♥Roxygirl26's Tamagotchi Log!♥


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Well-known member
Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
over the rainbow
Hey everyone!

And welcome to my new log!

This one will be better than my last one, because i'll be adding pictures once in a while!

Okay back to my tama's..

I have a V4- Black with lightning bolts and red ball

and a V3- Yellow with colouful stars

(i'll try to get pictures up today)

Alright, The egss are sitting there, I just have to set the time,date and birthday.. so one sec:)

Okay! the two eggs are bouncing around! just waiting now! :)

The v4 is a girl, and the v3 is a boy

For the V4 im going with the Twilight theme so i'm naming her Bella!

And the V3 , i'm gunna name Nick after my last tama.

here's Bella!

ooh.. uhhgaa. laaaooooggaaeeyy

huh? maaamiii jaafuutii

and Nick

hahha meeeerraa tahlufffer




well, I'll post again when they're older:)

byee for now!

. ! Roxygirl26 ! .

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Okay! I'm back!

Hi! I'm Bella! And I'm a mohitamatchi! I look like an ugly boy!

;) :(

I want to be beautiful!

and I just got a preschool teacher! She's pretty.. im so jealous:( Oh! did I tell you that Nick is the stupidest boy in the whole world! He threw my toys out the window! :mad: I don't want to live with him anymore:(

bye.. :D

Nick here!

I'm a girly Mizutamatchi!, isn't that great. :(

I hope I'm not girly when i grow up! :D and I hate Bella, she's so annoying. ugh. When I was a baby I pushed all her toys off her balcony:) tehe lol



they hate eachother.this should go well.. aha

well here are some pictures!


Boys room

My tama's

Girl's room

. ! Roxygirl26 ! .

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Hey! Nick and Bella are here to talk to you about their day:)

HI! I evolved into an Young mametchi today, I wanted something else.. but w/e I am what i am:p We also get to change our tama rooms in the tama house sometime soon, since were teens and not babies. lol I can't wait:)


Hello! Today, i evolved into an ichigotchi! i wanted to become a young dorotchi though,... But i guess RG (Roxygirl) didn't take bad enough care of me:( She tried though:p


okay byeee!

Aha, well, were off !

Another Picture later;)

p.s- did anyone hace any troubles with the pictures? PM me to let me know:) thanks

And here are the pics again just incase they aren't working for you.. cuz they are'nt for me.. lol


Boys Room

My tama's

Girl's Room

. ! Roxygirl26 ! .

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Okay, well me and Duncan (my boyfriend) are gettting the tama's weight down since they are fat:)

Nick is done, but Bella... aha fat:)

well here is the picture a promised:)

Nick and Bella hate

. ! Roxygirl26 ! .

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hey! I'm here with Nick and Bella!

they've actually been good since they got up:O

well here they are:)

Hello Tamatalkers! I'm Nick! and still a young mametchi, I don't think that it's fair that stupid bella is going to get to be an adult before me. ugh! I hate her so much!

Be nice Nick!, It's not Bella's fault, she is in a V4 home and V4's grow up quicker, you'll still be the same age:p

Still, It's not fair.

Stop it Nick, and grow up. Maybe V4's are more mature than V3's, so she gets to grow earlier, since you are acting like a baby again!

Well, I'm going to my room! ugh! bye!

Hi, Bella here! Guess what? I'm growing up tomorrow! inot an adult, hopefully a memetchi.. i want to become Makikotchi! I;m kinda bad at dance though.. but I'm really trying! and I'm going to school everyday like 20 times! so that I can get more artistic points with Miss Flower.. :) She's really nice and really pretty!

Right now I have 217 Artistic points.. but I still Need 133 .. i think.. I'm not that good at math:p


well, gotta go play dance, bye!

Aha, Nick is so grounded.. lol

well I hope the pictures are working now and that you all like them:)

hopefully more updates later!


p.s- you guys should read BuddiLuvsYew, Novembertama, and PonytchiLuv's logs! theyre amazing!

. ! Roxygirl26 ! .

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Hey! I'm back!

There isn't really anything to update on but, w/e lol

here are Nick and Bella.. in their FIRST convo together.!

Hey! Nick here!

Hi, I'm Bella.

Why don't you guys let the tamatalkers know a bit about yourselves?

Okay! well, I'm Nick, I hate Bella and RG tells me that i'm ignorant and obnoxious.. w/e that means.. I think I'm perfect, and everyone else sucks!

and I love Buddiluvsyew's log, it's hilarious!

Oh, and you should send RG fan mail.. about MEE! Cuz I'm better than Them:)


Wow, your rude Nick! Your grounded again!

what?! ugh, I hate you too RG:mad:

Go ahead, your still grounded, but anyways.. Bella, your turn:)

O-okay .. well, My name is Bella, and I'm going to be getting married to a boy named Billy .. if he doesn't die..

Uhm, RG says that I'm shy and sweet and very polite.. but mean to Nick.. probably because we hate eachother.. so it's kinda normal for us. lol

I also love NovemberTama's Log, and PonytchiLuv's Log:)


Well, that went better than I thought.. even though Nick was still being a brat:\

Gotta go!


PM me!

. ! Roxygirl26 ! .

Hello tamatalkers!

I hope you're enjoying my log!

PM me please :p

here are Nick and Bella!

Hey! Guess what I'm still a young mametchi!ugh! i wanna change so badly! ;) :( :( :( well, hopefully tomorrowww! I'll et you know when I do;) And i still havent gotten any fan mail:\thanks guys! i'll never become famous if I dont get any fan mail!

so start sending!

Hi, I'm Bella, and I think I'm evolving today.. I'm not positive but I think I am:) Hopefully I'll become a Memetchi, and then a Makikotchi:) Right now I have 330 artistic points, and I'm getting more tomorrow:) I also played lots of dance today:p

well, bye!

Haha, and it looks like Nick didn't tell you that he ran away today! Well, I was helping Bella in her dance class, and when it was over, we couldn't find Nick..

We went to the house to see if he was there, but he wasn't, and all his stuff and all the food was there.. so he ran away with nothing.. stupid Nick.. and then he showed up after we went back to the dance studio!

Lol, he's so grounded...

I might as well ground him for his whole life:p



. ! Roxygirl26 ! .

I evolved! I evolved!


and into a Memetchi!

And I would, get more artistic points so that i could become a makikotchi today, but i want to be a memetchi for today:) lol

so makikotchi tomorrow hopefully!



- Bella, the memetchi

It's so not fair!

whats not fair?

Thats Bella changed:mad:

Nick! stop! you're so immature!

No i'm not!

yes you are!, and if you keep up this bad attitude and keep being a brat i wont let you go to the school dance!

No! I have to go! I even ahve a date!

then you better be good!

okay then:(..i'll try RG

Okay, we have to go now!Bye!


Hey! Okay, my mouse for my computer is like broken.. so i might not be posting in a while:(

Well, Bella and Nick are sleeping, but yeah here we go:)

Bella became......... a MAKIKOTCHI!

and Nick became a ......... Violetchi:(

I was hoping for something less girlyy.. but w/e, I can't change him!

And Bella's future husband is still alive.. i think:p

and I 'm hoping that Nick will be getting with another violetchi named Diana, my sisters again:p

hopefully she is alive:)

Bella also got fanmail! from PonytchiLuv! She was so excited, she's probably going to be mad at me, since she wanted to tell you herself:p lol

well bye!

. ! Roxygirl26 ! .

Hey! i finally got a mouse! so now i can post!


Here's Nick and Bella!

Wow, haven't talked to you guys in a little bit:p... well I'm a violetchi.. isn't that just great:| i wanted to be something reealllyy awesome, but aha i guess NOT! UGH! this sucks:( oh well i hope my son gets to be something cool... oh yeah, did i tell you i have a son? Yeah, this morning I married another violetchi, named Diana, and we had baby boys:) he's so cute:) and on Monday.. the 3rd of November, He will be talking to you:) aha i dont know any names yet though..

-Nick[thinking of names]

HI, Bella here, the beautiful Makikotchi, with her new baby son! Yeah! I got a son too! I already know his name, but im not gunna tell you! it's going to be a surprise:)

I also have a fan! her name is Luna and she is an ichigotchi, just like i was!, except she wants to beccome a ponytchi!

I hope you achieve your dream Luna!, oh, and Luna is from PonytchiLuv's Diary, so read it! :)


p.s- comic later of Bella and Nick on Halloween!

. ! Roxygirl26 ! .

well, not much else has happened...

Bella got a visit from the king and got honey..


heres the comic i promised!


. ! Roxygirl26 ! .

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Hey! guess what!?


Nick, you already know..:\

no i dont! what is it?!?!?!?!?!

please shut up Nick. for goodness sake, noone wants to hear your voice anymore.

*throws Nick into a closet and locks it*

okay, now that that's taken care of.. we have something for you tamatalkers!

yeah, its a................PICTURE!

yupp! of.... well, you can check it out for yourselves.. lol



get me outta here!!! i wanna know what you have too!

RG+Bella- SHUT UP!

oh-em-gee, even after he's an adult.. with a child even! hes still immature and acting like a little kid!

well, that's Nick, Bella..

mhmm, i can't wait until I leave.. hopefully no more Nick:p

aha yes. well bye everyone

enjoy the picture!

^_^ :(


. ! Roxygirl26 ! .

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Hey! We got to go out for breakfast and shopping with RG and her family today!

yeah, they seeme to enjoy when we were in Wal-mart looking at the other tamas, Bella said she had seen them before she came to me, and they used to be friends.

yeah! it was aweosme just being able to see them again! RG almost got me my friend Zoey, but she decided not too:(

I'm sorry Bella, but i can't handle another tama, we just started up another one. A v3 named Billy, hes an adult too, but you guys wont be hearing about him too often:p

mmm, billy's okay.. we were suppposed to be partners, but his previous owner was too lazy to connect us so i had to get the evil matchmaker:(

Why do you hate the matchmaker?

because she makes you have kids with someone you met for like 5 seconds! i wanted to love billy:(

well, too late now:\, sorry

its okay, i have my baby boy now:)

yes, and if you were wondering where Nick is.. he is in the closet again.. he was being very bossy and making everyone go to their rooms:p aha just because he is like 10 mins older:p

mhmm, and today we had a late halloween party, and 12 tama's were there in total 8v2's, 3 v3's, and 1 v4:p!!!! It was awesome!

well gotta go let Nick out soon, bye!


p.s- maybe a picture later:) PM me if you want me to post one;)_

. ! Roxygirl26 ! .


Nick is still in the closet!

but i've made a picture for you! i'm just not gunna post it until some ppl pm me to tell me!

i want to see how bad you all want my beutiful picture:)


so PM ME!

ahahahahahahhahahahahahhaahahhahahaha :D :p :furawatchi: :gozarutchi: :lol:

. ! Roxygirl26 ! .


Nick and Bella just went to sleep

but they wanted me to tell you tamatalkers that they appreciated you reading about them, and that they will miss talking to you!

you'll get to hear about their kids tomorrow!

Be prepared for Nick's kid..:S:S



p.s- if anyone has any other colours to use, then PM me them, please:) thanks!

. ! Roxygirl26 ! .


Okay well, last night.. Bella's battery randomly died.. and so i reset and downloaded, and now its fine :S but it also means that she didn't leave last night..

and i dont think shes leaving tonight either.. because when i looked at her stats today.. it said her name was Ella instead of Bella, so i had to reset and download so that it was normal again:(

Nick left though.. :D

well, here are the tams..

Hi, Bella here, I can't believe i had the name glitch:( its the first glitch that any of RG's tama's have ever had! its so weird! i'm glad i have my name back.. and another day with my son:) and hopefuly another day.. even though i wanted for my son and Nicks son to grow up together.oh well, theyre both boys so they can't marry eachother anyways:p lol and still know the name i want to name it, you can PM RG with guesses if you like!

well, gotta go!


Uhhh, well , i'm Nicks son Dunc, im a mohitamatchi, just like Bella.. ugh.

I dont really like her... she thinks she realllllly pretty and better looking than us because shes a stupid Makikotchi... whats so special about that?

anyways, im glad shes not my mother and only my caretaker along with RG and a V3 named Billy.. i really like him:) hes so cool, well i have to go .. bye:)

I was hoping that Dunc would've become the other kid with the big lips.. but no:( not goodd enough care i guess:( oh well, i got the second best toddler!

well, yeah. we have to go read other logs now, so bye!!

p.s- maybe a comic later.. maybe;)

. ! Roxygirl26 ! .

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Hi everyone!

I'm just gunna let Bella and Dunc talk now:) so here!

Hey tamatalkers! I hope your enjoying our log!=]

As you can tell, i didn't leave last night:)

I'm happy i didnt though.. for 2 reasons..

  • I'd have to see Nick if I went up to Tama Planet
  • I get to spend more time with my baby boy!
I think that those are good enough reasons, lol

well, i'll let Dunc talk now:)

Hi, I'm still a mohitamatchi:\

although, RG said I'm becoming a teenager today! :D

yeaa! Watch out girls, I'm gunna be H-O-T!



wow, starting to see a bit of Nick in Dunc, uh-oh

i drew a pic but its not the best.. so i'll do another one and post it tonight


p.s- Thanks November Tama for the list of colours!

. ! Roxygirl26 ! .

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okay, some stuff went down yesterday!

so here goes...

  • Dunc evolved (but i dont know what its called)
  • I paused Bella last night so she wouldnt leave and that her baby boy and Billy's girl could grow up together
  • Billy and Bella are leaving tonight

wow, not as much as i thought..

and sorry for not posting a picture yesterday:( i never had time to get on the computer..

i'll do one right now... so be back sooooon:)

. ! Roxygirl26 ! .
