Hhhh again... Updates in bold were added after the fact. See the end for an important update on the structure of future updates.
Day 27
School is out, so I’m back for more bootleg goodness. Admittedly, my last entry wasn’t too hot. I ended up scrapping a lot of the last entry, which included an intro to the Touma Pet. Basically, it’s an upgraded version of the QPet. Everything from the software to hardware got an upgrade. My favorite new addition? The rechargeable battery. It cuts down a lot of bulk, making the device very thin and light. It’s also nice not having to stockpile pairs of AAA batteries that only last a week or so.
The first thing I did was download the data, and then raise Mametchi’s happiness by going to the park a lot. Now I’m buying and planting seeds for more points. Mametchi is now 2, so he will need 2 more days before marriage, meaning (with the way it tracks time) by Sunday it should be time for the next gen. On the Touma Pet they turn into oldies at age 10. I wonder if the QPet is the same, since it’s so similar in function.
Touma Pet
The battery died so I have to wait for it to recharge. (Which is okay because after taking my last final I need to recharge too ;D ) I really hope it has a Continue option... It does! After 50 minutes, it was done. Well, besides a few snacks it hasn’t really needed anything so far.
Outside of that, not much else. They are surprisingly low-maintenance, which is ironic because M&D pets tend to be really demanding. Maybe it’s because I’ve played them for a while so I’m just used to it? I hope I can eventually say the same about Nana Moon. I forgot to mention now that the QPet is asleep, the Touma Pet doesn’t go to bed until 11 PM. That is too late for a kids game imo, and another reason why I haven’t bothered with Nana Moon yet.
I also started a few more fakes. The Jia Yuan is... something. I recall comparing it to the Tama P1+2 and to an extent I still agree. Both are pretty simple, but somehow this one is slightly more simple due to lack of growth or death. Last night I picked this robot thing. I don’t know if it’s an actual character or not, because many of the pets on here are from anime. I like the mini games on here more than the 90’s Tamas, but that’s all it’s got going for it. Outside of playing the games out of boredom, this thing stinks. On the plus side it would make a really cute Decora necklace charm. I will still “”run”” it, but don’t expect it to get included in logs.
Chuppi was also started. This is my first and only Gyaoppi at the moment, and honestly? I’m not impressed. It’s basically a worse version of the original Tamagotchi. I was expecting that to be the case, but it still managed to disappoint. Whatevs.
P.S. I’m aware this is more of a knockoff than a bootleg, but knockoffs are still fair game because they heavily copy other vpets. Plus, Chuppi programming has been used in fake Tamas before.
Next on the bootleg list: Nana Moon (ahhh!) and "The Pen"...
Day 28
The Touma Pet evolved into a Gozarutchi ripoff. I didn’t send it to school, so it has the lowest-paying job: construction. I’m curious if the different jobs are present on the QPet, but it requires answering correctly 50 times to max out the education. Later : Turns out is has the same 2 jobs as the Touma. Not even surprised. The Touma also has oldies, so I’m now sure that is in the QPet too, because Touma is pretty much a carbon copy.
EDIT- This is what the office job looks like on a QPET. There should be a pic of what it looks like on the Touma in a previous folder I linked.
As for Chuppi... It’s been almost a day now (still 1 hour to go), but it has not evolved. Something tells me this is going to be very long... Just getting to the adult stage would be an accomplishment because it’s died so much.
Day 29
Chuppi has not grown in 2 days, so I removed the batteries. It turns out in order to age the sleep meter has to be filled. If anyone has a manual on Gyaoppis or is a Gyaoppi expert, I would really appreciate some tips on how to care for it.
The QPet got married. After the baby stage, it turned into Makiko. I wonder if it will end up being Memetchi or Memepetchi. On Touma I’m going for the male oldie so that will take a few more days.
Day 30
One month of bootleg Tamagotchi-ness. I accidentally did a QPet drop test. The device seems okay after that freak accident, except there’s a crack on the LCD. I’m okay with this because it’s obscured by the icon background, so it is hard to notice unless you are really looking. When it fell, the battery compartment busted out, and so did the batteries. Fortunately, I only lost a few minutes of care.
Later- It turns out the “crack” is actually a piece of hair, like an eyelash. I’ve never opened this before and I haven’t seen anything else get under the screen, so it must have been from the factory. This isn’t the first time I’ve seen stuff like this inside... The other was my official Galaxy P2.
Day 31
Makiko turned into Memepetchi. Oh well, only a few more characters to go. Here’s a list:
That will take 12 days total, not counting the two more I have to wait before Memepetchi can marry. It will probably go in that order.
Day 32
More waiting. I’ve been having technical issues with the Touma Pet today. Pressing a certain button combo makes the volume turn on + maximum. It kept turning on by itself in my bag. I would probably just take the speaker out, but then again I want to keep it as mint as possible.
Day 33
My QPet got married and this gen I’m going to get Kikitchi. He evolves from Mametchi, which is what the baby evolved into. Well, at least there won’t be any more surprises after this and I can finally wrap up the QPet in 2 more weeks....
EDIT- Kikitchi grows from ShimaShimatchi. As for Touma Pet... 2 more days. Oh yeah, I forgot to show off all the different places. Btw for some reason I started the Nana Moon all the while juggling 3 other Tamas whyyyyy. The guide I read said that sending it to school shouldn’t effect growth, but it’s been 8 hours and it is still a baby.
Day 34
The Nana Moon grew. I got one of the better toddlers. My new strat this time is to limit the minigames to one per every 10/15 minutes depending on if I win or not. I also recently got a second Nana Moon for the purpose of cheating by having it gift a bunch of items to the one I’m running. I saw a guide a while ago that said money could also be traded, but I guess the versions I have don’t support that function.
Mametchi will change today. Besides that, just more waiting. As a side note, my 2018 P2 will be growing today. My goal is Pochitchi. BTW here's a ridiculously off model sprite of Mametchi:
Day 35
The Nana Moon grew again. I didn’t get a good look at the new character yet because I pretty much immediately sent it to school. I was mistaken, as it turns out it goes to bed at 10 PM. Still, that seems kind of late. The Touma will turn into an old man today. I already saw pics of it on Instagram, and yes, the oldie definitely looks like an old man. I also saw a pic of an oldie getting married via the matchmaker, and it turns out you just get paired with a regular adult character. What a disappointment. I wonder what would happen if 2 Touma Pet systems with oldies married? Would there be a secret pet? Well, I would like a 2nd Touma, but don’t feel like getting any more fakes for a while so unless someone else does it, only time will tell.
Update- It turns out I got ShimaShimatchi!
I guess that means Kikitchi grows up from ShimaShimatchi. My Nana Moon also grew into a weird berry-looking thing. I think it will become an adult tomorrow, but I’m not sure. Maybe it will be like a real Tama and grow in 2 days after teenager stage.
I had to go do something and when I came back, the Touma Pet’s screen was lit up and-
YESSSSS! Finally.
Day 36
I put away the Touma Pet because it was getting a little annoying having to juggle the Tamagotchis and other stuff I’ve been doing.
Nothing much besides that, just more waiting for the vpets to grow.
It turns out that the Nana Moon’s toddler stage does not go to bed until 11, so I was kind of correct. This is way easier with cheats (obvi) but it’s still a handful. It turns out that during the daily money/gift-receiving from the King, you can actually get robbed. I had $300 stolen and received a fly as a gift. I’m not sure if this is right or not, but I believe the amount and quality of the gift depends on your pet’s stats. Mine were low at the time (hunger empty, others almost empty) so that’s my reasoning.
Day 37
ShimaShimatchi got married, so now I may have a chance to get Memetchi. I just realized that Chamametchi is also a possible adult. I wonder what her growth chart is? I am considering writing a guide for the QPet once this is over aor at least making a full growth chart.
I am also tempted to turn off the Nana Moon, but I will just deal with its annoyingness. I heard the Tamagotchi Ocean is really needy, but this might give it some competition. I think it will either grow into adult form tomorrow or the day after. All I hope is that it turns into an adult by Thursday (what would be day 40) because I will be too busy for any Tama raising. For anyone curious about QPet battery life, mine lasted a little less than 2 weeks using high-quality AAAs. It honestly gets annoying having to use so many batteries. That’s why I wish more vpets had rechargeable ones like the Touma Pet.
Fyi It turns out there are multiple versions of the Chuppi. I must have the original version, because the one in this video fixed every annoyance I have with mine:
I got Princess Amy, the best character!!! Now that the Nana Moon is an adult, it is much easier to care for. The first three stages would be like if a Tamagotchi remained just as needy after baby stage. Of course, it’s worse on the Nana Moon because everything costs money.
Day 39
I got Memetchi! Wow, her sprites look really weird. The QPet has a peculiar combination of stolen and custom sprites. A lot of the closeup animations are just plain ugly, but this one... it’s weird. I realized that the Nana Moon anime’s story includes all 7 of the items from the game. Unfortunately, the incomplete chart from the anime doesn’t help much. I’m aware that 5 of the items come from the shop (incl. the lollipops), and that the magic plant is the final item needed (obtained via code), but what about the 6th item? I have a gut feeling that it requires collecting all the other items first, excluding the magic seed. This requires buying 4 of the key items from the shop and collecting 6 other, non-purchasable items from the dialogue random encounters. Fortunately, I have 2/4 of the shop items and 3/6 of the others. My hope is that the items and item quest do not reset after marrying. That would just be infuriating.

Thanks for enduring this latest collection of entries. Instead of posting giant annoying updates, I've decided that the best thing would be to post small stuff on IG with only the essential updates being posted here. Yeah, I probably should have thought of this a while ago.
Minor updates and other stuff: