I had this dream about Derek95 once, and ~TxAxLxS~ (who I call Storms). xD
Derek dream; I went over to his house to visit him, because we're close friends on TT. I was at his house, and we were in his basement (I know what he looks like), and for some reason he kept asking me to clean up his floor.
' So then I decided to look around his house. I walked into his bedroom, and saw his dad on his computer. "Hello." he said to me, not looking away. Then I went back downstairs, and Derek was in the kitchen with his mom and sister (I don't even know if he actually has a sister in real life XP). His mom was talking about how Derek had to go and get a book from the library. "Come with me Steph." he said to me. I told him I didn't bring my bike so I couldn't. "You can use my scooter." he explained with a smile. So he hopped on his bike, and I went on his scooter, and we rode over to the library. Thats all I remember
Storms dream; I was at my trailor and I had invited her up to my trailor to. She was sitting on my bed with me, and hse was wearing purple pajamas with hippos on them. She had blonde hair tied into two braids (I wonder if she actually looks like that....?). I was wearing blue pajamas with blue hippos. XD Matching PJs! Anyways, we went outside and it was getting dark out. My dad was looking through a whole bunch of stuff, and found one of my tamagotchis. "I'm throwing this out." he told me. "NO!" I cried, trying to grab it. "Thats my Gigapet!" For some reason or another, I called it a Giga pet. o_o Storms clutched her Giga pet and said, "At least I still got mine!" We went back inside and I asked her if she wanted to go to the park. "Sure!" she replied. So we got changed and headed to the park. On the way, she turned to me and said randomly, "I WANTZ TT!"
I've had more TT dreams, but I'm too lazy to post them. ^_^