Would You Rather!~


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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2013
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Can't believe this topic hasn't been done yet! As the title says, it's a would you rather game! Basically, the first person asks what thing you would prefer. The choices are only 2 and is given by the same person. The second person answers the first person then asks a question again. Didn't make that clear, huh? Examples, viola!

Player1: Would you rather kiss a frog or eat a rotten egg?

Player2: Eat a rotten egg.

Would you rather lose a newly bought Tamagotchi or lose a beloved Tamagotchi?

Other Player: Lose a beloved Tamagotchi.

Would you rather be a banana or be an orange?


I guess you get it now :p Well, let's start!

Would you rather give birth or break all your fingers at the same time?

I would rather marry someone of the same gender.

Would you rather have 100 Tamagotchis of the same version or 5 Tamagotchis that are consisted of different versions, both for your whole lifetime.

I would rather lose my legs.

Would you rather eat 10 jalapenos or drink milk that's 12 months past it's "Best Before" date?

Poop in a cup? idk i guess

Would you rather die slowly by diseases or quickly by accidents?

Be fed to Audrey 2.

Would you rather kiss Skrillex on his forehead or play Mario Kart 8 with Skrillex (lol, Online Challenges, FTW!)?

play mario kart 8 with skrillex

would you rather work at freddy fazbear's pizza as the night guard or be trapped in a room with golden freddy?

Work as the nightguard

Would you rather dress up as a chicken and run around screaming in a library or in a school?

in a library.

would you rather be possessed by the devil or be possessed by an evil cat?

By a cat, meowww

Would you rather have a broken Conan ID or a TamaGo

IDK What the heck that means but a Katsuma because it sounds like a cat

Would you rather ditch school and get payed or would you stay in school for 19 hours and get payed I know i'm so bad at making these but I wanted to post oops

skip school. duh what did u think i would pic. also it depends. am i getting more for being in school or out? and will i get in trouble?

would you rather have nightmares every night or wet the bed every night?

Favorite musical.

Would you rather go to any fictional world, or get a book that describes your life.

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