Your Collection


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Well-known member
May 11, 2018
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So it was suggested I make a new collection thread so here it is. 2018 edition. Post your tamagotchi/cyber pet collection.

This is a few from my collection. Not all of them as I have more since this picture and they wouldn't all fit in the picture.


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I took this pic a couple days ago for my insta. I started collecting in April, lmao. Before that I only had my P's. Mania sucks, lmao.

I have six 4Us, one 4U+, one P's, one m!x (20th anni version), one Friends, one 20th anni chibi, one v2, one v4, one Tama-Go, one IDL. Non-Tamas are one Nanamoon Fairypet, one Neopets PocketPet, one Pocket Pikachu Color, one Miraiscope, one Jewelpet Pod.


This is my collection as of March. Nothing has changed since then.


Top row: 20th Anniversary Tamagotchi Mini, Tamagotchi P1, Tamagotchi Connexion V2, Tamagotchi Connexion V4, Dinkie Penguin, Cyber Pet 168-in-1
Middle row: Chuppi, Penguin Watch, Virtual PETs (32-in-1), Shuku 20 Shunen Tamagotchi P2, Super Gyaoppi 9 in 1
Bottom row: Digimon (Version 1), Toy Story Virtual Friends Space Explorer, Penpy, MGA Penguin (Penguin Time)

If I locate my back-in-the-day virtual pets collection, I'll take a picture with all of them together.

This is my collection as of March. Nothing has changed since then.


Top row: 20th Anniversary Tamagotchi Mini, Tamagotchi P1, Tamagotchi Connexion V2, Tamagotchi Connexion V4, Dinkie Penguin, Cyber Pet 168-in-1

Middle row: Chuppi, Penguin Watch, Virtual PETs (32-in-1), Shuku 20 Shunen Tamagotchi P2, Super Gyaoppi 9 in 1

Bottom row: Digimon (Version 1), Toy Story Virtual Friends Space Explorer, Penpy, MGA Penguin (Penguin Time)

If I locate my back-in-the-day virtual pets collection, I'll take a picture with all of them together.
Love the silver V2. I have one I am paying for on ebay tomorrow.

After learning that Poundland is now selling £1 virtual pets (I've shared some thoughts on that here), I've ended up with an unexpected new addition to my collection, even if it is just another 168-in-1!


Top row: 20th Anniversary Tamagotchi Mini, Tamagotchi P1, Tamagotchi Connexion V2, Tamagotchi Connexion V4, Dinkie Penguin, Cyber Pet 168-in-1
Middle row: Chuppi, Penguin Watch, Virtual PETs (32-in-1), Shuku 20 Shunen Tamagotchi P2, Super Gyaoppi 9 in 1
Bottom row: Digimon (Version 1), Toy Story Virtual Friends Space Explorer, Penpy, MGA Penguin (Penguin Time), Digi Pets Jia Yuan 168-in-1

It's still cool to have another variant, anyway, and at least it's running a slightly different revision of the 168-in-1 software. :lol:

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My collection has increased since I've been on here as well. I also added a Super Gyaoppi 9 in 1, only mine is clear blue, a clear blue 20th anniversary mini, a flocky dark blue 20th anniversary mini, a blue CYOI entama, and am waiting on a blue Q-pet, which is still in transit. The list of my other items are either under the user names of ballpythonmom or magicboa, if you want to check them out. I haven't been on here for quite a while, but still love tamas and other vps. Lovely collections there, everyone!!! OOps!!! Almost forgot my yellow Gudetama, which I got back in January. All yellow with the face on it. I didn't get one with a cover.

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Got another Q-pet (blue again). I got it for only 15 dollars. It only took 5 days for me to get it (seller was in the USA).

You guys are making me want to take cute pictures of my collection as well when my meets comes in! I only have four tamas right now. a white +color, a dream coffret P's, blue spacey m!x and am waiting on a green magical meets :)

You guys are making me want to take cute pictures of my collection as well when my meets comes in! I only have four tamas right now. a white +color, a dream coffret P's, blue spacey m!x and am waiting on a green magical meets :)
I've got a pink Fairy Version Meets on the way, myself, and I'm waiting until it arrives before I take an updated picture of my collection!

English Gudetama arrived today.  The packaging has English, French, and Spanish languages, as well as the instructions.  The device itself is English, and plays the same as the Japanese one does.  The  C click scrolls on the top instead of the side like the Japanese one.  Still waiting for my Kadar Babies.

Got my Kadar Babies on Friday.  Very similar to p1/p2 tama.  Is in English.  2 games--one is the guess the direction, and the other is the high-low game, but they're cards you turn over.  Baby stage is similar to p2.  No growth chart, so it will be a surprise to see what evolves.

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Ok, I would post a picture of my collection, except that I don't know where most of it is, since I moved houses a few times last year, and haven't played with some of them since before all that, but off the top of my head I have:

  • 2 V2's (one's broken)
  • 1 V3
  • 2 V4's (again, one's broken)
  • 1 V4.5
  • 1 V5
  • 2 Music Stars
  • 2 Tama-Go's
  • 1 P's
  • 1 Lovely Melody iD
  • 1 M!X (20th Anniversary)

I think that's it? Yeah. One of the Music Stars used to be my sister's but she gave it to me because she didn't really play with it anymore.

My Tamagotchi Meets arrived today, so it's time for an updated collection shot. But first, a look back, because I signed up here one year and one day ago!


This is how my collection looked on December 23rd 2017.

And this is how my collection looks today;


Top row: 20th Anniversary Tamagotchi Mini, Tamagotchi Gen 1, Tamagotchi Connexion V2, Tamagotchi Connexion V4, Dinkie Penguin, Cyber Pet 168-in-1,  Chuppi
Middle row: Penguin Watch, Virtual PETs (32-in-1), Shuku 20 Shunen Tamagotchi Gen 2, Super Gyaoppi 9 in 1, Digimon (Version 1), Toy Story Virtual Friends Space Explorer
Bottom row: Penpy, MGA Penguin (Penguin Time), Digi Pets Jia Yuan 168-in-1, Tamagotchi Original Gen 1, Tamagotchi Meets Fairy Version

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Thought i would share my virtual pet/tamagotchi collection

My current tamagotchi's. I just started to want to play them again since i played with them when i was in middle school. I just got the 4u and had a friend patch it for me but will be getting a cheap compatible android in the mail soon.


These are my other virtual pets. Im super into Digivices 



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