A Log for XX


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Jul 3, 2009
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Kami, Japan
-Saturday || November 26, 2011-


My name is Chikocchi!

And this is my blog :'D

I made a vow to write in this daily, and to post one picture a day

So far so good ^^

So I started out my v2 because I needed a Tamagotchi that was lower maintenance (since I work 30-40 hours a week plus go to school 5 out of 7 days a week)

But I'm going to try the best I can ^^

I started out my v2 and got a girl that I decided to name Cyria

She was a Shiropuchitchi


We played Jump a lot, and I even won jackpot twice! I NEVER win jackpot in jump!

I was excited XD

I never let the hearts fall below one in hunger or happiness which is pretty good

We played Jump enough to win us enough points to buy out the shop

And then we won some of those points back through the plant that we bought :3

Soon, Cyria grew up into a toddler and became a Marutchi


She went straight to bed after that, which is good ^^

I'm only worried that tomorrow when I wake up she is going to be almost dead


I tend to wake up from 11 AM to 1 PM and I know that toddlers like to wake up at 8 AM


Oh well ^^

I'll just have to live with a bad care adult XDXD

Now for the picture~~

It was super bad lighting in my room, so it should get better tomorrow

I apologize in advance however XD

So yeah :3

If you enjoyed reading this you should leave a comment on my page or something ;D


-Cyria's Stats-

Hungry: ★★★★

Happy: ★★★★

Training: |

Age: 0

Weight: 10

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Point: 165p

-Sunday || November 27, 2011-


Well, today is going to be a very short post

I woke up at 12:00 PM so Cyria was pretty much dead


I fixed her up and got to play Bump about 10 times

However, we didn't do too well and I wasn't able to buy out the shop

I went to work shortly after and I only got to check on her every 2-3 hours

She did go to bed with no hearts missing and no poops however

Which is good ^^

Tomorrow I'll be awake when she wakes up so that's a plus

And I'll be able to play with her some before I go to work

But besides that, today wasn't very good and tomorrow after I go to work won't be much better

Sorry no picture today, but I couldn't take one while I was at work and I'm sure you don't care to see her sleeping again ^^


Hungry: ★★★★

Happy: ★★★★

Training: |

Age: 1

Weight: 28

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Point: 360p

-Monday || November 28, 2011-

Today Cyria went under surgery


It all started when I was playing heading

I didnt ever come close to winning jackpot because the buttons weren't working

And heading is the one game that I ALWAYS win jackpot

So I decided that Cyria was due for a button transplant

I took my v5 (the one that I have never played with once and with matching buttons to Cyria) and went down for the transplant

I took Pikachi's guide (link will be posted at the bottom of this post) and followed it closely

Taking everything apart was pretty simple and switching the buttons was no problem

However, there was a small complication while trying to put back my v2

Cyria's plastic screen got slightly moved and the circuit board wouldn't go back into place nicely

I had to use a flathead to try and maneuver the screen back to its original positioning (cause I didn't want to touch it with my bare hands)

It all turned out well and now Cyria has new buttons that work beautifully!

The only downside is that the time was set back to 10 AM so it was as if nothing that I did today ever took place


Probably for the best anyways because I had to work and I didn't really get a chance to check on her so her care wasn't very good anyways XD

In news of Cyria

Nothing really to report today since everything got set back :|

She's back to being fat again though because I had got her weight down to perfect but the time reset went back to before I played a bunch of games

I also awoke to her being a teen

Unfortunately I got an oniontchi


I don't really like oniontchis but I guess I coulda figured that was what I was getting after how bad my care was yesterday ;;


So yeah!

That was my day ^^

If you like my blog you should definitely leave a comment on my status or my profile and let me know what you think ^^

Or if you have any suggestions or anything :3

Also, my friend is hosting a tamalog through blogspot (because she wanted more customization freedom than Tamatalk offered - at least that was what I concluded. i don't know the exact reasoning as to why XD)

She's a real life friend of mine who loves Tamagotchis and her blog is really good!

So definitely check it out ^^

Now since I flaked and didn't post a picture yesterday I'm going to post two today

These are of the pictures during the surgery


When my v2 was first taken apart


Both my v2 and my v5 taken apart

-Cyria's Stats-

Hungry: ★★★★

Happy: ★★★★

Training: |

Age: 1

Weight: 28

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Point: 578p

Pikachi's Guide to Replacing Buttons:


-Tuesday || November 29, 2011-

Today was a very good day in Cyria's life!

She didn't wake up until 10 AM which is good for me because I get out of school at 10:30

I didn't have to work today so we got to play lots of games

I got her weight down to the ideal weight but we didn't gather enough points to buy out the shop


She called for me but I accidentally hit time out instead of praise so I am one training short than what I should have :|

After 3 we were able to buy out the shop

And after 7 we bought it out yet again

We got a shovel but it only gave us a piece of cake


She fell asleep tonight missing 1 heart in both hungry and happy and with one poop

But that'll be fixed tomorrow for sure ^^



Not sure why it's sideways....


If you like my log then you should leave a comment on my status or my profile saying so ^^

Just lets me know that I have readers :'D

Keeps me inspired to keep this going

Also, check out my friend's log:


Thank you^^

-Wednesday || November 30, 2011-

A very good day in Cyria's life ^^

We played lots of games and were able to buy out the shop at 3pm and 7pm ^^

The first shop was stocked with 4 hats so we didn't buy that out cause that'd be pointless to have 4 hats :|

Gotta save our points for something more useful ^^

So either tomorrow or the day after Cyria will become an adult

Which is good :'D

Also, I got a few more trainings today which I am very happy about

So today there won't be a picture because I'm not in a very good mood

And I don't want to go through the trouble of getting it on here

So I'll do 2 tomorrow


If I'm in a better mood hehe...


Yesterday I forgot to put the end of the day stats

So I gotta be sure to do that today!

-Cyria's Stats-

Hungry: ★★★★

Happy: ★★★☆

Training: |||||||

Age: 3

Weight: 23

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Point: 121

If you liked my blog leave me a comment on my status or my profile telling me so!

Also check out my friend's blog @


Thank you ^^

-Friday || December 2, 2011-

So sorry there wasn't a post yesterday

I was thinking about before I went to bed and then I just kinda... forgot o_o

Ah well nothing too interesting happened

Today I had to work so we already know it is going to be a bad day in the life of Cyria


She turned into an adult today (the one that looks like a whale - I'm too lazy to look up the official name)

I fixed her before I got to work and then I was planning on checking up on her during my break which I usually get about halfway through my shift

However, I got my break only 30 minutes into my 8 hour shift, so there really wasn't much to check up on

And so at the end on my shift she was practically dead :|

I saved her but she's not in the best of conditions :|

Tomorrow I work as well so it's gonna be the same prolly


-Sunday || December 4, 2011-

So sorry I haven't been posting in the past couple of days!

I've been super busy with work and what-not

And then staying out until the wee hours of the night....


Today there was no work and I was home at like 4 PM and didn't go anywhere else

Lots of Tama time!

I even got to take FOUR PICTURES for you guys!

But before we get into pictures I'm going to go through my day

So today I started off with a very sick, almost dead Tama that weight about a million pounds

But through playing slots (and I mean LOTS of slots) we got down to healthy weight and pretty much stayed there all night

I played slots until I couldn't play games anymore and I had eaten all my treats

I raised about 3000p and then bought out my shop which dropped me nearly back to 0

And then I lost my winning streak :|

So I'm poor XD

I'm really excited because tomorrow the matchmaker should be coming ^^


This wold be Cyria playing with the maracas we bought today


Cyria was exercising with the weights we bought


This is Cyria's modeling shot. We're going to send this to America's Next Top Model.

We hope we win.


This would be Cyria playing with Lucen and her daughter.

Lucen is owned by my friend Swiko (link to her log will be posted below)

I really hope Cyria has a boy so that Lucen's daughter (un-named as of now) and my child can get married and have their own kids :'D

So yeah!

If you liked my log comment my status or my profile or something

It'd be nice to know I have readers D':

And again sorry for the scattered posts

No work tomorrow so you can count on a post tomorrow ^^

-Cyria's Stats-

Hungry: ★★★☆

Happy: ★★★☆

Training: |||||||||

Age: 6

Weight: 22

Point: 18

-Tuesday || December 6, 2011-

So I'm giving up on saying I'll post every single day

I'll pots MOST days, but every day just isn't realistic

However, I'm going to make 100% sure that I don't miss two days in a row!


We're gonna start with the picture today!


So I know this is a terrible picture but whatever

This would be Cyria and her son Phoya

Today is my last day being with Cyria


She is going to Tama-Heaven tomorrow :'(

I won't be starting Phoya's life until about 11:00 AM tomorrow

Good thing it'll be a toddler before I have to go to work

That would NOT work out too well at all

I had to work today so I didn't get to play with Cyria on her last day as I would have liked

But I did manage to sneak a few checks and made sure that they never fell below one heart in anything and no more than one poop stacked up

I didn't really get to play with Cyria as an adult very often, but I am very glad I got that one day at the park that I got to spend a lot of time with her

I saved up about 1000 points for Phoya to use so that I'm not broke and that I don't have to depend on Jump to make some points

So ya!

-Cyria's Final Stats-

Hungry: ★★★★

Happy: ★★★★

Training: |||||||||

Age: 8

Weight: 31

Point: 954p

So if you liked my blog or want to wish the best wishes to Cyria in TamaHeaven leave me a comment on my page or status!

Also, check out the blog of my friend who has Daine (the female tama baby that is arranged to be Phoya's wife) @


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