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  1. puzzledpanda

    Watchlin help?

    I just got my watchlin in the mail yesterday! I'm so excited, I had to wait a long time for it to arrive. She is so cute :wub: But I have a few questions I hope someone can answer: 1. Does anyone have any passwords for Watchlin? I saw a youtube video that said there are two passwords listed...
  2. puzzledpanda

    Got my first pixel chix!

    Today was a sucky day, spent the morning studying while super loud construction was going on in my building. Then I had a very stressful exam, and a panic attack. :( But what cheered me up so much was checking the mailbox and finding that the pixel chix I had ordered on ebay had arrived...
  3. puzzledpanda

    Resetting Littlest Pet Shop Digital Pet help

    I have three littlest pet shop digital pets that I bought used. They are the version 2 type, with the two hanging charms that you use to care for your pet. I only have batteries in one of them right now. I want to reset it to erase all the sticker and stamp progress from the previous owner. I'm...
  4. puzzledpanda

    How to remove clothes off character in tamagotchi p's?

    I put a tiara on my mametchi to be funny but now I don't want him to wear it anymore haha. I can't figure out how to remove clothes though? Help?
  5. puzzledpanda

    Problem transferring files to tamagotchi P's using IR usb

    I got myself a tamagotchi p's recently from amazon, and also got an IrDA usb adapter so I could transfer files to the p's. Here is the one I got: I know how to transfer files to the p's, I...
  6. puzzledpanda

    Was your first virtual pet a tamagotchi or something else?

    I know for some people on here the first keychain virtual pets they had were nano pets, giga pets, or some type of knock-off pet, while other people had a tamagotchi as their first. For me, my v3 was the first handheld/keychain virtual pet I got, although before that I was interested in virtual...
  7. puzzledpanda

    Littlest Pet Shop Digital Pets question

    There's someone on kijiji selling littlest pet shop digital pets. They have 7 different ones in one lot (as well as some of the littlest pet shop toys, which I don't care about). They are the ones that have the hairbrush and food dishes on strings attached to the case. I'm just wondering, is...
  8. puzzledpanda

    I just got a furby boom!

    Finally I had a chance to get one so I did. I really wanted to get either the lightning bolts or stars design, but the toys r us I went to didn't have those. At first I was kind of disappointed... But then I took her out of the box and saw how cute she was and totally fell in love. :D I...
  9. puzzledpanda

    The future of tamagotchi releases outside Japan? Your thoughts?

    I'm just wondering what the future holds. Yes, the Tamagotchi Friends came out this year in North America, and last year in Europe, but now all the apps are being removed. Tamagotchi Tap and Hatch, both the Tamagotchi L.I.F.E. apps... How well has the Tamagotchi Friends been selling, really? I...
  10. puzzledpanda

    Value of used tamagotchi angel?

    I was just looking on kijiji, and was very surprised to find someone near me selling a tamagotchi angel. It's the American tamagotchi angel, the yellow shell with gold wings. It's used, the description says "perfect condition", although I can see a few small smudges on the shell in the photo, it...
  11. puzzledpanda

    Give me courage...! text the guy I like tomorrow. I already have his number because we're friends, but we've rarely seen each other for the past year. I'm really nervous about texting him, because the thing is, he's really perceptive. I can't just talk to him casually, he'll definitely be able to tell that...
  12. puzzledpanda

    Anyone playing webkinz? :P

    Haha, woah, Webkinz Talk looks like it hasn't been posted in for a long time-! So for me, I stopped playing webkinz in 2008. I had three pets: Tyler the tiger, Pebbles the panda, and Blitzen the reindeer. I just got tired of it and had figured I had outgrown it. But I don't know what it is...
  13. puzzledpanda

    Good virtual pet apps?

    Besides the Tamagotchi Life, and Tamagotchi Life Angel apps, what other good virtual pet apps are there? I recently downloaded an app called Hatch! It is so adorable! The animations are really cute. I just love everything about it. So what virtual pet apps have you guys come across? I can only...
  14. puzzledpanda

    As someone who prefers tamagotchis, should I still buy a furby boom?

    I really like tamagotchis and other keychain/handheld virtual pets. They are small and portable, and change/evolve over time. Furby boom is the exact opposite of those things (unless you count the personality changes as an "evolution"). And yet...I want one. :P After watching some videos on...
  15. puzzledpanda

    Tamagotchi L.I.F.E. Apps Survey

    I was just playing the Tamagotchi L.I.F.E. App, when I noticed the banner ad at the bottom said "Tamagotchi Survey". I tapped it, and it took me to a survey page. The survey is for all 3 tamagotchi apps: the original one, the angel one, and Tamagotchi Tap and Hatch. It's typical questions about...
  16. puzzledpanda

    Nano baby doesn't start up with new batteries

    I bought a used nano baby a while ago. Tried to start it up for the first time today. I put in new batteries, nothing. Pressed reset button, nothing. Took batteries out and put them in again. Tried other new batteries. Nothing. It doesn't look like there is any corrosion. But I only took off...
  17. puzzledpanda

    puzzledpanda's log!

    Hello everyone! This is my first tamagotchi log ever! I feel excited, and also a little bit like "what am I getting myself into". :P Today I started up my V1. I was completely charmed from the moment I put the battery in and saw the egg on the screen. There is some nostalgia for me from this...
  18. puzzledpanda

    Buying used tamagotchis, what price should I offer?

    So I've been looking to buy some tamagotchis from people on kijiji. One person who contacted me has a V1, a V5 or V5.5 (I can't tell which one it is) and "a nano" which wasn't pictured. The two pictured tamagotchis look to be in very good condition, no scratches to the paint or screen. Anyway...
  19. puzzledpanda


    Hello there! Back when I was 12 years old, I was a user on this forum, although I didn't post very much. In those days I played with my v3 and later my v4 until I was pretty much sick of them. Then I forgot about tamagotchis until summer of this year, when I bought a battery to run my v4 again...