The sidebar


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Which side do you prefer the sidebar to be on?

  • Right (the way it has been)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Left (the new experimental way)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Don't care (either side is fine)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Tech Admin

Just a little experiment here... You may have noticed the sidebar is now on the left side (instead of the right)... This change annoying to anyone?

Reason for the switch? It seems as if many people ignore the right side (ask where are the growth charts, etc.). Is it more noticeable on the left? Ideally, more links and info will be filled in to make it even more handy for everyone... But not if everyone hates it. :D

What do you think?


it looks a lil weird but i guess thats just because im used to having it on the right hand side....

go for the left :D i dont think anyone will mind and i agree that its more noticeable :)

It's better on the left. On the right it may be confused as a simple banner at first sight.

And what about including it in a small light blue table?

Including the whole sidebar (banner included) in a light blue table? Or just the useful links area in a light blue table?

Including only the useful useful area, maybe drawing it as the table in the forum are.

And do not worry for google banner colour, it changes every time in a new one.

Sorry, but it's really annoying me on the left! It's too noticable. It's in your face!

As with everything on TamaTalk, if enough members don't like the change (or prefer something else) we will change it. :D Everyone make your vote on the poll and leave any comments you have. I'd also be happy to provide more in depth answers to any questions.


I dislike it on the left side (please no offence admin) , i think it was better how it was, i mean even with it on the left side, there will still be occasinal people who still ask for growth charts and stuff, i am definetly voting for it to go back to how it was, *crosses fingers*

:rolleyes: No offense taken. :D

I want as many people to add their opinion and votes here... Now I know part of the response had something to do with a change from what TamaTalk has looked like for a long time... How do you all feel now that it has been this way for a couple days? Still annoying? Have the ads been distracting? Have the links been more noticeable? Would it mae things better if links were made even more useful?

I really like it on the left, it's a sort of menu and you notice it better where it is now, otherwise it looks like a simple banner.

I like it on the left side too. But then again, I haven’t been here long enough to have gotten used to it being on the right side to have it bother me. Whichever way it stays with, I like the blue table background. :x The only thing about it being on the left, is that ad banner bothers me, otherwise I think it would look fine.

It' really better now with the light blue background.

What about spacing/moving the banner a little down from the menu?

It' really better now with the light blue background.What about spacing/moving the banner a little down from the menu?
Moving it down? Think it will help?

Uhmm,maybe you should have the banner on the right side and the menu on the left side grow charts,etc.) I dont know...its just an idea,but i like it on the right side,im right handed lol :D :huh:

But wouldn’t that make either the posting area skinnier, or it would be that our window would have to be bigger, or we would need to scroll sideways, and that would bother me soo much. ):

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