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  1. Mishapotchi

    Can we make friends on the Pix through long-distance?

    Hi hi here my baby mametchi :tongue::tongue::tongue::tongue:be kind whit him or i will let you know what is pain:<_<: he like chocolat....astronaut food
  2. Mishapotchi

    Welcome to me 🤗

    Is there any way to store the tamagotchi without dying? Also when I go to the arcade it only lets me play two games at the same time. I was hoping there would be more games.
  3. Mishapotchi

    Welcome to me 🤗

    there were some posts that said "you don't have enough reputation to comment on this post" or something like that XD I wanted to pass QR from my tamagotchi and receive from others! how are they ? good morning. My tarukerotchi has already evolved into a mametchi.
  4. Mishapotchi

    Welcome to me 🤗

    Hi I'm new on the platform i would like to talk more here is a shame i haven't enough reputation to post in some forums from here. U.U and i just watch. How do i get more reputation here? Not expending so much time of my life im a very busy person . Well in artist i liven in Argentina and i...
  5. Mishapotchi

    Do you remember your first tama?

    hi hi, how is going ? :D im new hereee
  6. Mishapotchi

    Can we make friends on the Pix through long-distance?

    hi hiii im new on this my discord is Misha#6372 and my tama is this Taru