* Yeah. I know. I don't want to leave here though! I want to keep trying to beat the time for putting the puzzles together, and dancing in the play yard!! :)


Here's your dipoloma. It's time to move on with your eduaction Geo. Good luck. I suggest you study with Mr. Turtlepedia. I think he would help you accomplish a lot of your goals.





How was that?


Sad. I'm going to miss that place.


Well, while you were there, your application for Elementry School came! You want to go meet the teachers?


I guess so. Ms. Frill also reccomended Mr. Turtlepedia.


I think your mother studied with him. :D



Hello? I'm Geo Lava. Um, I just graduated from the preschool. I was wondering if you would be my teacher at Tamagotchi High Elementry?


I recognize that accent... Lava you say? Surely you are not Marie Lava's son?


Well, she's my mother...


Amazing. I knew it. I would be honored to teach the next generation. Here, take this hat, it's part of my class' uniform. B)



How mad cool is this? I have over 200 views!!


We have over 200 views, Geo.


Yeah, yeah, that's right. Pretty incredable huh? HUH? We are RULING this log board!


I wouldn't go quite that far.


Fine. Be the pessimist. All I know, is that I'm livin' life GREAT, I have a great teacher, with great friends - did i tell you Victor is in my class? That's right! And all the girls love me... you know they do...


Geo is getting a tiny bit conceited.


Either that or caffinated, right?


HA. That's right. I shouldn't have bought you that soda at the food court after school.


Wait, wait, no, that was fine! There's nothing wrong with a nice cool drink with maybe a tiny bit of caffine... *twitch*


Mr. Turtlepedia certainly does his job well. No doubt you'll be a star comedian at the TV station someday...


NO. I'm going to be a circus performer, remember?


That's right. I'm sorry i forgot.


It's fine... whooh, I'm tired. I guess the caffine wore off finally. Wait, I want to go to class one last time.


Okay.... :rolleyes:


Aww man! I picked the poo! I guess it's time to call it a night. Post my stats okay T~D?


Hearts: Full/full

Training: 5/9

Funny/Performance: 127



Age: 1

Weight: 21


Education: Freshman Tamagotchi Elementry

Character: Ura Young Mametchi

Dream Job: Circus Performer
