I guess it's harder to come by Tamagotchis in the UK, and I'm jealous of all of you with multiple Tama-Gos and/ or coloured versions

But here is my little collection
I keep many of them in their boxes. Not because I'm afraid of ruining the collector's value, but because in years to come, if Tamagotchis have died out, I'll still have some nice new ones to open and get all excited about XD
From the top, going left to right, I have:
- Unopened V4.5
- Unopened P1
- 5 x Unopened V3
-Tamagotchi Design Zip Purse (I carry them round in this when I run them)
- 4 x Unopened Music Star
- Kutchipatchi pouch thingy!
And the opened ones are:
- MY FIRST TAMAGOTCHI EVER! Hehe! I got this one when I was 7 years old. It's a red P2
- Orange P1 with yellow numbers on it
- Japanese P1
- Clear purple V2
- Red Hawaiian-looking V3
- Pink flowery V4
- Chocolate Argyle V4.5
- Green V5 Familitchi (I used this for the Halloween Hatch)
- Clear pink Music Star
- Blue City Music Star
- Purple and orange Music Star
- Pink piano Music Star
- White Tama-Go
- Two Digimon (thought they deserved a mention too)
I've got a 2nd wave Tama-Go on it's way in the mail too ^-^
My favourite out of all the Tamagotchis I own is the clear pink Music Star. So far that's my favourite version, and I love that design. Plus my boyfriend bought it for me on our 4th anniversary <3
The red P1 on the far left is very special to me too because it was the one that made me start loving Tamagotchis. It's also the only one in my collection that has any scratched or damage. Since that one, I take very good care not to let them get scratched or let the paint chip or rub off. The others are all perfect <3