What skin do you have on right now?


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Active member
Jan 25, 2008
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house in Lovettsville, VA
[SIZE=14pt]Ok before you choose, skin is what color some of the lines are, umm... not a good discription, to see what a skin is, go to your control pannel, on the side it will say" skins and languages" click it and choose your favorite skin...[/SIZE]
This should probably be in the (Non)TamaTalk section... but....

I have the metallic blue skin. It's very simple. Me like it.

i like metallic blue as well. its not too bright or flashy in my opinion.

I've got Green Camo~ I have like, ever since I joined. Changing it would shock me, like my new cute Hello Kitty background on my compy STILL does xD

Mileyroxursox2342, that does sound strange xD (I meant that as a joke, of course, not to be offencive.)

I'm thinking of changing it, I have the metallic blue. I think we should have more skins as well. Somebody should put this in the "Suggestions?" forum.

*Topic moved to 'What's On Your Mind'*

....  I think we should have more skins as well.  Somebody should put this in the "Suggestions?" forum.
;) Pinned in bold at the top of the Suggestions forum: https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/index.php?showtopic=36950

I have the metallic blue - it's the closest one to the original TamaTalk "Classic" blue which was always my favorite.

We lost access to it some years back (when we changed server I think) :)

I rarely change the skin... it just feels weird look at TT in an unfamiliar new dress :ph34r:

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I have the Connection Yellow. I've had it this way ever since I've been on TamaTalk, and if I choose the Metallic Blue, I get this feeling of being new to TamaTalk where it's the default skin :)

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