Is it really worth it?


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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2006
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I`m wondering if it`s really worth it,getting a v4.5 because all it is is new charries and new jobs...Not much of a simpler way to logging into tamatown...*a USB cable would be easier so when you win something.Beep!*of the tam* Automaticly entered!

And not to mention their not very eco freindly. How many of you just toss your dead battaries in the trashcan? It would save the enviroment to have a rechargabe thing...Like the GBA SP and Nintendo DS. They have very small chargers too....look at the Palm pilot`s tungsten e2`s charger for an example...teeny tiny...perfect to plug in a Vp.

I wouldn`t mind paying 30 dollars for a more eco freindly tam...besides it could save you money in the long run...with the battary thing...

But either any of you think i should get a V4.5 and why? Im still preety content with my glow in the dark V4.

Edit: I MAY split the cost with a freind and we may take turns caring for it in the beginning to test it out but i`d rather get other`s opinions to start with*

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well, I don't have a v4.5, so I can't really say, but if you have the money, I'd say, go for it. You can always sell it, if you don't like it.

I don't think you should be worring about 'eco-friendly' tams- seriously.

If you don't have a v4 I'd say go for it, but if you do have a v4 I'd say wait till the next version or buy a different type of tama from eBay or other online store [like a P1, Angelgotchi, ect.].

well the eco freindly could spare many battaries from beind tossed in the trash.We only have one earth :D and with the millions of tama users and the billions of battaries being consumed by us*our tamas and we toss in the trash can* and it could save money for you...let`s say invest 30$ in a tama and never buy battaries *trust me i`ve put at least 20 dollars worth of battaries in almost every tama i own*

But thanks for the feedback... But do you have a reason one WHY exactly i should wait? I`m not quite sure why or why not i should/nt get one....

well the eco freindly could spare many battaries from beind tossed in the trash.We only have one earth :D and with the millions of tama users and the billions of battaries being consumed by us*our tamas and we toss in the trash can* and it could save money for you...let`s say invest 30$ in a tama and never buy battaries *trust me i`ve put at least 20 dollars worth of battaries in almost every tama i own*
But thanks for the feedback... But do you have a reason one WHY exactly i should wait? I`m not quite sure why or why not i should/nt get one....
You have a point there, I'm not totaly 'eco friendly' if you know what I mean, but it would save having to go get batteries every couple months. :]

I think they cost would bump up a lot more than 30 bucks though. *shrugs*

I don't have a v4.5, but unless you buy the expansion pack [which I'm not sure if it's out in store yet or not, I don't think so] it's not much different than the v4. From what I heard it's just different knew games and some new charactors.

I could be wrong, but if you are happy with your v4 than I'd say don't get a v4.5 .

If you're content with your V4, then stick with what you've got. Do you use more than 1 tama at once? If you do, you're wasting more batteries anyways. You can recycle a lot of batteries, you know. Here's a link:

Now, whether or not you can afford to make the effort to recycle is up to the individual, but it is important to note there is an alternative to throwing watch batteries away. The same goes for all sorts of other batteries.

As far as Eco-friendly goes, I'd love to see a new Tamagotchi version with a rechargeable battery. Some devices charge through a USB connection - my old mp3 player did, and it was a cheap knockoff. That would make connecting to a PC easier as well as save batteries.

Aside from the price increase for a rechargeable battery, I'd like to see the casing be made of a more durable plastic. I haven't gone around bashing and dropping my V4.5, but I have noticed that the V4.5 feels a lot different than my P1 so I think the material used is different. I'd like to see an overhaul. Really, I have a lot of ideas, but this isn't the topic for them. :blink:

I don't know.. o.o' You can get it if you want to, I suppose there's a few more new features, designs, and characters. ^-^ It's better than having like 2 V4's, or such, in my opinion. I may get a Tamagotchi V4.5..


Well, Tamagotchi V4.5 is just an update to the V4. It's same thing as a V4 except it was different characters and jobs. You can get it if you want, I am getting it.

yes thank you everyone for your opinions! and I tend to enjoy caring for as many as 5 tamagotchi at once *thats al i own* and i wouldn`t mind bumping it up to six.I have a P1 a V1 two V3`s and a V4... But I think I`ll follow some of your suggestiong and just get a tama that is more exotic with my money... mabye when i save up enough i`l go get a TRUE Uratama! :blink:

And thanks for the recycling link Mahinva! I`ve been holding onto my dead tama battaries for a while and our dump has a special place to dump dead battaries...Mabye i`ll go with my dad on the next dump trip to dispose of them.*shudders*

I just bought a v4 tonight.

I have every version of the connection so far, and 2 old old tamagotchis, v2. Ive yet to obtain the first tamagotchi version ever..

My birthdays in 4 days...


I want to get a Tamagotchi V4.5. I love the new characters! They are so cute! And, of course, I collect every type of Tamagotchi, as long as I can convince my parents to let me bid on eBay. :lol:


I am planning on getting the PC Pack soon! Can't wait! It comes with a V4.5, right?


So, I would get V4.5 no matter what if you were a serious collector (me!). But, if you would rather use your money on something more important... I don't know. You should use it on that important thing. Ask yourself if it is going to sit on your dresser and collect dust.


This is a personal descission that I can't make for you, especially if I don't have one myself yet. :furawatchi:


Best of luck!



[SIZE=8pt]A charger?[/SIZE]

Oh gosh...this is just getting stupid.



They are adding all this fancy stuff for the profits, belive me, you'll get it in some sort of will, if you choose too, and realise it wasn't worth the wait.



Thats what i think.


Get it if you want to.

But not for the sake of it.


Tis' all.



okay i`ve bought an uratama with the money i WAS planning to spend on a V4.5 *and then some* but i`m asking relatives for the PC Pack With the V4 for christmas.

Thank you everyone for your imput!

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