Summer 2010 Log


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Jul 30, 2009
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Welcome to my tamagotchi log, for summer 2010! I plan to use this for whichever parts of the summer I'm keeping a tamagotchi. So, I'd like to introduce you to Alexis, a v6.




Alexis was born a few days ago, but I took her battery out, so she's basically still on her first day of life - 0 years old.


That makes it sound so sad. I'm not a baby.

Of course not. You're a child - a tamatchi in fact.

Hehe.. yeah... And guess what else? I'm finally old enough to go to Preschool! It's so much fun! I played jumprope with Star and some other kids. At first, i always kept losing, and that made me sad. But then I won! And I was happy!

That's great sweetie. But do you remember when Ms. Frill came to introduce you to the school? And she brought you a present?

Oh yeah. It was a train.

It was very nice of her to bring it to you, why don't you play with it a little?


Stats: 130/78/118

Stress: 12

Instrument: piano

Toy: racket

Favorite Music: Classical

Good morning. Alexis just woke up.



Are you hungry?

No. I'm still tired. Tamatown was fun yesterday!

Oh that's right! Alexis and I went to Tamatown yesterday.

We went to the performing arts school and I made a new Hip Hop track! It was awesome! Then I entered the contest and battled at club pop.

Yep. Very busy.

I also made a friend. She was a seberitchi and we talked for a bit, and I saw her apartment. It was pretty kewl.

You know what, I think you do need breakfast, no matter what you say. Here's your baby food.

Ok. Now off to preschool!

Stats: 190/208/230

Stress: 9

Toy: Racket

Instrument: Piano

Music: Jazz

Hi! Sorry we haven't written in a while

I've been busy. I changed!! Chamametchi!!!!

Yep! Alexis is officially a teenager - she's 2 years old now.

It's sooo fun. Best part - NO MORE BABY FOOD. Now I eat bread, drumsticks, ice cream...

So THATS how you gained all that weight..

Hey. I worked that off. SOUND BLOCK FTW!


For the win. Catch up.

Speaking of catch up, have you been practicing?

With the band you mean? Yes! I have in fact! My band is called "4ever"

Because I was listening to "4ever" by The Veronicas when you started Music School :ichigotchi:

Right. Pop music? I don't go there. ROCK AND ROLL!

What happened to Jazz Music? And your adorable piano?

*sigh* That was a phase.

We're back! Already! More news!

IM A MIMITCHI!! It's amazing!! I didn't even think I would be since apparently my child character was a bad character but look at me now!! :D :( :mimitchi:

Wow. And you got a lot of energy with that evolution too.

Well I also have good news: 4ever finally got accepted by the producers, after 3 auditions. So now we're actually making money! No more cheap food - I got paid 10,000!!

I'm so proud of you! You've made a career for yourself! Congrats to "4ever"... what kind of band are you at this point?

Hip Hop. We're a hip hop group. I said I wanted to work on Rock n Roll, but the boys aren't into it.

That sucks. But you're happy right?

Deffinetly. Can't wait for our first concert. Meanwhile, I was thinking we could celebrate at Tamatown.

Sure! Let me just post your Mimitchi stats:

Stats: 531/586/514

Stress: 32

Instrument: Mic

Toy: (turns out it was mirror the entire time :p )

Music: Hip Hop

They want to do classical now. I don't get it.


You know what, if they think that switching this up all the time is the way to be sucessful, go ahead. We're not going to get fans, and I'm going to end up working at the bakery for minimum wage.

Aw, Alexis! Don't think that way! I know you're frustrated but 4ever is working their way up! You're now 97th ranking!

True. Only if I show up to rehearsal. I just don't understand - you can't have classical music with two vocalists. It's all Ryo and his dang piano.

Ok. Calm down Alexis. Use your Mimitchi wisdom to create a solution!

Hm. Okay. Ever since I became an adult you always pin that on me - like being a Mimitchi means I can do anything... it pressures me.

Ok. I'm sorry. I'm just trying to support you. Let's head down to the studio for rehearsal. You'll have a concert tonight.


Good news! Well, sort of good news. 4ever is back to being a rock n roll band :) AND we've been in the studio rehearsing A LOT, and we do it almost perfectly every time.


The only thing is, we DIDN'T have a concert last night, and I don't know if that's because our stage manager couldn't book us, or if T~D missed our call :D


So I don't even know what our ranking is or how many fans we have! All I can hope is that all the rehearsal I've been doing today, pays off. And yeah, I'm looking in my mirror right now, but I'm feeling kind of stressed okay? And I've discovered the hard way that you can't eat away your stress.


Lollipops = 63 lbs.


But I'm working it off! Between rehearsals I play Music Notes and Sound Block. And as a result of both, look at my stats:




So life is pretty busy right now, and now that my stress is back down to zero, I think it's time to go back to work.


I don't know where T~D is, I think she's listening to some Eminem song...

- Alexis :D

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Alexis! You went on here while I was gone??

Don't worry. I took care of it. You needed to post.

Fine. I have to remember you're an adult now.

Awesome! Glad you trust me, cuz I have something to tell you...


Thing is, it's not even my fault I don't think! I sorta stopped getting paid.


I don't know!! I just don't see my band in the menu anymore, and have you noticed I haven't gotten paid at all? I go to rehearsal and everything but then nothing ever comes of it! I'm sorry!

Wow. That is seriously messed up.

I know. But I have a solution. Part-time work.

Ugh. Really Alexis? Working in the bakery and fruit place all day?

Well do you know how to fix this?? I have to make money somehow - the king doesn't send me anymore.

Ok, good luck Alexis! Love you!

Hi. I thought I'd just warn my readers in advance, that I am going on a 6 day trip starting tomorrow (or today, since it's midnight) so I won't be able to post! I won't even be able to take care of Alexis until next tuesday!!! :D


I'm going to have her come up here and make one last post in the morning, but other than that, I'm going to take her battery out while I'm gone, to save it. I don't think that will put her growth back by that much. But then I'll be right back to taking care of her :D


I'm going to miss the tamalogs... I'll have to catch up on everyone's:







and all the others i love to read!! :D


keep posting guys! I'll make my last goodbye in the morning, with Alexis!

Hello everyone

Hi tama talk. It's Alexis... I'm here to say goodbye to everyone for a while. T~D is going away.. I'm gonna miss her :rolleyes:

I'm going to miss you too!!

Oh by the way, the king sent me a gift today.

Really? What did he give you???

Nothing rare or expensive. Just milk.


But it meant a lot to me. It got me thinking, about babies - they love milk you know. And I decided, that when you come back I really want to have a kid...

Aww. That sounds like a great idea. I'm just worried about one thing: if the band manager doesn't pay you, and if you don't perform any more or anything, will he still come to offer you a marriage? beacuse there aren't any other tamas for you to marry :p

:eek: Oh no! That's totally true!!! I hope not! I think I'm almost old enough, so we'll see.

If not, I'll get to watch you grow old with me... instead of having to watch you go away. I've never had an oldie before!

hm... In other news, this page has over 100 views!!

Thank you tamatalk!! See you guys next week!

We're baaaack!

Yep, I'm back from my trip (sooo fun!) which means that Alexis has also been revived.

I'm so happy too. I missed you T~D!

Aw, I missed you too. And you're already back to work! We haven't even gotten a chance to go shopping!

Well we need money to go shopping! Besides, I don't mind working in the bakery so much. It can be fun and relaxing. Much easier than working with fruit.

Fair enough. But don't you also want to go to tamatown??


(gets her every time ;) )

What?? :pochitchi:

Nothing hon. Don't worry. Let's go. First i want to ask on the help boards what people think about the chances of the bandmanager coming and you getting married...

I want to have a kid! :(

So T~D has been too lazy to tell me, that we've revieved a very nice comment about this log!

Yep. So I guess it would only be fair that we post it :ph34r:

I have been reading your log and I noticed that you posted my log as one of the logs that you read!thank you for that, I appreciate it and I love your log! =]
Thank you MissBerry<3 :D

I can't believe you kept this from me!! Anyway, it's nice and I appreciate it a lot.

Good morning! More fanmail!


I really like your log. and maybe... Could you read mine sometime?
Thank you! And I will deffinetly read your log! I've seen a lot of people mentioning it so I guess it's time to check it out ;)

I really like reading other logs - it's fun and i learn a lot.

Meanwhile, I'm still trying to figure out if I'm goin to be raising my first oldie...

You posted that topic on the help forum right? Also feel free to PM us if you know anything about our probem...


Oh gosh... I've lost her again. Be back later.

Ok, this is a serious subject, so Alexis doesn't know I'm posting this. Remember the problem I had with the band manager? Well the only help I've been given hasn't helped, and I don't think there is anything I can do, because Alexis should be old enough to get married by now.


I haven't told her yet, but I don't think she's ever going to have a baby. :(


Leaving me with the two options: keep Alexis with me and let her grow into an oldie (which I've never done before).

Or leave her to be restarted.


See, I am really eager to raise another little tamagotchi from baby-hood, and to have this glitch fixed - really hope it's just a one time glitch.


But when i picture restarting her, and posting about an entirely different tama, knowing I abandoned her, I get really sad and i can't imagine doing it.


Raising an oldie would be nice I think, I just feel it would be really boring and take forever... :mellow:


please PM me to give advice!!! :(

Alexis is asleep and I've decided to let her become an oldie :D


She had a fairly relaxed day- she didn't even work too much, just playing and practicing as she wished.


Hold up, hold up. I can hear you.

You're awake???

Well now I am. But don't expect to play any games with me... I'm too tired for that.

I can see you're also in a bad mood.


What? I'm just pointing out that waking you up made you cranky!

Cranky??? Who you calling cranky? I just prefer to have my sleeping patterns repsected.

Well, Alexis, I'm not trying to disrespect you at all. If you actually payed attention you would see that, instead of throwing a childish tantrum.

I am NOT throwing a tantrum. And I am a MIMITCHI :) ;) not a child.

Okay. Just sit back and try acting like one.


As I was saying, Alexis had a very relaxed day, only a little work. So she's a little overweight now (63) pounds.

But that's better than what it was.

True. So I guess that's it for tonight. I'll let you go back to sleep Alexis... see you in the morning tamatalk!

Hey Alexis. Whatcha listening to?

Tamatown's latest hip hop track! :D *puts headphones on*

Hip hop? But I thought you were all into rock n roll again!

*boom da boom boom*


*pauses muzik* huh?

Do you ever make up your mind about this?

Well T~D, *puts on scholarly glasses* it's actually quite simple. As an individual, I am apt to changing my prefrences and opinions. It is nature's way that tamagotchis should like some varying in the sounds they hear. However I personally, tend to stick to two different sounds, alternating every few Earth hours.

:D :D :eek: :eek:

Is there a reason you're gaping at me?

Well... um... you... you sound so smart! Where did all of that come from?

Because I'm a Mimitchi of course! So now can I go back to enjoying my music?


Alexis! You are becoming such a slug!

What do you mean? *yawn*

I mean you sit here all day eating ice cream and singing, to the point where you are now a whopping 82 pounds!!!!

Oh yeah... that... :blink:

No kidding!!

Well the way i see it, I'm not going to have a family to hand an inheritance down to, so why should I go to work?

That's a horrible way to see it Alexis.

I've gotten to the point, where I don't need to worry about food anymore! My pantry is full of good stuff... burgers, pizza (I had pizza for dinner), chocolate bars...


You know the king sent me noodles today? And cereal. I'm set for life! :D

Well regardless of your expenses, I'm going to make you go to work. You can't just sit back and let your life dissolve like this. You need to open the door!

Hey. I open my door several times a day.

For the mailman. :)


Good morning. Is it me or has Alexis seemed irratable recently?

T~D are you logging without me?

Oops. Shh.

Hey guys. FYI, I am not in a bad mood. It's a beautiful morning and I have a good feeling about it.

That's great!

Yep. And I just want to remind everyone that I still do a lot of singing because my intrument is still a microphone.

True. You don't play your piano anymore?

Nah. That thing's been in storage since I was a little girl.

Oh well. You practice too much. It stresses you out, and there isn't even reason for you to stress out like that.

*sigh* I guess so. So am I going to the bakery today or what?

You should... it would be good for you...

Ok. Won't hurt. CYA!





I may be new to this family, and this log.. but I don't think that is very explanitory.

I think your husband has a point.

yes. :D My husband - I JUST married Terrence. <3

My band manager said he knew a Mimitchi who would be great for me to marry. So he brought me here.

And I was so happy! I didn't think I was going to meet anyone... I was planning on becoming an oldie with T~D, and not having kids...


So of course after I met Alexis, I knew this was deffinetly going to work. She was so beautiful and sweet...


... and of course who could resist a Mimitchi?


Aww you guys are so cute! And so is your son! I'm so glad you were able to get married and have a family like you always wanted :)

I know. It's amazing.

Well introduce them to us!

Right well... Terrence is my husband, he's a tarakotchi. And we had a son, who we haven't decided what to name yet.

So just PM me for suggestions for boy names!!

Well we'll talk later!!


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Guess what guys.

Something that's been explained to me as fanmail?

Yes. Fanmail. This is actually a reply to the request for name suggestions for Terrence and Alexis' baby. It's from January


hey t~d! i love your log and i think you should name the baby boy alex, in honor of his mom! hope you like it! bye!!!!!!!1 January

I think that is an AMAZING idea!! Thank you!


I love it too! Naming our child after me by making it into the male version? Very smart :)

Well, you know, we could always call him Terrence...


So Alex it is... for now. People please continue to send suggestions, 'cause we'd love to look over them!

Thank you everyone!!

Oh and one last thing - thank you to LittleChocoWolf who gave us a VERY nice shout out on her log.



EDIT: correct link to january's new blog is posted :)

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Hey everyone. It's been an intense morning for me.

What happened?

Well I got up, and had to feed the baby, which is a chore I'm not used to, and then of course Terrence decided he NEEDED to have fries...

It's my favorite food. What can I say.

So I'm rummaging through the pantry trying to get everyone fed and happy. When I'm done, I have to jump up and get to work. I guess since we had the baby I'm more motiviated. So I go over to the bakery, and the machine is broken!


I mean, it must have been, because I kept clicking the crane at the normal times, and it ALWAYS missed the muffins! It was very frustrating, and as a result I got seriously underpaid.

Aw I'm sorry Alexis.

And THEN, when i finally let off for a break, I come home, and Terrence and the baby are sick!! Which is horrifying for me, because i don't know how this happened. You told me I was never sick as a child!

You never were. It's true. It was amazing.

So then I had to nurse them back to health, and when I checked their stats, everyone was full and happy, so I could not figure out how they'd gotten sick and... *sigh* :D

I'm sorry, love. Come relax for a while, do some singing, you love that.

I would, but the baby just pooed.
