Tamatalk Guide To Tama Care


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Well-known member
May 3, 2009
Reaction score
United States, VA
I have noticed that there are many posts that are asking how to take a certain type of care of there music star. Well I will now create a guide to taking these 5 types of care and how to carry them out.

Perfect Care - Awesome, perfect care!

1) Do not miss any care attention beeps and actually try not to miss any at all.

2) Try to play games more than giving it snacks.

3) Keep its weight low.

4) Catch it when it is about to poo, a lot.


6) Keep stress low, and try not to praise it to lower the stress.

Above Average Care - Pretty good care.

1) Miss Care only 1-2 times.

2) Give Snacks a little bit, but overall play games.

3) Keep the weight at around 20-30 lb.

4) Let it poo some.

5) Let it go to bed with poo some.

6) Let stress around 20-30.

Average Care - Pretty ok care but stay away.

1) Miss care 3-4 times.

2) Give snacks more than above average but less than below average.

3) Keep the weight at about 30-40 lb.

4) let it poo a bit more than above average

5) let it go to bed with poo a lot

6) Stress around 30-50

Below Average Care - This care is not good try to stay away from it.

1) Miss care about 5 times

2) Give snacks a lot, but not all the time.

3) Keep weight at about 40-65

4) Let it poo a lot more than average.

5) let it go to bed with poo a bit more than above average.

6) Stress around 50-60

Bad Care - This kind of care is horrible and I could not bring myself to do it even though tamas are not real!

1) Miss care A LOT!!!!!!!

2) Give snacks all the time, and give baby food and baby milk.

3) Keep weight very high!!!!!!

4) Let it poo all the time and it you catch it in the process, don't help it.

5) Let it go to bed hungry unhappy and with poo, also with a skull or sickness!!!!

6) Stress super high!!!!!!

This may not be accurate, but it worked for me. If you have any extra information please post it.

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Nice, Good job..

I have a little comment! It might be better if you make a chart so that it's easier to view...............Right??

You don't have to do it but it's just a little comment.

Pink Memetchi

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