Immediate help needed with V4!


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Well-known member
Jul 14, 2008
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I just put a fresh battery into my green V4 (yes, it is CR 2032, not 2025 :D ), and when I try to connect with my orange and pink V4s, the screen always says 'fail'. The other 2 connects quite fine under the same lighting condition, etc. but the green one just doesn't connect. When I try to do so and I press the B button on one of them, the other one would still say 'stand by'. I tried it both ways and worked out that my green V4 cannot emit OR receive infra-red waves. Is there any ways I can fix it? :D I'm on 17th generation, and I wouldn't want a disabled Tama :p

P.S. The low battery sign showed up when I was trying to connect, and the heart-shaped IR icon remained highlighted until the old battery was removed. The low battery sign flashed for about 1 week before I found a screwdriver :p if that helps!

I've heard several people complain of a V4 always refusing to connect before. This helped solve it for other people, try it and let us know: press the reset button on the back, then select download from the download / reset menu that appears on the screen.

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