EnTama Cheat


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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2006
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First of all, I will answer some frequently asked questions. These questions have been posted many times in this topic over the past 6 months or so. I have deleted occurances of these questions, and consolidated them here. Please read through them first, if you have a question about this topic.

- - - - - - - - - -

Q1: What's an EnTama?

A1: An EnTama is a Japanese Tamagotchi.

There are pictures here:


and here:


The EnTama is all in Japanese, so if you want to use one, you should check out the English-language guides here:


and here:


and here:


- - - - - - - - - -

Q2: Where can I buy an EnTama?

A2: Japan.

If you can't get there, or don't know someone traveling back from Japan, try https://www.yesasia.com Once there, enter "Tamagotchi" as the search phrase. On the results page, EnTamas will be listed as "Cho Jinsei Enjoy - Tamagotchi Plus". YesAsia's price is about $36.00 US.

(Note: I, personally, have never dealt with YesAsia, but I have seen favorable reports from several people.)

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Q3: What's e-tamago?

A3: e-tamago is the Japanese version of TamaTown. Actually, "e-tamago" is part of the Japanese TamaTown web site's address. "TamaTown" in Japanese is also pronounced "TamaTown", but to avoid confusion we say "e-tamago" when we mean the Japanese site. See the topic at this location: https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/index.php?showt...ndpost&p=501716

- - - - - - - - - -

Q4: e-tamago is all in Japanese. Babel-fish doesn't work on it. How can I see it in English?

A4: On-line language translation software will not work on e-tamago because all of the words there are not text, they are graphics.

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Q5: e-tamago is all in Japanese. How can I, as a non-Japanese, use it?

A5: There's an English-language guide here:


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Q6: why does my character get stuck between e-tamago locations?

A6: You may see three different problems, if you have a slow connection to the e-tamago server in Japan. The best way to avoid this is to use e-tamago when all of the Tamagotchis in Japan are asleep. When I am in North America I often see #1 and #2, and rarely #3. When I am in Japan, I rarely see #1, and almost never see #2 or #3.

#1. While you are navigating between pages, you may see a blinking picture of Mametchi driving a blue race car. This screen means "please wait a moment". Usually, after a moment, either the new page will finish loading, or one of the below two problems will occur.

#2. If your tamagotchi character gets "stuck" between locations within e-tamago, hit your browser's Refresh button (or the F5 key if you're using Microsoft Internet Explorer). This will take you back to the login password entry page. Re-enter the same login password, then immediately go to whichever location you got stuck going to before.

#3. When you are navigating between pages, your progress may halt at a picture of Mametchi, Memetchi, and Kuchipatchi stuck in space between Earth and the Tamagotchi home planet. This screen occurs when there is a load error. There are two buttons above the Earth. The red button means "retry". The blue button means "stop". If you press stop, you will be taken back to the first page (before the login screen).

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Now, back to the topic at hand...

[SIZE=14pt]EnTama Cheat[/SIZE]

This cheat does not work on V3 nor V4 Tamagotchis. This cheat is for the EnTama. EnTamas use 14-digit Login and Logout Codes for e-tamago, which is the Japanese Tamatown.

Step 1. Write down your e-tamago login password.

Step 2. Look at the 6th digit of the login password. This digit determines the location of the item codes, and the checksum digit. I've shown the item codes as "ABCD" and the checksum as "S". Don't change the digits marked "x".





















Step 3. Choose the item you want.

Some Free Items


4014 900 $G$

5108 Pre-school Grade Magazine by Shogakukan

5122 drum

5196 JAL airplane

5197 EcoPanda doll by KIRIN Beverage

5198 hamburger

6090 10 intelligence points

6091 10 fashion points

6092 10 kindness points

5201 CA4LA hat

5202 T block

5203 M block intelligence

5208 G block fashion

5209 C block kindness

Step 4. Replace the login password ABCD digits with the item code.

Step 5. Replace the checksum digit with 0 (zero).

Step 6. Add all 14 digits together.

Step 7. Replace the checksum with the last digit of the sum from step 6.

You now have a valid logout password. Enter it into your En-Tama to claim your item. Items are stored in different places on the En-Tama, depending on the item type.

- - - - -


(1) My En-Tama's e-tamago login code



(2) Digit at position 6 is "0"





(3) I want 10 intelligence points. The ABCD code is "6090"

(4) Replace ABCD codes



(5) Replace checksum with 0



(6) Add together


(7) Replace checksum with last digit of the sum



I enter this logout code into my En-Tama and s/he receives 10 intelligence points.

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[SIZE=11pt]Sure sounds interesting. Kind of confusing. I'll have to try it myself next time I start my entamas up.[/SIZE]

How did you figure this out?

The short answer:

Patience and perseverance.

The long answer:

It started in late February, when I went to e-tamago a lot of times every day. I noticed that some sequences of numbers seemed to appear often in the login passwords. I started making note of the login passwords.

I started researching. I would request a login password from my en-tama, write it down, hit cancel on the en-tama, and ask for a login password again, write it down, and so on. I figured nothing's changed on my en-tama; it's still the same character, so all these login passwords must be equivalent. Looking at a list of 100 of these login passwords, it became clear that there was a pattern.

I started experimenting. I used the same login password to go to e-tamago again and again; many times, each time now making note of the logout password. I would go to the market and purchase the same item again and again. The same types of patterns showed up in the logout password lists.

The next step was to make a list of item codes. I bought various things in the market, using my experimental login code, and made note of the item codes. Then I got a new login password from my en-tama, went to e-tamago, and played the games. I made note of the logout passwords before entering them into my en-tama. This way I made a list of prize item codes.

The final step was to organize the list of item codes. Noticing some patterns in the item codes, I'd get a login password from my en-tama, insert an item code, and try to use it as a logout password. I filled in the list. So far I've found 228 valid item codes. Most are for the things you can buy in the market. There are some for $G$ and GUTS points prizes. There are also some for item prizes. And best of all, there are some rare items. The CA4LA hat for example, normally to get that you'd have to buy the CA4LA special edition en-tama, and enter the secret code they give with it into the CA4LA game in Gotch Station at e-tamago.

So, I share with you the results of my hobby for the past several months.

I find that really confusing.. I don't really get what you mean by the "ABCD" digits.. :S

EDIT: Oh cool! I got the code you Pm'ed me to work, Secret character, HERE I COME!

Thanks a lot!

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Good one! I was hoping it would be cracked soon. ;) Thanks for sharing-wonderful! :p Ill try it out ASAP.

And regarding the secret/rare characters, do you need some special codes for those too? RTT confused me there with his post. :D

EDIT-I just found out. xD

And yes-wonderful disovery binary. :D

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By the Way, On the codes I gave you, You don't need to use the "Checksum" Just do the code with the "ABCD" and it should work..

Sorry, I tried to make the instructions detailed, and not confusing. If you need more examples or more detailed steps let me know.

Here are the codes I've been able to find for free stuff.


4014 cash, 900G

6130 intelligence points, 20 intelligence

6131 style points, 20 style

6132 kindness points, 20 kindness

5185 item, matchmaker coupon - hatena #1 (use when your character is breeding age to get rare characters next generation)

5186 item, matchmaker coupon - hatena #2 (same, but different rare characters)

5187 item, matchmaker coupon - hatena #3 (same, but different rare characters)

5188 item, job coupon - crossing guard

5189 item, job coupon - barker

5190 item, job coupon - garbageman

5191 item, job coupon - castle servant

5192 item, job coupon - weatherman

5194 item, Ciao Comic eye drops

5108 item, Shogakukan pre-school Grade Magazine

5195 item, Korokoro Comic dragon

5196 item, JAL toy airplane

5197 item, Kirin Beverages EcoPanda doll

5122 item, drum

5199 item, love fruit

5200 item, Tohato habanero

5201 item, CA4LA hat

5202 item, T block

5203 item, M block (intelligence)

5208 item, G block (fashion)

5209 item, C block (kindness)

5210 food, onigiri

5211 food, hotdog

5212 food, rare mushroom

5198 food, hamburger

5213 snack, cupcake

5214 snack, dango

5215 snack, ice cream cone

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Yes. A is the first digit.

Example: for item code 5196 (JAL Airplane), A = 5, B = 1, C = 9, D = 6.


Do you have any codes to receive many intellengent guts point???

like, not only 10... btw YOU ROCK!!!

How interesting. Thanks for sharing this. I'll have to try it! :furawatchi:

THIS ROCKS!!!Do you have any codes to receive many intellengent guts point???

like, not only 10... btw YOU ROCK!!!
The most GUTS points I have found for one time is 20. Here are the codes:


6130 intelligence, 20 points

6131 fashion, 20 points

6132 kindness, 20 points

Binary that is deep. You are a real code breaker! Next project: The Davinci Code!

I was sensing a pattern too after a while and fiddle it with it for 10 minutes and was like ahhhh whatever.

What I want to know is, why can't one plug in random log in numbers?? Is it because the mathematics won't work on

the logout?? Or something like that.

Random numbers where? In the ABCD digits? That's how to hunt for new items. Anywhere else and the EnTama will reject it as a valid logout password.

*Edit: long quote removed by binary*

Is this right?

(1)Login password



(2)Digit at position 6 is "2"





(3)I'd like the Pre-school Grade Magazine. The code is 5108.

(4)Replace ABCD codes



(5)Replace checksum with 0



(6)Add together


(7)Replace checksum with last digit of the sum



I'll try to enter it...

*starts to cry*

It doesn't work!!!! I had to go over the whole procedure which took me over 10 minutes and it still doesn't work!! *bangs hand on head* ARGH I am SO mad!!!

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Is this right?
(1)Login password



(2)Digit at position 6 is "2"





(3)I'd like the Pre-school Grade Magazine. The code is 5108.

(4)Replace ABCD codes



(5)Replace checksum with 0



(6)Add together


(7)Replace checksum with last digit of the sum



I'll try to enter it...

*starts to cry*

It doesn't work!!!! I had to go over the whole procedure which took me over 10 minutes and it still doesn't work!! *bangs hand on head* ARGH I am SO mad!!!
Don't wory. It took me a while for me to figure it out.

Also, do you think a guide could pin this?

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Here are the results I get:










item 5108












I hope this helps you to understand the process.


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