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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2007
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Hi everyone!! its me AGAIN i know you have seen enough of me but im back and this log is going to be on ALL of my tamas lolz, of course i will update you on my other ones as well so here goes i will speak in ORANGE the stats will be in PURPLE so anyway my current active tamas are:




So right now on my ver4.5 i have an ura debatchi named Amber she is adorable! [ you might already know about her form my ver4.5 log] she is 4 yrs old and is reading the the matchmaker ton monday whoooo!!

My ver5 is doing great the characters are:

Blob: Mamekatchi

Jill: ichigotchi

Max: Bakutchi

they have 50 bonding and they are on 2nd gen! whoopee their parents are mememamatchi and memepapatchi!! lolz. :D :p :wacko:

As for my ver5.5 they are toddlers and the characters are:

Poppy: Belltchi

Dior: Sakuramotchi

Igor: Mattarutchi

they have 30 bonding they are on 1st gen and thats all i have to say on them.

oh whoops forgot to put the stats oh well lolz :lol: :lol:


i update you soon byes!

[SIZE=21pt]Memetchi7 [/SIZE] ;)

hi people just to let you know i might not be posting on my ver4,5 log much anymore becoz of this one but i will post on the ver5 one so i can update u on the love play. :D Anyway here are the stats for my ver4.5:

Name: Amber

Age:5 yrs old

Weight: 71lbs

Funny points: SAME

Gorgeous points: SAME

Spritual points: SAME

Gen: 3

Type: Adult

GP: 4240

Gender: girl

Job: hospital

Character: Ura Debatchi

Training: 4 bars

thats all for my ver4.5, but she will be reading the matchmaker tomorrow yay!!!

For my Ver5 they evolved today whoo and they have 50 bonding lolz still on second gen but the characters are:

Blob: Mumutchi

Jill: Onputchi

Max: Nemutchi

pretty cute :D

My ver5.5 is on 1st gen and has 20 bonding the characters are still toddlers but i think they will evovle tomorrow. i will update you on the love play in my ver5 log later i gotta go for dinner now see ya!! :(

sorry i forgot to speak in orange and purple lolz

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Hi fans and readers i have very cool news here we go with each tamagotchi......



Amber read the matchmaker at 3:05pm yesterday and married a yasguertchi!, then got a baby boy! which i am going to name Hammy hehe. i won't give you her stats today becoz thier pretty much the same :ichigotchi: Amber will leave little Hammy tomorrow cute!!



My ver5 are still adults and going strong they have 60 bonding and are on 2nd gen still lolz :puroperatchi: im not sure when they will read the matchmaker. but i think it will be tomorrow yayness!! :eek: :hitodetchi: :kusatchi:



As for my ver5.5 they evolved yesterday into teens the teens are:

Poppy: Ichigotchi

Dior: Shelltchi

Igor: Kikitchi

they have 20 bonding and are an active family haha cute, i don't know when they will evolve but hopefully thursday or tomorrow!! :kuribotchi:


Thats about it, if you are currently reading my love story on my old log please be aware that i will update it soon byes!! :wacko:



YAYNESS! i have sooo much news to tell u guyz for every version, i am a very proud mother right now :) :) :) Here we go!!


OMG i am soo happy and sad at the same time, my Amber left her little Hammy today while i was at school!! so cute now i have some stats for you about hammy:

Name: Hammy

Age: 0 yrs old

Weight: 15lbs

Gen: 4th yay! :furawatchi:

Training: none

Funny Points: 1

Gorgeous Points: 1

Spritiual Points: 3

Parent: Amber [ ura debatchi]

Grandparent: Cloud [ Yasaguertchi]

Type: Baby [its gonna evolve in 1 hour hehe]

Character: Tsubutchi

Gender: boy

hehe im really proud of both hammy and Amber




Well these little fellas evolved today!! they are now:

Dior: Chantotchi


Poppy: Hottetchi

thats my first hotteatchi lolz their gonna read matchmaker on friday yayness! B)



My ver5 mated today whooo!! i married my onputchi to a mametchi! cute i know i got another blended family but i don't mind, thier currently babies but i will give u their new names i have 2 sons and a daughter:

Koby: Omututchi

James: Mimifurawatchi

Babie: mimifurawatchi

hehe soo cute they are now on 3rd gen yay!

update u tomorrow byes!!


[SIZE=21pt]Memetchi7 [/SIZE] :wacko:

hello my good readers and fellow loons [just jokes lolz] here i go with some more boring info on my babys lolz :lol:



OK so in my last reply little hammy was a onli a widdle bubba but now...... He is a diyatchi i know what your thinking i got diyatchi when i had cloud, but this time i will be getting a ura kuchipatchi or ura togetchi hehe anyway here are the stats so far:

Name: Hammy

Age: 1 yr old

Weight: 32lbs

Gender: Boy

Gen: 4

Character: Diyatchi

Funny points: 1

Gorgeous points: 4

Spritiual Points: 8

Type: teenager

Parent: Amber [ ura debatchi]

Grandparent: Yasaguertchi [cloud]

Training bar: 2 bars

GP: 4600

Thats about it for now on Hammy lets move to.....



My ver5 evolved into Toddlers i can't remeber when but anyway the toddlers are:

Babie: Sakurmotchi

Koby: Mousetchi

James: Ahrikutchi

They have 10 bonding and will evolve maybe tomorrow i think!!




As for my ver5.5 they are still adults with 30 bonding and thier the ACTIVE family they won't read matchmaker until 2morrow geez alot happening tomorrow!! :wacko: :wacko:


That'll have to do byes


HEY there i have some juicy updates on my tamas for you guyz......



My little hammy is still a diyatchi he should evolve 2day yay!! hoping to get ura kuchipatchi or ura togetchi like i have said in my last post. i will update you on his stats again:

Name: Hammy

Age: 2 yrs old

Weight: 34lbs

Gen: 4

Gender: Boy

Funny Points: 2

Gorgeous Points: 13

Spiritual Points: 14

GP: 4200

Parent: Ura Debatchi [amber]

Grandparent: Yasaguertchi [ Cloud]

Type: Teenager

Training bars: 2 bars

yay should evolve sometime today...



My bubbas evolved into teens today whoo! here are the characters:

Babie: Ichigotchi

James: Bakutchi

Koby: Korokotchi

yay they have 20 bonding and will become adults on Monday whooppee lolz thinking ahead here hehe.......



OMG!! my darling kuchipatchi just married Hotteatchi! whoo whoo!! they are now eggs sooooo cute!!!!! i will tell you what the babies are when they hatch and they are:

Dobby: Futabatchi

Aimee: Futabatchi

Sally: Omatutchi

YAY they are on 2gen! whhoooo anyway as you can tell i now have two daughters and a son looking forward to telling you about them 2morrow.....



:rolleyes: :eek: :furawatchi: :D


[/color][/b] Hey omg great news Hammy evolved into an URA TOGETCHI YAYNESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry i am just sooo happy i have never had an ura togetchi. Here are some brief stats:

Name: Hammy

Age: 3 yrs old

Training: 4 bars

GP: 6000

Weight: 45lbs

Funny points: 1

Gorgeous points: 13

Spritiual points: 14

Gen: 4

Gender: boy

YAY really happy. :nazotchi: ;) :nazotchi:

VER5: my babies are still teens they will evolve on tuesday or monday!!! :lol:

they have 20 bonding, they have 400GP.

VER5.5: yay my darlings evolved into Toddlers the toddlers are:

Dobby: Mattrutchi

Aimee: Torotchi

Sally: Belltchi

cuteness all round. they are the Artistic family with 10 bonding they have 630GP


:nazotchi: :D

byes update tomorrow or later today. ;)


Hi again i don't actually know why im posting because there isn't much to say.......


Anyway Hammy is sooooo cute he evolved at 9:00am this morning i was so happy as i might have metioned in my last post.

I need to get him some more Funny points because he has onli 1!!! lolz i was to focused on getting an ur togetchi that i forgot about his other points lolz :D


My ver5 is sooooo cute i jut played tea time with them and now i have some more gotchi points. my koby is the main character i think........... but anyway they will sometime in the next two days.


My ver5.5 evolved yesterday and hey are happily jumping around the screen like good tamas except they won't stop beeping!!!!!!!!! they have being at me for the last 3 hours that i have being awake!!!!!!!! naughty little bubbas......



Anyway byes for now i was onli posting coz im a bit bored lolz, going to a movie with a friend soon so see ya!!!

[SIZE=21pt]Memetchi7[/SIZE][/color] :nazotchi: :nazotchi: :nazotchi:

Hi again readers, just about my Hammy has being very cute i played apple and Man-hole and i got some skill points for him..... but he was being a bit naughty beeping for no reason so i gave time out because thats what you do to naughty tamas! all my others are fine and happy byes

[SIZE=21pt]Memetchi7[/SIZE] :(

B) Hi readers,

My little hammy is fine he should get his job mail sometime this week i really wanna get job as a hair stylist but you never know. Here are his stats:

Name: Hammy

Age: 4 yrs old

Weight: 76lbs

Gender: Boy

Gen: 4

Funny Points: 4

Gorgeous Points: 13

Sprirtiual Points: 26

Training: 4 bars

Character: Ura Togetchi [ My first one yay!]

Parent: Ura debatchi [ Amber]

Grandparent: Yasaguertchi [Cloud]

Type: Adult

GP: 6850

he should read the matchmaker on Wedensday i am hoping for a baby girl so then i can name it Hazel lolz

:lol: ;)



Believe it or not my ver5.5 evolved into the exact same teens as before!! weird but anyway the characters are:

Aimee: Ichigotchi

Sally: Shelltchi

Dobby: Kikitchi

Pretty cute they have 10 bonding and are back to being the blended family. i am hoping for different adults when they evolve!!!



I don't usually tell you about these little fellas last, but anyway they evovoled into adults during school!! i had them on silent in my bag and i had to keep checking them lolz but anyway the characters are:

Babie: Watatchi [ i think i might get a makkio soon with the dresser lolz]

Koby: uhyotchi

James: mukugetchi

they have 20 bonding, soo cute hehe, gonna make watatchi into makkio!!!


Just thought i would tell you what hammys babys future might be like if it happens:

I would like to get a baby girl and name her Hazel then she can evolve into whatever child she wants, from there depending on the character i want to get one of these teens:

From Tamatchi: Ura Young memetchi

From Kuchitamatchi: Yakantchi

From Hitodetchi: Ura young violetchi

From Kurobotchi: Ura youg yattatchi

If that Happens then im not quite sure what adults i will want from there have to see and tell you 2morrow byes!!!!



:angry: [SIZE=21pt]Memetchi7[/SIZE] ;)

Hey readers not much has happened with the bubbas today, but Hammy is now 5 yrs old whoo and he weighs 45lbs i played some climb with him and hes all heathly and happy. My ver5.5 are the active family really cute, and on my ver5 i got the dresser for watarchi and used it on her and she transformed into makkio! whoo :p :) .


Here are just some updates on when each tama will evolve or when it will marry ETC ETC

VER4.5: Will turn 6 yrs old tomorrow and read matchmaker.

VER5: Will read the matchmaker either tomorrow or the day after.

VER5.5: Will evolve tomorrow or day after.


Other than that not much exciting happened. lolz :D ;)

Hopefully something will happen tomorrow byes for now!!


Hello readers,


VER4.5: WHOOOOPPPPEEEEE my Hammy read the matchmaker today and married a ura violetchi soooo cute!!!! then Hammy had a baby girl which i am gonna name Hazel i think my dreams for Hammy's little baby are coming true!!!




My little guys are doing great, im not sure when they will evolve into adults but hopefully soon! they have 20 bonding and Aimee is my main character. :(


VER5: My koby just read the matchmaker!! he married a memetchi!! cute i have another blended family!! yhooo they Hatched the characters are:

Oink: Omututchi

Dizzy: Omututchi

Salem: Futabatchi

SOOO adorable!!! they are now on 4th gen whooppee!!


today has being great two of my tamas just married!!

Anyway bye for now

[SIZE=21pt]Memetchi7[/SIZE] :angry: -_- :rolleyes:

-_- Hey again readers,


just thought i would let you know that both my ver5 and ver5.5 evolved just now,

VER5.5: so these are the new characters:

Dobby: Kuchipatchi

Aimee: memetchi

Sally: Hotteatchi



The fruit family evolved into toddler about half and hour ago these are the characters

Oink: Matturutchi

Dizzy: Belltchi

Salem: Ahrikuthi


so that is all on them for now just thought i would tell you now so i wouldn't have to 2morrow!!


[SIZE=21pt]Memetchi7[/SIZE][/color][/size] :( :rolleyes: :angry:

Hello readers/fans

:D sadly not much has happened with the bubbas, except hammy will leave Hazel tomorrow

memetchi7 :kuribotchi:

hey readers,

my Hammy left his Hazel today! so cute and sad. :p hazel is now a kuchitamatchi here are her stats:

Name: Hazel

Age: 0 yrs old

Weight: 24lbs

Gen: 5th whoo!!

Gender: Girl

Funny points: 0

Gorgeous points: 6

Sprirtual points: 2

Parent: Ura Togetchi [Hammy]

Grandparent: Ura debatchi [ Amber]

Character: Kuchitamatchi

GP: 5700

Type: Toddler

Training: 2 bars

soooo happy for hammy and now hazel is in my care and im aiming for a ura violetchi!!!


My ver5 evolved into teens today yay!! the teens are:

Dizzy: Ichigotchi

Oink: Bakutchi

Salem: Mamekatchi

they have 40 bonding and they love playing tea time!! i play it with them all the time.


My ver5.5 are still audlts i think they will read the matchmaker 2morrow!!,they enjoy playing tama fans with me hehe cute!!


Update tomorrow byes

[SIZE=21pt]Memetchi7[/SIZE][/color] :D :D :p

:angry: hey readers/fans


Yayness!! Hazel evolved into a ura young memetchi! whoo here are her stats:

Name: Hazel

Age: 1 yr old

Weight: 34lbs

Gen: 5th

Gender: Girl

Training: 3 bars

Funny points: 3

Gorgeous points: 16

Sprirtual Points: 2

Type: teenager

Parent: Ura togetchi [ Hammy]

GP: 6400

Grandparent: Ura Debachi [Amber]

Character: ura young memetchi

I dont think Hazel will evolve into ura violetchi but she might evolve into ura memetchi! soooo cute!



my ver5 are still teens with 50 bonding im gonna try and get 100 bonding!!


VER5.5: WHOOOPPEEE my bubbas read the matchmaker this morning!, i got my memetchi [Aimee] to marry mametchi! cuteness all round. they are now toddlers, i have 2 daughters and a son:

Meena: Belltchi

Hope: Sakuramotchi

Tiger: Mousetchi

they are on 3rd gen now yay!! they have 644GP and no bonding just yet!


thats all for now byes!

:angry: :angry:


[SIZE=21pt]Memetchi7[/SIZE] :angry: :angry: :)

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Hey readers

My Hazel is doing just fine here are her stats:

Name: Hazel

Age: 2 yrs old


Funny points: 16

Gorgeous points26

Sprirtual points: 6

Parent: Ura Togetchi [ Hammy]

User Name: Gotchi

Grandparent:Ura debatchi [amber]

Character: Ura young memetchi

GP: 6840

Training: 5 bars

Gender: Girl

Gen: 5


My ver5 are still teens im trying to get their bonding up to 100 so i can get a Easy-going family what will is this:

My mamekatchi [salem] will hopefully evolve into a sukatchi, then i will get him to marry a Violetchi so then when the parents leave [they will hopefully be mamafuriwatchi and papakizatchi] i will/ might be left with two eggs, which will hopefully hatch as two futabatchis if all this happens correctly i might get the family i want!!! yay they have bonding nearly there!!!


My ver5.5 are still toddlers hoping they will evolve tomorrow!



[SIZE=21pt]Memetchi7[/SIZE] :( :( :mellow: :(

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Hey readers,

wow sooo much has happened in the last 2 days!!


My Hazel evolved into ura memetchi! yayness! shes now 3 yrs old!, today the gotchi king came in the mail and gave me 1000 GP!! so now i have 7120gp lolz my Hazel is rich!! hehe, i think she will read the matchmaker on thursday?!!



these little guyz evolved into teens today! the characters are:

Meena: Shelltchi

Hope: ichigotchi

Tiger: Kikitchi

they have 50 bonding cute :eek: :D :) ;) :D



WHOOHOOO! my babies evolved into adults yesterday! the characters are:

Dizzy: Memetchi

Oink: Sukatchi

Salem: mametchi!!

they have 100 bonding whoo hooo :D Im gonna get the easy going family like i said in my last post!! wish me luck :) :blink: :)


byes :eek:


Hey readers:

ok so my ver4.5 is going to read matchmaker tomorrow!! yayness, Hazel is currently 5 yrs old hehe.

my ver5 married today but i didn't get an easy- going family boo hoo lolz but anyway sukatchi [oink] married a potetchi and now im on 5th gen with 10 bonding and the new toddlers are:

Angel: Sakurmotchi

Mousetchi: Gotchi

Ahirukutchi: Newt

lolz cuteness all round ;) :D

my ver5.5 evolved into adults today the characters are:

Meena: Rosetchi

Tiger: Anesantchi

Hope: Magictchi

they have 50 bonding whoo whoo!! thats the only reason i got those characters lolz :D :D :D


byes for now

[SIZE=21pt] Memetchi7[/SIZE] :D :D

Hey readers,

awesome news Hazel read then matchmaker yesterday!!!!!!!!!!! Hazel married an ura mametchi! perfect couple lolz she had a baby girl which im going to name Dizzy.

all my other versions are still the same except that my ver5 has 20 bonding and my ver5.5 has 60 bonding and thier on 5th gen!! whooo anyway really gotta go so byez!

;) :) :eek:


