Warrior cats - The Truth Within


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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2005
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My house ;)
If this passes, Chapter 2 will be up in 5 days.


Chapter 1

Amberkit sat in the nursery, waiting.

There was a battle going on at this moment, she knew, and she was waiting for her mother and father to come home.

She played with Thrushkit, Pinkkit, Swiftkit and Darkpaw in the nursery as she waited.

“I hope all the warriors come home okay,” Thrushkit mewed.

“My mom and dad will. They’re some of the best fighters around!” Amberkit meowed enthusiastically.

“I-I don’t know if-if you can be so sure,” Darkpaw mewed in a stuttering voice. He looked unsettled. “I-I never told you ho-how I lost my own p-parents.”

“Oh, you mean….” Swiftkit took a guess. “Battle?”

“Yep, and the very claws of Clawstar, too,” Darkpaw mewed sadly. “You know him?”

“No,” mewed Amberkit, puzzled. “What about him?”

“He killed my mom and dad,” Darkpaw admitted. He gestured all the kits closer.

“Your parents were nothing more than apprentices then, and my parents were experienced warriors,” he told them. “I was a tiny kit. My mother had recovered enough to join a battle patrol, after reinforcements were needed. When they got there, my father was battling Clawstar. He was leader then, and had 5 lives left. Your mother told me all this, Amberkit. She saw Clawstar wrap his tail in a fly-in-a-spider-web-like fashion around Whitestar – he was my father – and lift him up to his face. He stuck Whitestar’s head in his mouth and bit it off. He let go of the body, it fell to the ground. The head was in Clawstar’s big mouth.” Darkpaw winced at the memory of the story. “He chewed it up, and swallowed it. Then, Skypaw and Pinepaw – Amberkit’s mother and father at the time – and my mother, Sparkleflower, raced into the circle of warriors that Clawstar around him and started battling Clawstar. Pinepaw and Skypaw managed to get away from the scuffle when his tail started to circle menacingly around the three cats, almost like Clawstar was planning to eat all three of the fighters, however, Sparkleflower was not so lucky. She soon suffered the same fate, and I have visited my parents in dreams many times. I got the power to reach out to other cats, even far away, and see what is happening…. Anyway, that’s the end,” Darkpaw finished, a look of worry in his eyes.

“Then use your power!” Amberkit urged. “See if Skycloud and Pinepelt are all right!”

“Okay,” Darkpaw agreed. He closed his eyes….

“It’s too late,” he murmured a few moments later.

Fear coursed through Amberkit’s body. “What do you mean?”

“Gruesome deaths…. Eaten….” Darkpaw muttered. He opened his eyes. “It’s too late for your parents. They have both died at the claws of Clawstar. Or, I should say, the tail and jaws.

“He…. He ate them?!” The idea was almost too much for her to handle.

“Yes.” Darkpaw bowed his head. “I’m so, so sorry, Amberkit.”

Her eyes gleaming with fury, she stormed out of the nursery rock and hid behind it. Pinkkit peeked out of the window, her eyes sad. “It’s okay, Amberkit…. just come back inside now! It’s freezing out here.”

“No! I don’t care! Clawstar is evil! I’m going to bring him down! I hate him!” She burst into tears.

“It’s alright, Pinkkit. You can see them in dreams….”


“Fine, if that’s the way you want it…. suit yourself.” The face of Pinkkit disappeared and Amberkit delved deep into her world of thought.

They were supposed to watch me become an apprentice…. I thought they’d help me in my career as a medicine cat! Maybe I should become a warrior instead…. I need a plan. A plan to help me take my revenge on Clawstar. But how should I do it?? I know! Darkpaw can help me sneak to the next battle! Then, when no one is looking, I will kill him. Or at least bite off his tail. No, I’m too small. He could kill me with one blow. One blow, that’s all it would take to kill me. And believe me – I can’t die yet. I have to kill him…. He, the one who caused me so much pain…. Clawstar! Oh, yes, he will die. I have to come up with a plan. This may take a while….

She shook herself out of her trance. Finally, after sitting some more, Amberkit scampered back into the nursery to sleep.
