Recent content by ringotchi_77


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  1. ringotchi_77

    whats your favourite tamagochi??

    mametchi and ringotchi alwaysssss
  2. ringotchi_77

    tamagotchi connection rerelease thoughts????

    since the news abt the new tama are out what are ur thoughts???? i personally am excited, it seems like it features some fresh things to try and ive never had a v3 so wowwww!!! i will say i was expecting more shells, but that probably will change over time:puroperatchi:
  3. ringotchi_77

    Hi! Check out my new tamagotchi shell!

    sooooo adorable!!!
  4. ringotchi_77

    hola guys!!!

    hi!!! my names patri, i recently got my old tamagotchi connection v4 a brand new battery and im so excited about it!! her name is paki and i got a ringotchi so far... look at her! i anyways im very excited to be a part of this i loooove tamagotchis so much id love to start a collection someday!