Which is better? Id L or Id 15th aniversary?


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The 15th Anniversary iD L is the special edition and less common, so go for that! It's celebrating the 15th anniversary of Tamagotchis and a poll was held to decide which characters would be on it. Some of the characters are different from the normal iD L, though, so work out which one has the characters you like best by looking at the pictures of character charts. The 15th Anniversary one has Dazzilitchi and Mimitchi, but it doesn't have Uwasatchi like a normal iD L. Hope this helps!

Standard iD L adult characters:


15th Anniversary adult characters:


The 15th anniversary edition is more expensive and harder to find.

The main difference between the two are the raisable characters.

There are some exclusive backgrounds, locations, some new foods and items instead of the ones on the normal version.

The minigames are much more difficult than the iDL and if you have no way of transferring downloads, it'll be really hard to earn money for your character.

If you can't find the 15th anniversary or your parents say no to it, the normal version is pretty much the same so don't think you're missing out on anything. :)

The only things differ in each version are the characters, items/food, and games. Other than that, they are they same. An ID L costs between 60-80, while a 15th anniversary costs between 80-100.

Here is a listing on ebay for the ID L, just so you can get an idea of the price and look.https://www.ebay.com/itm/TAMAGOTCHI-ID-L-BLUE-VIRTUAL-PET-BANDAI-IDL-JAPAN-NEW-/150769491257?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item231a8fdd39#ht_7384wt_905

Here is a listing for the 15th.https://www.ebay.com/itm/TAMAGOTCHI-ID-L-15th-ANNIVERSARY-ver-ROYAL-PURPLE-IDL-JAPAN-NEW-/150758292734?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2319e4fcfe#ht_6226wt_1163

The look is slightly different, but the 15th costs much more.

If you prefer the old characters from original versions and such, I think you will enjoy the 15th, but if your okay with new characters, I would get the ID L, as it is cheaper, and virtually the same.

I hope I helped!

View this topic on Tama-zone. It will tell you just about EVERYTHING you need to know about both versions.

Note that both versions use the same downloads.

you see, in the normal id l, it is harder to get special transform characters (prince mametchi,princess lovely etc) while tmagotchi id l 15th anni, its more easier. i also want princess tamako. but i one saw RaTamaZone's video about tamagotchi id l insights and said you can meet the tamas mom or dad. that's why im confused

Yes, you can meet your parent.

If you go to either the food restaurant or the snack restaurant option, you can choose the last option and visit a past relative.

Yes. I checked my 15th Anniversary iD L, it only has different items, wallpapers, characters and games. It still has the TamaTomo Meal icon and the TamaTomo Snack icon.

I prefer the characters in the original iD L--Uwasatchi, Bokutchi, Perotchi, Nachuratchi, Agetchi, Kushinbotchi, Pichipitchi...there are so many characters I ♥ that are only in the original one but I'm getting a 15th Anniversary one. Oh well.

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