My tama, Sam, lived to be 31 days old on his counter, 40-ish if not following that. he was on mostly-pause for about 2 weeks, became elder at 5. i watched him die only a few hours ago...THIS ISN'T RIGHT!! *sobs*
Yeah, mine was almost 30 when it died. It lived to be pretty old, I must say! I don't think it's possible to get a tamagotchi over 40-unless, of course, you cheated and made it age. But I mean without aging it by changing the time. :furawatchi:
[SIZE=14pt] The oldest my tama has ever been was 9! i always say yes to the matchmaker the first time she appears and have never gotten an oldie before! this was on my V3! it was a boy called Tomas! a Mametchi![/SIZE]